Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen! for His mercies enduerth forever Amen!!! // Take glory Father… Take glory Son… Take glory Holy Spirit now forever more….X2.
Our Father we thank You Most Holy God… Thank You for the gift of another day in the land of the living… who is like unto Thee Jehovah… You are God… there is none to be compared with Thee… You are the Lord, Let Your Name be glorify!!! We worship You, we return to give You Praise…. Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… thank God for the grace to pray… this is last of it this month… Our God is all time… He answers us and will yet answer us we pray again today….
When should we pray? or often do we need to pray… from the teaching below we saw our Lord Jesus praying even after achieving a spectacular miracles and we need to draw inference from Him through the help of the Holy Spirit who reveals all truth to us.. Amen!
Firstly beloveth for you to be a person of prayer you must devout yourself to it… Are you devoted to prayer and the ministry of the Word?
God wants us to pray, read and mediate upon His word. He hears our prayers when we reach out to Him. He know what we need each moment and will help us. The Lord is so good to us all the time. He is working even when we cannot see. Lift your hands and your hearts to Him so that He can help you. He want to hear your heart. He wants to respond to promises for you. open your heart wide so that He can fill it with His love. It begins with a devoted heart to pray and read truth. Be devoted to the Lord so that His promises will come to life in you!
Do you know the Holy Spirit Who breathed new life and give great power? Jesus enjoyed the ministry of the Holy Spirit likewise He wants you to… the Holy Spirit will breathe life and power into each person who will surrender and listen to Him. He is a powerful life-giving Spirit Who will guide you into all truth as you listen and obey. His promptings. He will speak to your heart in a way that will give your heart in a way that will give you a deep understanding of the word of God. His life-giving power helps you apply the Word to your life. As you activate his power, you will sees a remarkable difference in the way your heart on fire with freedom and hope like never before . Are you ready to be filled with the Holy Spirit? Look up, listen to His voice, believe, obey and receive all that is your in Christ Jesus!
Beloveth still want discover more…. Join us as we learn from our Saviour Jesus….
After He said good-bye to them, He went away to the mountain to pray.—Mark 6:46
What do you do after a spiritual victory? Where do you go after reaching a high point in your Christian life? Jesus went to pray. Jesus had just fed a multitude with only five loaves of bread and two fish (Mark 6:34–44). If there were ever a time to relax and bask in the glow of God’s power it should have been then. Instead, Jesus climbed a mountain to pray. When Jesus prayed, the Father clearly revealed His will and His ways to His Son. It eventually dawned on Jesus’ disciples that Jesus prepared for every major decision and difficult challenge with a time of prayer (Luke 11:1).
As Jesus prayed on the mountain that day, the Father knew His Son was about to face a fierce storm (Mark 6:48). The disciples raced headlong into the tempest unprepared, but Jesus entered the storm after communing with His Father in prayer. The Father had prepared Jesus for what was coming, and Jesus met the crisis with all the power of God.
It is tempting to relax after a spiritual victory, but a crisis could follow at any time. You must stand guard over your high points. It is at these times when you experience God mightily that you should immediately get alone to pray. Then you will not be caught unprepared when trials come. Have you experienced a spiritual victory? Follow your Lord’s example and go immediately to a place of prayer so the Father can prepare you for what is coming.
Yes in the place of prayer we receive revelations…. So why don’t you make it a duty to pray always and live a victorious life… Amen
Don’t forget to pray for the coming month… that the Hand of God will rest upon us for good, strengthen us and guide us through Amen!!!
Further Reading Acts 6:4, 10:44, Lk 18:1,
Father, hear us as we pray… lead us to the Rock that is higher thank us…. deliver us from every spiritual lethargy and make us fruitful in the place of prayer in Jesus Name….
Remain blessed in the Lord.