Glorious God, Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before You Throne….2x We bow before Thy Throne we worship at Your Feet..we bow before the Throne You are a glorious God…// Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb… Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb… Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb…. Lamb of God….2x… Praise Him alleluia…Praise Him alleluia… Praise Him alleluia… Praise the Lord….
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… O Lord! Who is like unto Thee… Thank You for Who You are… Thank You for Who You are … Thank You for loving us even when we cannot see any thing good in ourselves… Thank You Father for watching over us… we forgive us O Lord our sins and make us to see you in every situation that making itself highly than You… O Lord! Almighty Jehovah… we bow at Your Throne and we say O Lord… come and have Your way… may us obedient to You… and as we humble ourselves… let Your blessings rain upon us … let doors be open to us… let Your Spirit make us strong to walk the path of righteousness in Jesus Name… Amen
Beloveth…in our Faith clinic today we will take time to truly examine our mind… in response to walk with God… do you truly believe in God’s love for us… if we do how?
Our mind is a battle field… beloveth… the Bible forewarned us to guide our heart … “Keep your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” (Prov.4:23). How easy is it for us to live the Bible life as told us by the Holy Scripture…
Can we consider this story together… Burn the Boats!
In 1519, the Spanish conquistador, Captain Hernan Cortes, landed in Veracrus Mexico to begin his great conquest of the new world. He reportedly ordered his men to burn the ship in which they arrived in order to remove any option of return from the minds of his men.
Beloveth, we too must settle in our hearts and minds that there is no plan B. we must burn our Plan B. Jesus is our Plan A, B, C. He is our provider and highest pleasure. He is our comforter and our healer. That does not mean that we quit our jobs, stay away from the movies and never go to a doctor. But it may mean that we are less focused on amassing wealth and more on giving it away. It is an issue of the heart. We must determine that we will to lose it all, all our wealth, all our family, for the exceeding worth of chridt our hope of glory!
Often, we simply take our same idols and dress them in church clothes. We still want prestige, so we run after titles and positions in the church- apostle, reverend, pastor… we still want to be rich, so we send money to Israel and tithe and ‘show a seed’ hoping to earn material blessings in exchange. Chrsit has yet to become the object of our heart’s desire. we are just using the Name of Christ to get what we really want.
Sometimes our boats are not bad things. They are good things that are simply of no use to us in our new life. A boat is just not designed for land transportation. Our ‘boats’ could be our denomination, doctrinal persuasion, Bible knowledge, church attendance, fancy prayers or any other religious things that we might take pride in.
Jesus is not impressed by how much scripture we memorize o w hich denomination we belong to.
The apostle Paul understood this. When He came to know Christ, he threw away everything that he has relied on before and counted it all as rubbish. His Jewishness, his extensive knowledge of the law, everything went into fire. Paul treasured Christ above all and wanted to leave no room for going back to a second-rate life.
Like Paul, let us count all that was precious to us before as rubbish in the surpassing glorious light of Christ! Let us burn our boats! And embrace Christ fully by excising our heart in a way that God intended it to function…
Come along with us for more discovering beloveth:
Therefore, get your minds ready for action, being self-disciplined, and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.—1 Peter 1:13
Your mind is a wonderful thing! You can memorize life-changing passages of Scripture that can undergird you in your daily life; you can meditate upon God’s Word, discovering His magnificent truths; you can discern between truth and falsehood; you can recall God’s past blessings.
Some of God’s most effective servants were those who disciplined their minds for His service. Moses, educated in the best schools of Egypt, assembled the books of the Law for the Israelites. Isaiah used his scholarly mind to write an exalted prophetic book in Scripture. Paul learned under Gamaliel, the outstanding teacher of his day, and it was through Paul that God presented much of the theology found in the New Testament.
Sadly, many Christians today do not exercise their minds to be of service to God. They allow others to do their spiritual thinking for them. If they can find their theology from a book, they will not bother to study God’s Word themselves. If a speaker makes an authoritative statement, they readily accept it without verifying whether it is biblical.
Paul urged Christians to strive for maturity in their thinking (1 Cor. 14:20). He said there was a time when his spiritual thinking was immature, but he had prepared his mind to know and understand the great truths of God (1 Cor. 13:11). He had not allowed others to do his thinking for him. When you became a Christian, God renewed your mind (Rom. 12:2). Be certain to use your mind in a way that brings glory to God.
Beloveth… our God is truly more than enough for us… once again do you agree to that? Where are hurting or found guilty as study… beloveth… just repent of it and as God for forgiveness… any point you have taken God away from your equation and you have made other plan rather than Him… go on knees or go flat on your belly and ask God for forgiveness .. like David repent totally and surrender your life back to God…
He is a merciful Father… He is truly more than enough for you… stop looking around in confusion and stop getting carried away with what is happening around you, keep your eyes steadily on Jesus alone… alleluia!!! Amen!!!
Keep the fire of your faith glowing beloveth… Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to burn your boat so that you will not go back from where you are coming from….
Decides that Jesus is your “Plan A, B, C… to Z …” Alleluia.
Beloveth, make these declarations:
I lay everything at Your Feet Lord! Take my heart and it burn for You only!
Lord, You are the One Who has called me and You are the One Who keeps me!
Someone is repenting right away and we have a God Who is merciful and Who is Kind enough look away from your short-comings because He is a Loving Father and full of Mercy… Take a step of Faith and ask God to help You… and as you do… Your story will change and you will be glad you did…
God is more than enough for us …..Shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Further Reading: Phil.3:3-14, Matt. 10:37-39, Rom.8:28-39, Jn 3:16, Rom.10:17.
Remain blessed in the Lord.