Holy are Lord, all creation call You Lord, worthy is Your Name, we worship Your Majesty, Awesome God, how great Thou are, Mighty are Your miracle, we stand in awe of Your Holy Name, Lord we bow and worship You.// what can I say unto the Lord, all I have to say, is thank You Lord 2x. thank You Lord, thank You Lord, all I have to say is thank You Lord 2x.

My Father, My Father, we come to worship Your Holy Name. Thank You for beautiful week ahead of us. Thank You for showing forth Thy Praise in our lives and situation. O my Father, my Father, we bow to worship You. You are God of heaven and earth, hallow be Thy Name. How excellent, How wonderful You are. Great is Your Name. We thank You are Holy, and for ever You are Lord. Have Your way again in our live this week, make every crooked path straight, every mountain low and every valley low. Father do that which only you can do, be Thou exalted in Jesus Name.

Beloved, are bouncing in Lord? for me I am bouncing in the Lord every day. How was Your weekend? Thank God for another week to be everything He made us to be, Yes! because His Hand will help us, and our testimony will be full in Jesus Name. As a believer of Christ the topic before us will help your Christian walk and make your response time to the things of God more promptly.

Considering the topic before us how often have you failed in that regard? Have you tired pleasing man rather than God? It may be your parents or wife to a husband, or servant to a master. Have you find yourself in a situation where you are trying to honour a man other God because what might happen to you later or what you may be subjected to at the end. Some children have got to forsake their education when they openly declare that Jesus is their Lord and Personal Saviour? Some women lose their home when they decides to follow Jesus rather than continue in their ungodly way of life, their marriage is threatened and in some cases they are sent out their homes. Some got to either lose their jobs or lose their business when they chose to do it the Lord’s way.

It might happen but believe me it is be for awhile. If you choose God over anything, yes you might pain for a while but at the end you will count and discover that it is for your good after all. Those difficult moments are used by God to build us up, shape our character and make our life more acceptable to Him.

One basis thing you must know in your work with God is that you will no longer be popular, and loneliness will be your companion but you know what. At a child seek audience with his parents so the Lord wants your attention too. So those quite moments are time to communicate with your Father and seek directions from Him. You cannot be noisy and have good fellowship with God. Also you cannot be a friend to the world and to God also. Why? Your response time to God’s demand from you will not be prompt.

You will miss out on Divine assignment and that will not be too good as God’s instruction needs prompt responds. This and many more you will found out as we journey together:


For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. Galatians 1:10


At times you will have to make a choice between pleasing God and pleasing those around you, for God’s ways are not man’s ways (Isa. 55:8–9). As important as it is to strive for good relations with others, it is even more important to maintain a steadfast and obedient relationship with Christ. Disobeying God to keep peace with other people is never wise. Peace with God is always paramount.

Jesus warned that obeying Him might cause division in your relationships (Matt. 10:35–36). If Paul’s primary goal had been to please others, he would never have become an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul went completely against the wishes of his colleagues in order to obey Christ. At times, obedience to God sets family members at odds with each other (Matt. 10:35–36). When you follow Jesus’ lordship, your family may misunderstand, or even oppose you, yet your obedience to God reflects your identity as His child. Jesus said that those who obey His will are His brothers and sisters (Luke 8:21). God does not intend to divide the home, but He places obedience before domestic harmony.

It is important to get alone in quietness with God so that you understand what pleases Him. The world’s thinking will mislead you more easily when you are not clear about what God desires. It broke Peter’s heart to know that the opinion of a servant girl had mattered more to him than the approval of his Lord! If the desire to appease others tempts you to compromise what you know God wants you to do, learn from Peter’s mistake.

Beloved, determine that you will please your Lord regardless of the opinions of others. Let find out more below:

Then another of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” Matthew 8:21


Often our struggle as Christians is not in deciding whether we should obey Christ but in obeying immediately. We may acknowledge our need to follow Christ and commit ourselves to do what He has told us. Yet when God reveals His will to us, that is the time to obey! God’s revelation of His will is His invitation to respond immediately.

Some would-be disciples pledged their willingness to follow Jesus, but they told Him they were not ready yet. In Jesus’ day, a Jewish man was expected to care for his elderly parents until they died. One man wanted to wait until his father died before going with Jesus. This would be an honorable delay. The man had to choose between this important responsibility and heeding a call from the Lord. Yet God knew this man, and He knew the man’s father. God would have taken care of the man’s father, if he only would have followed Jesus. This was an opportunity to walk with the Son of God, yet the concerns of this life were competing for priority with obedience to God.

Timing our obedience is crucial. Invitations from God come with a limited opportunity to respond. Some opportunities to serve Him, if not accepted immediately, will be lost. Occasions to minister to others may pass us by. When God invites us to intercede for someone, it may be critical that we stop what we are doing and immediately adjust our lives to what God is doing. Missing opportunities to serve the Lord can be tragic. When an invitation comes from God, the time to respond is now.

The time to respond is now! Peradventure you have not yet given your life to Christ, this call is for you also. Come, Jesus is waiting to welcome you into His abode, if you will open the door of your heart for Him as He knocks. Click here to discover more.

Beloved, I believe you are starting the week right on this note. Is possible you have been missing out in your relationship with God, the time to make it right is now, don’t trivialize it, delay is dangerous in our walk with God.

So we kick off the week on this note, and we will return on Friday with testimonies.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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