Glory Honour Power and Majesty be unto Christ Amen! Alleluia!!! Glory Honour Power and Majesty be unto Christ Amen! Alleluia!!!..// I lift Your Name higher… I lift Your Name higher… I lift Your Name higher… I lift Your Name higher… I will lift up your Name above every other Name….
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee… We give Your Praise… all glory belong to You… You are worthy of our Praise… We give You honour, worship, We glorify and magnify Your Holy Name… Forever and ever Amen!!! Father, as we gather to pray! Jesus, hear us from Your Throne and show us mercy… Let the doors of heaven be open unto us… send down Your Power and Glory… and may we crown with honour also in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!
Beloveth we are to pray… and as we pray… we will carry our evidence in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Today we will be looking at various ways we can spend meaningful time with God… That is practical ways that are workable not paperwork as is common every where … Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit will help us by opening our eyes of understanding as to what to do that is suitable for us as an individual… alleluia…
Practical Suggestions On How To Spend Time With God
Intimate fellowship with Christ was the purpose of both creation and the cross: “God… has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord… ” (1 Corinthians 1:9b) Here are a few suggestions on how to cultivate that intimacy:
- Make the time regular — preferably in the morning:
Set a goal of 5 days a week, minimum. Solitude and silence should grace the time. If you are new at it, start with 10 minutes. The time will pass surprisingly quickly and soon you will find yourself expanding it to more.
- Have a specific place where you can be alone:
The patio
The car
The bathroom
A closet
- Include in your time:
Confession of sin
Petition (asking God for answers)
Intercession (prayers for others) – Make a list of people
- Read and meditate over Scripture:
Set up an ordered sequence. I find I get more when I take a slow, measured, and in depth approach, rather than race through a specified number of chapters a day. Begin by meditating from a Psalm and a portion of a Proverb. As your appetite (and allotted time) expands, you may also want to add a segment from the New Testament. Once this pattern is well established, you may then want to add a portion from the Old Testament.
- Journal:
Write down what you are gleaning from the Scriptures. I find using different colored pens to circle and underline principles and key words or ideas is helpful.
With appropriate passages ask, “What does this text teach me about Jesus?” Write it down.
Write out a prayer that relates to the passage. Also, jot down specific answers to prayer.
Record applications you are making from your time of prayer and meditation on the Scriptures.
QUESTION: If you are not consistent in your time alone with God, are you willing to begin now by taking the necessary time and effort to develop constancy in this critical area of your life?
Now that you are here… the suggestions made were they helpful? Is it doable? Do you think these will improve your prayer life? Have you asked yourself will it worth it?
I guess it will if you engage correctly… Don’t run the day with an old oil… always seek fresh grace daily… Corporate prayers are good but personal prayer energies your inner being … so make it compulsory to stand before the Throne of Grace daily to receive Grace for the journey ahead … alleluia!!! Amen!!!
God is the builder of all things… Heb.3:4. O Father help us to sit under You so that we can stand before men… Help us to pray and wait on You… soonest we will see Your manifestation in our lives Jesus Name Alleluia!!! (Job.34:32).
Beloveth… Trust His Processes, be patient and like a mustard seed …hummmmh one day you will explode… in His Word are the hidden things of life…. you can only get it by sitting at His feet daily… not occasional…
Some people wants to use family altar to replace their personal quiet … though it is good to have family altar but you still need a person relationship with Your Maker… He speaks to you personal as you ready and study the Word… He has a special interaction with you as you pour out your heart before Him…
May His Spirit give you deeper understanding in Jesus Name….
Beloveth… learn of these and take it alone as you go for evangelism and the Lord will help you to proffer workable and testable solutions to your new convert … alleluia
Further Reading-Ps.25:7, 2Cor.5:17, 2Cor.3:5, Matt.6:8, Mk.7:37, Ps.138:8., Ps.139:24, Ps.28:7, Jn.13:15, 1Thess.5:6, 2Tim.2:19.
Let us pray…
Remain blessed in the Lord.