Good morning Father, good morning Son, good morning Holy Spirit. We are grateful for a morning like this, thank You for the miracle of being alive and healthy. Thank You for showers of rain, blessed be Thy Holy Name.
Heavenly Father, how wonderful You, You are welcome in this place, Mighty God, for Your Presence makes all the difference. Gracious God, come and bless us today, let Your power come down and set the captive free, let the oppressed be delivered, let the sick be healed, let there be restoration in the lives of Your children in the Name of Jesus.
When two or three people gathers in Your Name, You are in their midst. Father, we are here for You, come and show forth Your power in the lives of Your children as they call on Your Holy Name. Beloved, the Lord will satisfy you and meet you all needs, you will laugh again as the hand of the Lord will perfect all that concerns you. You will look back and sing unto your Maker, whose Right Hand have done this great things for you.
Your heavens will open while your voice is lifted up. There are many saints of old whom the Lord visited as they prayed. Among them is Abraham (22:8-13), Isaac (Gen 24:62- 64), Jacob (Gen 32:24-31), Daniel (6:4-22), Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Dan 3:16-30), David (1 Sam 17:45-51), and so many others. Can it be repeated today? Yes! For your God will hear you and visit you as He did to His Son:
When all the people were baptized, Jesus also was baptized. As He was praying, heaven opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in a physical appearance like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are My beloved Son.I take delight in You!”—Luke 3:21–22
The greatest moments in a Christian’s life come through prayer. When Jesus prayed, heaven opened, and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. The Spirit came upon the disciples as they gathered to pray on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14; 2:1). When the disciples prayed together after Pentecost, their gathering place was shaken, and they were emboldened to proclaim the gospel throughout the city (Acts 4:31).
Prayer is not a substitute for hard work—prayer is the work! God does things in and through our lives by prayer that He does in no other way. As we pray and as our attention is turned toward God, we become more receptive to aligning our lives with His will. God will not equip us with His power while we are racing off to our next appointment! His Spirit will not empower us if we are oblivious to what He is saying. He requires our complete attention before He will fill us with the powerful presence of His Spirit.
If you want to learn how to pray, use Jesus as your model. Jesus did not always receive what He asked for, but His prayers were always heard and always answered (Mark 14:36; Heb. 5:7). If you do not sense the Holy Spirit’s power in your life, you may not be spending adequate time in prayer. Perhaps you are pursuing your own agenda rather than seeking the Father’s will. You may have abandoned the place of prayer before God’s answer came. If you will commit yourself to spend sustained time in prayer, asking for God’s kingdom on earth, God will work in your life just as He did in the lives of Jesus and His disciples.
I have had many people argue that it is not about prayer, but there is a correction here, is not about prayer alone. Sincerely some of the things that I did that was very successful and work were received in the place of prayer. And like our message this morning said, sometime before our answers will come, we are off to order things and that lingers the expected answers.
Our second message today also encouraged us to bear one another’s burden. That characterized the early Christians lives, they shared things in common, they help one another but do we see such a thing among us these days? Sometime it is your brethren that will defraud you, expose you to risk, and assassinate you if care is not taken.
It is your fellow brethren that will refuse to do you good when it depends on them to shame the devil, they will rather be instrument in the hand of the evil one, for the fact they think they are save today, not knowing what tomorrow holds for them.
Beloved, that is not the desire of your Father, He want us to be each other’s keeper, He also said that the poor will always be among you, He said that he that giveth to the poor, lendeth to Him (Prov 19:17).
Apostle Paul wrote on this, hope we will gain from the message below and decide to be of help to those who are weak among us, it might just be a little push that will keep them running again, endeavor to find out how you can be of help and stop pretending as if you don’t see their needs or you are waiting for them to bow to you before you help? That’s flesh, desist from it.
So many have testified about how they were saved from backsliding, apostasy just by the love and care of brethren around them. Something our negligence in giving leads them to seek help in the wrong places and wrong people. Like Apostle Paul, identify with those who are weak. :
Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation?—2 Corinthians 11:29
Christians do not live in isolation. When we sin, there are repercussions throughout the Christian community. When a brother or sister suffers, we are affected. Our calling is not to be solitary Christians but to be members of a priesthood (1 Pet. 2:9).
It was impossible for Paul to remain unmoved while there were believers in Corinth who were spiritually weak. When he learned that false teachers had caused Christians in Corinth to stumble in their faith, Paul burned with indignation. Paul told the church members at Corinth to rejoice when a church member rejoices and to weep when a fellow member weeps (1 Cor. 12:26). We depend on one another, and this influences everything we do. Jesus said that even when we pray, we are to begin by saying “our Father” (Matt. 6:9). We must do everything with our fellow Christian in mind (1 Cor. 14:12).
It’s possible to become so preoccupied with your own spiritual journey that you do not get involved in your church. You can become so focused on what God is doing in your own country that you are oblivious to the suffering and persecution that your fellow Christians face in countries around the world. If other believers around you are rejoicing or hurting, and you are unaffected, you have become desensitized to the people of God.
Ask God to place a burden on your heart for fellow believers. Make yourself aware of their needs. Pray for them and adjust your life to God’s activity in their lives.
May God manifold blessings rest on you as you do His will concerning the needy in your area of influence. Don’t give grudging or you will not be blessed. God loves a cheerful giver, so give with a cheerful heart, encourage the brethren around you, remove the stumbling blocks on their ways and don’t let an occasion for the devil to accuse you later (Lk 6:38; Deut 28:3).
Remain blessed in the Lord.