Thank You so much Lord Jesus. Thank You so much Lord Jesus. Thank You so much Lord Jesus, we thank You. We thank You, we thank You.// Lord You are so good, be thou exalted above the earth. Lord You so good, be thou exalted above the earth, it doesn’t matter what the world would say, it doesn’t what Satan is doing. It doesn’t matter what is happening around me it doesn’t O Lord! Be thou exalted above the earth.
Yes! Father it doesn’t matter what is happening around us, what satan and is agent is doing, what matters is that You are God, seated above, every other thing will wear out but you O God endureth forever. Thank You for the gift of another day, we blest You forever and ever. Faithful God we bless You, we honour Your Name forever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how was your night? Are you working in revelation? That was our first message along the new message to you. When we operate with divine revelation it is easier to access the miraculous Praise God. Our God does not operate without given a prior knowledge of what He is about to do. Therefore we always keep in touch with heaven so that we receive what heavens is doing at each point in time. The world we are in is full of distractions but we must make conscious effort to be tuned to God else we lose touch and what follows suit will be regretted. Praise the Lord.
How do we keep in touch with God is what we will be considering today as we look into today’s ministration. How do you prepare to meet with the Lord? God gave Moses instruction on how to appear before Him. He was firm with instruction as He said that “lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze, and many will perish.”
Beloved, we need to be grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for breaking the barrier that separate the Holy of holies, from the outer court, we now by the blood of Jesus can approach God and will not consumed. We can call on God even from our kitchen, rest- room and it will not be abominable before God.
Indeed, we are the privilege ones. Is there demands from us on how to appear before God? Though Jesus has broken the barriers there are still some expectation from us as we go before the Lord. Let us discover more from the message below:
And the Lord told Moses, “Go to the people and purify them today and tomorrow. They must wash their clothes and be prepared by the third day, for on the third day the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.—Exodus 19:10–11
Meeting with God requires preparation. God is awesome and perfectly holy. Barging into His presence unprepared is an affront. When the children of Israel were to meet with Him, God commanded them first to take two full days to prepare. Once the people were ready, however, God spoke to them with thunder and lightning, with fire and smoke and the sound of loud trumpets (Exod. 19:16–25). It was through this encounter that God revealed such marvelous truths as the Ten Commandments, establishing the standard by which God expected His people to live.
You cannot spend day after day in the world without its affecting your mind and will and heart. It doesn’t take long to become disoriented to the ways of God. The world has a dulling effect on your spiritual sensibilities. God established the Sabbath so His people could take an entire day to refocus on Him and His will for them after spending six days in the world.
How do you prepare for your times of worship? What fills your mind the night before? Often the last thing you put into your mind at night is still on your mind the next morning. Genuine worship requires spiritual preparation. Your experiences of worship reflect your spiritual preparation. Prepare yourself now for your next encounter with God.
Yes our level of preparedness determines our success level. When you are expectant from the Lord, He will always fulfill your expectation and oftentimes exceed it but you will only grip it with attentiveness. You must be one in both your heart, mind and spirit to comprehend what the Spirit of God is saying.
When we fail to honour God through our prayer there are consequence such that God can destroy the very thing that takes away your attention from Him. Beloved, let discover the hidden things of God and tread carefully
If You Were God, What Is The One Sin That Would Cause You To Destroy Mankind?
In Noah’s day when God destroyed the earth with a flood:
“They were eating… drinking… (and) marrying… ” (Luke 17:27)
The focus of their lives was on their family and social life.
In Lot’s day when God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, they were:
“Eating… drinking… buying… selling… planting… (and) building.” (Luke 17:28)
The focus of their lives was also on their family, social life, and on their businesses!
These activities, it would seem, are not exactly the kind that would merit the destruction of mankind!
Except for one small problem: Their emphasis on family, social life, and business simply excluded God. They didn’t hate God. They just ignored Him.
In fact God was to them:
- Irrelevant
- On the sidelines
- Odd “Man” out
And in the Bible this kind of attitude spells IDOLATRY.
It was precisely because of their idolatry that God destroyed their generation.
Tell me, is your life centered primarily on your family, social life or business? Or on God?
If it is not on God, you have a serious problem: IDOLATRY.
And IDOLATERS will not be in God’s heaven. (See 1 Corinthians 6:9)
Beloved, did you read that? IDOLATARY is a sin that God can never overlook so be warned and stay far from it. Never place anything before God always put God first in all your endeavours and God will richly favour you as the day go by.
Pray and ask God to take away from you every idol that you have made for yourself knowing and unknowing. Ask the Spirit of God to search you and reveal such things that God sees as idol and break their holds over your life in Jesus Name. Pray and God will answer you.
Father we ask that the power of idols be broken in our lives in Jesus Name. Help us Lord to look steadily upon you in Jesus Name.
Let us pray with Rev 14:5. Praise God!
Remain ever bless in the Lord.