O gracious God, Invisible, Immortal, Everlasting King of glory, we bow before Your throne to worship You. You own us and all that we have is Yours blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever.
Thank You for another opportunity to stand before you, to lift up a holy hands unto Thee, blessed be thou Thy Name.
Beloved, you are most welcome to the fellowship of the saints, the gathering of the first born to honour our God the Maker of heaven and earth. When we pray, we are just doing our natural bit.
Prayer is a lifestyle of every child of God. So our invitation to you this day is to live out your natural self. No additive; No flavor, just be yourself.
It is sad to note that this natural state of a child of God has become too difficult for most of us to live. We can work round the clock but can we also pray round the clock? Some of us go to work on Sundays but we cannot even honour God for an hour. Is so sad because we go to the battle field without ammunition or cartilages in our gun. When faced with challenges that we naturally should walk over, we struggle and sometimes get stuck.
How about praying for others which include the nation where you resides? God admonishes the Israelites to pray for the peace of nation where he took them captivity, for in the peace of the land lies their own peace and security.
The question is “if you do not have time to pray for yourself, how and when will you be able to pray for your nation. Some of our churches are good at it, call it “corporate prayers” but as an individual, do we set out time to pray for our nation?
Today’s devotional is calling us to pray for the peace our nation. Will you do that today? Will you also from today begin to offer prayers for the nation in your private devotion?
God on Whose Name you call, will answer you, for the battle truly is not yours but His but you must commit it into His hands and He will fight for us, win the victory and grant us peace. Amen. Let us pray:
“And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace Jer. 29:7
The principle involved in this text would suggest to all of us who are the Lord’s strangers and foreigners that we should be desirous to promote the peace and prosperity of the people among whom we dwell. Specially should our nation and our city be blest by our constant intercession. An earnest prayer for your country and other countries is well becoming in the mouth of every believer.
Eagerly let us pray for the great boon of peace, both at home and abroad. If strife should cause bloodshed in our streets, or if foreign battle should slay our brave soldiers, we should all bewail the calamity; let us therefore pray for peace, and diligently promote those principles by which the classes at home and the races abroad may be bound together in bonds of amity.
We ourselves are promised quiet in connection with the peace of the nation, and this most desirable; for thus we can bring up our families in the fear of the Lord, and also preach the gospel without let or hindrance. Today let us be much in prayer for our country, confessing national sins, and asking for national pardon and blessing, for Jesus’ sake.
For the battle is not ours but His:
“And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.” 1Sam. 17:47
Let this point be settled, that the battle is the Lord’s, and we may be quite sure of the victory, and of the victory in such a way as will best of all display the power of God. The Lord is too much forgotten by all men, yea, even by the assemblies of Israel; and when there is an opportunity to make men see that the Great First Cause can achieve His purposes without the power of man, it is a priceless occasion which should be well employed.
Even Israel looks too much to sword and spear. It is a grand thing to have no sword in the hand of David, and yet for David to know that his God will overthrow a whole army of aliens.
If we are indeed contending for truth and righteousness, let us not tarry till we have talent, or wealth, or any other form of visible power at our disposal; but with such stones as we find in the brook, and with our own usual sling, let us run to meet the enemy.
If it were our own battle we might not be confident; but if we are standing up for Jesus, and warring in His strength alone, who can withstand us? Without a trace of hesitancy let us face the Philistines; for the Lord of Hosts is with us, and who can be against us?
Nobody! Is that your own response too? So let us make haste to pray as our God is set to win our battles for us. Do not faint in the place of pray. Ask God to give you fresh grace as to tarry in the place of prayer and when receive “please pray for the Nation especially concerning the issue of concerns presently threatening the peace and unity of the nation where you reside.
The Lord will hear your prayer and deal kindly with His people.
Praise the Name of the Lord!
Remain blessed in the Lord.