When I look around me I will see my Lord Jesus, look around me I will see my Lord Jesus, look around me I will see my Lord Jesus, look around me I will see my Lord.//Hail my Jesus ebube, ebube dike, Hail my Jesus, ebube, ebube dike, O hail my Jesus ebube ebube, ebube ebube dike, we go dey hail, hail Your Name, day by day, all the way, all the way 2x.

Father, we thank You, for Your Word that you give us yesterday. Thank You for your promises never fail but will find fulfillment in our life. We blessed Your for another opportunity to hear your Word. Speak to our mind, speak in assent distinct and clear. Help us to hear You as you speak to us when we pray, we praise, and worship You. We give You glory, be blessed for ever and ever.

Beloved, is good to be here. Are you happy with the theme of the month? How many promises in yesterday ministration did you covet as you read? Our faithful God has given us His promises, ours is to trust Him so that we shall find fulfillment in Him, through Him and with Him. Shout a believing Alleluia! Glory be to God.

Having received God’s promises, is important we pray until is delivered to us. Praise God. So we are here to pray, are you ready to pray. Interestingly this is the first of it this month, so make sure you pray to over the month of August. Praise God.

Our topic today is an eye opener to why so many people fail soon after they are victorious over one challenge. They see themselves struggling soon after the Lord delivered them from the present challenge they took before Him in prayer.

Thank God for such a time like this as the Lord will make Name for Himself again. You will have an insight on how to remain victorious and be in charge forever.

Beloved, to find fulfilment in your endeavours, there is something you must do. The truth in the Word says that the truth you know sets you free. So if you want to stay free and in charge then you have to imbibe the truth. It therefore means that you will always search the scripture and hold onto the promises which you use as your spiritual axe against every attack of the devil against you.

So like we said yesterday about our dearest Ruth, who against hope trusted God to help her and God did. She knew about the Mighty power in the God of the Israelite and she decide to follow Him through her mother –in-law and God honour her. Ruth became one of the great women through whom our Lord Jesus Christ came. Orpah went back to her people and their gods, nowhere was her Name mentioned again in the Word (Ruth1:12-18).

Beloved, what are those things humanly speaking is beyond you and you have means of accomplishing it? What are those situations that is asking you where is your God? What is that sickness or unfruitfulness that is asking you “did God said…?” I want you to lift them up to Him now and see Him walking through them one after the other.

Have you observed that each time God wants to do the miraculous He always says “Be still and….” Read Ps 46:10; Josh 3:8. Therefore we will also pray with the understanding that God will hear and answer, so after we have prayed we must be “still” before God by trusting Him and we will see Him doing the miraculous for us. Praise God.

Come along with me as we discover more:

After He said good-bye to them, He went away to the mountain to pray.—Mark 6:46

What do you do after a spiritual victory? Where do you go after reaching a high point in your Christian life? Jesus went to pray. Jesus had just fed a multitude with only five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:34–44). If there were ever a time to relax and bask in the glow of God’s power it should have been then. Instead, Jesus climbed a mountain to pray. When Jesus prayed, the Father clearly revealed His will and His ways to His Son. It eventually dawned on Jesus’ disciples that Jesus prepared for every major decision and difficult challenge with a time of prayer (Luke 11:1).

As Jesus prayed on the mountain that day, the Father knew His Son was about to face a fierce storm (Mark 6:48). The disciples raced headlong into the tempest unprepared, but Jesus entered the storm after communing with His Father in prayer. The Father had prepared Jesus for what was coming, and Jesus met the crisis with all the power of God.

It is tempting to relax after a spiritual victory, but a crisis could follow at any time. You must stand guard over your high points. It is at these times when you experience God mightily that you should immediately get alone to pray. Then you will not be caught unprepared when trials come. Have you experienced a spiritual victory? Follow your Lord’s example and go immediately to a place of prayer so the Father can prepare you for what is coming.

Did you just read that we must hang our boot because we have slay the foes that are after us? Beloved, Jesus never rested after any spiritual victory, rather He go before His Father interceding for the ones in future, likewise we are enjoined to do. We must keep our fire glowing on the altar. We must not rest or slumber on the way least the roaring lion take us unaware. More from below:

“So she gleaned in the field until even.” Ruth 2:17


Let me learn from Ruth, the gleaner. As she went out to gather the ears of corn, so must I go forth into the fields of prayer, meditation, the ordinances, and hearing the word to gather spiritual food. The gleaner gathers her portion ear by ear; her gains are little by little: so must I be content to search for single truths, if there be no greater plenty of them.

Every ear helps to make a bundle, and every gospel lesson assists in making us wise unto salvation. The gleaner keeps her eyes open: if she stumbled among the stubble in a dream, she would have no load to carry home rejoicingly at eventide. I must be watchful in religious exercises lest they become unprofitable to me; I fear I have lost much already—O that I may rightly estimate my opportunities, and glean with greater diligence.

The gleaner stoops for all she finds, and so must I. High spirits criticize and object, but lowly minds glean and receive benefit. A humble heart is a great help towards profitably hearing the gospel. The engrafted soul-saving word is not received except with meekness. A stiff back makes a bad gleaner; down, master pride, thou art a vile robber, not to be endured for a moment.

What the gleaner gathers she holds: if she dropped one ear to find another, the result of her day’s work would be but scant; she is as careful to retain as to obtain, and so at last her gains are great. How often do I forget all that I hear; the second truth pushes the first out of my head, and so my reading and hearing end in much ado about nothing! Do I feel duly the importance of storing up the truth?

A hungry belly makes the gleaner wise; if there be no corn in her hand, there will be no bread on her table; she labours under the sense of necessity, and hence her tread is nimble and her grasp is firm; I have even a greater necessity, Lord, help me to feel it, that it may urge me onward to glean in fields which yield so plenteous a reward to diligence.

Beloved, do you labour under the sense of necessity? Then you have to labour wisely, you have labor in prayer with great diligence and see God answering your prayers.

Pray beloved, pray without ceasing, pray with all might and see the glory of God descending from above upon you. See the Beauty of God resting on you, see your prayers receiving answers, beloved see your glory being restore as the Mighty God makes His goodness to pass before you. (Exo 33:19).  All these and more will you receive as you pray today,

Father, give ear to our prayers in Jesus Name!

Let us pray!!!!!!!!!!! Pray in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain every blessed in the Lord.


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