Great is Thy faithfulness…Great is Thy Faithfulness…morning by morning new mercies I see…All that I needed Thy hands have provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee….// I am thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done in my life Lord! I am thanking You Lord for Who You are What You have done Dan Sakari Baba…

Our Father we thank You for all You have done…what are doing and what You will yet do..Blessed be Thy Holy Name… Alleluia to You again and again in Jesus Name… Thank You for answer to prayers… deliverance, healings, provisions, protections, safety… You are God Almighty God…. in Thee we live, we move and have our being…. Blessed be Thy Holy Name in Jesus Name…

Wonderful Marvelous are works of the Lord, Praise be Thy Name…. Ohhhh Wonderful, Marvelous are the works of the Lord Praise be Thy Name….

Father we worship and glorify Your Holy Name now and forever more…Amen!!!

Beloveth, we pray because we know that our God is a prayer answering God…. but when we pray and allow doubt to creep in subtly… we miss it because God cannot break His Word- Heb 11:6… are believing that He is beloveth? and He is also a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him… we are not talk of “off” and “No” way of worship… we are saying effectual fervent seeker of God…. Praise the Lord!!!

We are therefore being admonished to keep on praying until answer comes… Dan 9:21… beloveth don’t just pray and give up rather pray until something happens… our God have ears and He hears… He has mouth and He Speaks… He has legs and He moves… Praise the Living Jesus…. Alleluia!!!

In verse 22… something showed up… Daniel was praying… and an angel was sent Him to give him skill and understanding…. Beloveth you must learn to pray until you receive understanding from above about what to do in that situation or circumstances… you don’t rush through your prayer list or commands before God but you must continually seek God’s face until He tells you what to do… show you how to go about it… lead you to the right path…. Until these things happen pray on… God is not tired of hearing you…He want to hear you always… so keep the conversation line open by shouting Praise God… Thank You Father… alleluia Jesus…. you are wonderful God…. just keep telling Him how you feel about Him…what is going on around you…eulogize Him… it trills Him you know and when eventually He shows up…. you answers will be deliver in an unexpected, awesome way…. just the way He deem fit… meaning that you must not guess your answers or predict His answers too…

The early church was praying for Peter’s release but were not expecting the answer that they receive… oftentimes we fall in the same error… we pray but we don’t have the faith to take our desired answers… We start giving God options of the answer He will give us… that is praying but not believing… before we go into the story that buttress that we have an assignment to deliver on our teaching series on Abundant Blessings… we highlighted about double blessings yesterday today we will be considering “Irreplaceable Praise-

In fractal geometry, there is a complex set of numbers that produces an infinitely intricate shape when plotted on a plane. It’s called a Mandelbrot set, after the founder of fractal geometry, Benoit Mandelbrot. Cloud and complexity. Any detail can be magnified to reveal even more detail, had infinitum.

The blessibgs of God are a Mandelbrot set. They aren’t one size fits all. each blessings is a custom fitted to your complexity and, I might add, your personality.

Take the mercy of God, for example. The mercy God has shown you is as unique as your fingerprint. The writer of Lamentations said that God’s mercies are new every morning (lam 3:22-23). The Hebrew word for “new” doesn’t just mean “again” and “again.” it means “different.” In other words, today’s’s mercy is different from yesterday mercy, which is different from the mercy of the day before that.

If you want to fully appreciate God’s mercy, take out a calculator. Multiply your age by 365 days; the add the number of days since your last birthday. The total number of days you have been alive is synonymous with the different strains of mercy you have been shown. Each day’s mercy is a never –to-be repeated miracle.

Let push this envelope a little further.

There never has been and never will be anyone like you, but that isn’t a testament to you. it is a testament to the God who created you. and the significant of that is this: no one can worship God like you or for you. when we sing a song like “Great Is Thy faithfulness,” we may be singing the same words, but we are singing a very different song.

God has been faithful to me in thousand of different ways. When I sing of His Faithfulness, I am singing out my unique experience. And so are you. If you don’t sing, the person next to you might not miss your voice, but God will. In fact, you are holding out on God. Why? Because your Praise is irreplaceable! Like our Praise that is uniquely offered to God, God’s blessings are uniquely fitted to us.

Now that you know —what can you praise God for today that no else in history has praised Him for? Yesterday, Paul  and Silas praised God and was out of prison… what prison do you want to be out from?…. Will you believe that it is done or will you be praying without believing …

Come along for more:

She recognized Peter’s voice, and because of her joy she did not open the gate, but ran in and announced that Peter was standing at the gateway.

“You’re crazy!” they told her. But she kept insisting that it was true. Then they said, “It’s his angel!”—Acts 12:14–15

You can say prayers in your mind but doubt in your heart. At times God will answer such prayers as He did when Peter was in prison, scheduled for execution. The believers in Jerusalem were powerless to free him, so they prayed. When God released Peter, their reaction revealed the doubt in their hearts. They argued that Peter could not possibly be free, even as he stood outside knocking on the door!

Is it possible to be a “person of prayer” and yet not have faith? Is it possible to fool yourself into believing that because you ask God for help, you have faith in His ability to meet your needs? Is your faith so weak that you are surprised when God answers your prayer?

As a child of God, you ought to expect God to answer your prayers. Do you ask God to do something without adjusting your life to what you are praying? If you are praying for revival, how are you preparing for its coming? If you are praying for forgiveness, are you still living with guilt? If you have asked God to provide for your needs, do you remain worried and anxious?

Ask God to increase your faith and then begin living a life that reflects absolute trust in Him. Out of His grace, God may choose to respond to your requests despite your lack of faith, but you will miss the joy of praying in faith.

Beloveth you seen it all… When Paul and Silas sing praises to God they doubted not and so the prison gate went asunder and they even won the souls of Jailer and his family though the Bible did not mentioned it, is possible some of their inmates would have also joined them in the kingdom crusader…

Are ready to receive abundant blessings… beloveth first serve, pray, Praise and see God in action on your behalf… Praise the Living Jesus alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

Above all build your faith….

Further Reading- Lam 3:22-23, Dan 3:17, Ps 86, Matt.9:2, Jas 5:8 Ps 115

Remain blessed in the lord.

Remain blessed in the Lord..

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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