
God Repays

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Prov. 19:17

We are to give to the poor out of pity. Not to be seen and applauded, much less to get influence over them; but out of pure sympathy and compassion we must give them help.

We must not expect to get anything back from the poor, not even gratitude; but we should regard what we have done as a loan to the Lord. He undertakes the obligation, and, if we look to Him in the matter, we must not look to the second party.

What an honor the Lord bestows upon us when He condescends to borrow of us! That merchant is greatly favored who has the Lord on his books. It would seem a pity to have such a name down for a paltry pittance; let us make it a heavy amount. The next needy man that comes this way, let us help him.

As for repayment we can hardly think of it, and yet here is the Lord’s note of hand. Blessed be His name, His promise to pay is better than gold and silver.

Are we running a little short through the depression of the times? We may venture humbly to present this bill at the Bank of Faith. Has any one of our readers been a bit of a screw to the poor? Poor soul. May the Lord forgive him.


We thank God for thus far He had led us and will still lead us. We cannot adequately carry out all that is excepted of us as a ministry without some kingdom partners, who has the fire in them to go all the way for God.

You can partner with us in the following categories

Internet subscription and web Hosting payment

Welfare Support Ministry

Ministerial Support

We need your support to ensure the continuity of this message on the net. As it is “internet service orientated” which is one major tool we use to reach the masses for Christ. We therefore, solicit for your support for continuation of this daily devotion also to maintain and service hosting right of the ministry on the web.

The welfare Support Ministry – seek out the less privileges among us and try reaching to help them with both word and materials. Be rest assured that when you sent us we will go on your behalf. The month of October is our welfare month and is round the corner.

Ministerial Support – is a free will gifts in materials or cash as the Lord lays it in your heart to bless His servants. You are at liberty to bless God’s servant as the Holy Spirit leads you.

You will also be informed as the need/occasion arises on where to “GO” for the Lord, surely you will be blessed. Thank you and God bless you as you sow a seed in God’s kingdom that will yield fruits for the sower.

A big “thank you” also goes to every individual; the Lord has been using to ensure the continuation of His work. Your labour of love will be not be in vain. The Lord will cause His face to shine upon you and bless you and you will indeed be a blessing, your seed will delivery unto you hundred folds.


Account Details:

Account no: 0042318932

Name : Ohondu Ifeoma

Bank : Access Bank Plc


Please note Ministerial Support, please call in for the account number because it is different from the ministry fund.

Thank you.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu