It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia!!!// I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love! 2x
Come and see what the Lord has done for me, He has taken away my sorrow and I am healed, agam e buru alleluia buru, agam a para alleluia para. Because of Jesus everyday na shakara I dey do, double double heavenly blessings na him I dey receive hahahaeheheh God Your goodness and mercy always dey follow me Aiyee! God has given me victory, Aiyee! He has given me victory.
It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! it is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia! Praise the Lord alleluia! Praise the Lord alleluia!!!
Our Father in heaven your children have come before You to honour You for Who You are. Thank you Father for this beautiful week You have ordain to show us mercy and compassion, deliveries us from the pangs of death and magnify your Name above every power that exalt highly itself above You! Your are truly God, The Alpha and Omega! The Beginning and End, aside You there is no other God, besides You we are nothing, we come to say thank You, thank You and thank You again and again in Jesus Name!
O Lord we are very very grateful for all you have done for us! O Lord we are very very grateful for all you have done for us! We say thank You Jesus, thank You my Lord!!!
Have Your way again today Father, do that which Only You can do in our lives, gave us your peace and make us whole in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Beloveth, you know am always excited on Fridays because this class is very special, secondly I am looking forward to a little break and rest after a long week and am sure is same with you (laugh).
So we welcome you to another edition of PCL where we put to work all that we learnt, to see how far we going and seek help where necessary, to the glory of God today will not an exception because the Holy Spirit is here already to grant us access into the Living Word of God and bless us afterward, Praise the Lord somebody!!!
I am lead to us bring the topic before us and by the grace of God we will all sing hosanna because of what the Holy Spirit will do here today amen!
We spent our week considering the Nature of God which made Him Who He truly is – LOVE. God is love! For God loves the World (us) that He gave His Son for us! Not that that we love but he first loved us! Beloveth is on and on what God’s love is to us, Amen somebody!
We were taught to affirm this love by saying “I am loved.” Yesterday we discover also that the love of God guaranteed our security, which taught us to say “I am secure” and today by the grace of God we will stand and say in the midst of our challenges that “I am confident.”
Beloveth, when we think of a confident person, most of us probably picture a man or woman standing tall, chin up, with their eyes fearlessly focused on their goal. They know what they want, and they know that they have what it takes to get it. Everyone in their world is attracted to them because they seem so, well, confident.
Faced with the realization of how important confidence is to succeed in life, many of us look deep inside ourselves…and we panic. We aren’t confident. We aren’t bold. We can sometimes fake it with enough caffeine and desperation, but we don’t feel nearly as confident as we are told we ought to be.
So we pretend. “fake it ‘til you make it” becomes our mantra. And we rarely stop to wonder how many of the people around us are giving themselves the same pep talk.
If we are honest, appearing confident is easier than being confident, and plenty of people are sacred spitless behind their self-assured façade. That doesn’t mean we assume people are faking their confidence, but let’s not assume they are demigods either.
On the other hand, some people mistake arrogance for confidence. They are convinced that they are smarter than everyone around them, and that the world is not worthy of their Presence. But this isn’t true confidence any more than the fake confidence we just mentioned.
Both are counterfeits. But God offers the real thing. Real confidence can be defined as “an awareness of who you are, regardless of how you compare or measure up to others.” It is born out of inner security that doesn’t need constant affirmation from others, that doesn’t have dominate to prove itself, that isn’t shaken by failure because it wasn’t built on performance in the first place.
True confidence can’t be faked, at least not for long core belief are revealed. If our confidence is merely a faced, it will crack. If our confidence is just pride in supposedly superior abilities, it will crumble. But if our confident is the authentic outward expression of unshakable inner security in Christ, we will stand.
Confidence gives us the freedom to learn, grow and develop. It allows us risk failure as part of that learning process, because we don’t need to appear perfect to impress others or feel good about ourselves. As a result, we end up becoming and doing more than we ever could have if we had remained bound by the need to appear perfect.
Beloveth, we believe you learnt something today about you are in God through Christ.
Why is this confidence necessary in our walk with God? It helps us to believe what God said that is true and hold-on to it firmly. We need the confidence that God give to empty ourselves before Him and accept what He created to become.
So many are living below the plan of God for them because of lack of confidence but the Word of God said “He has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind. So why are we clouding in fear? While the cowardice?
God have given us His Word this month to lead and help us through Mega-Breakthroughs, if you believe, it will come to pass but if not, He is not to be blame, wear the confidence He has given You and you Leap over the Walls and run through the troops! Praise the Lord somebody!!!
Beloveth, here is a call today to partake of the Divine Nature of God? Are you ready? Then you must believe and accept that it is possible to have the Nature of God as it was designed from the very beginning which will help us to love and serve Him only.
The saints of old once found themselves without confidence but when looked up to God , He showed up and the rest is the testimonies we are sharing (Josh.1:9, Exo 4:10-11, Judg. 6:14, 2 Tim 1:7, Heb 10:36)
We must not cast away our confidence which hath a great recompense of reward and as we do so the Lord will bless us return in Jesus Name.
Come along to discover more:
Partakers of the divine nature.” 2 Peter 1:4
To be a partaker of the divine nature is not, of course, to become God. That cannot be. The essence of Deity is not to be participated in by the creature. Between the creature and the Creator there must ever be a gulf fixed in respect of essence; but as the first man Adam was made in the image of God, so we, by the renewal of the Holy Spirit, are in a yet diviner sense made in the image of the Most High, and are partakers of the divine nature.
We are, by grace, made like God. “God is love”; we become love—”He that loveth is born of God.” God is truth; we become true, and we love that which is true: God is good, and He makes us good by His grace, so that we become the pure in heart who shall see God. Moreover, we become partakers of the divine nature in even a higher sense than this—in fact, in as lofty a sense as can be conceived, short of our being absolutely divine.
Do we not become members of the body of the divine person of Christ? Yes, the same blood which flows in the head flows in the hand: and the same life which quickens Christ quickens His people, for “Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Nay, as if this were not enough, we are married unto Christ. He hath betrothed us unto Himself in righteousness and in faithfulness, and he who is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
Oh! marvellous mystery! we look into it, but who shall understand it? One with Jesus—so one with Him that the branch is not more one with the vine than we are a part of the Lord, our Saviour, and our Redeemer! While we rejoice in this, let us remember that those who are made partakers of the divine nature will manifest their high and holy relationship in their intercourse with others, and make it evident by their daily walk and conversation that they have escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
O for more divine holiness of life!
Beloveth, we must not cast our confidence in Christ that we are saved, our sins are forgiven us, we have the nature of God in us and we are called in Him to live out His purpose in our lives.
May God help us to accept the teachings of His Word and follow Him passionately in Jesus Name!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend; see you again on Monday by His grace. As mediate on these things, more hidden/ fortified things will be open up for you in Jesus Name!!!!
Read Ps 89: 15—18, Isa 41:17-20.
Join us to sing this song:
Your love has taken over me, I am now depends on You, I have confidence in You to You O! Lord I put my trust!2x
(Chorus) Under the canopy give me security I am the righteous of God ooo! 2x
Remain blessed in the Lord.