I will exalt You Lord…for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… alleluia… // Who is like unto Thee O Lord! who is like unto Thee… o! Lord! among the gods who is like Thee.. You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia…
How Excellent are You Lord…in all the earth how wonderful are You… Thank You for today.. Thank You for Your mercies that enduerth forever… alleluia… Jesus… Thank you Ancient of Days… receive all our Praise, all Honour… Alleluia Amen
Is another Friday… Thank God is Friday… Wow! This has been a glorious week… Alleluia… Father You Father for being God indeed unto us…alleluia… Amen…
Beloveth, here is another assurance of God’s undying love and faithfulness in our lives… alleluia… Today’s topic is more than a Promise it is an assurance of God’s thoughts towards us… (Jer.29:11) Alleluia.
When the cloud looks dull and you don’t know what is ahead of you… You stop to ponder and ask “Dear God are You still there?”. When your heart is failing and you have done all you know how to do…, beloveth when you are not too sure that this path is where are suppose to be and you are wondering “Is God still in this with me?…”
The Lord is saying to you “Be of Good Cheer” For I AM with you all the way. Any where you go, any turn you take, even when you standing still… The Lord is saying to you be of “Good cheer…
My heart is heavy and I cannot place it, working on this piece at this time is a source of peace and encouragement to me… so the Lord is saying to me…”Ifeoma , be of Good cheer”…. Wow!
Beloveth, our God is a “Burden Bearer” and a “Burden Lifter” as well… The Spirit of God is however at our sides to cheer us … Alleluia
So wherever you are right now, weighing down with sorrow or pain, sickness or disappointments, I want to know that God is going all the way with you… as He was with Paul … likewise He is with you…
He will comfort you and make you smile again… alleluia…. Amen!
Join us as we discover more below:
Preserved to Works End
“The Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome.” Acts 23:11
Are you a witness for the Lord, and are you just now in danger? Then remember that you are immortal till your work is done. If the Lord has more witness for you to bear, you will live to bear it. Who is he that can break the vessel which the Lord intends again to use?
If there is no more work for you to do for your Master, it cannot distress you that He is about to take you home, and put you where you will be beyond the reach of adversaries.
Your witness-bearing for Jesus is your chief concern, and you cannot be stopped in it till it is finished: therefore be at peace. Cruel slander, wicked misrepresentation, desertion of friends, betrayal by the most trusted one, and whatever else may come, cannot hinder the Lord’s purpose concerning you.
The Lord stands by you in the night of your sorrow, and He says, “Thou must yet bear witness for me.” Be calm, be filled with joy in the Lord.
If you do not need this promise just now, you may very soon. Treasure it up. Remember also to pray for missionaries, and all persecuted ones, that the Lord would preserve them even to the completion of their life work. Amen…
Beloveth… you read it all… if you don’t need the promise right now, is possible you someone who will… be kind enough to communicate same to him/her and the Lord will bless you for saving a soul… Alleluia…
And if you are in the midst of pain and heart breaking experiences… beloveth… look steadily on Jesus… He is the Author and Finisher of our faith. Alleluia!
Further Reading-Ezek.34:26, Prov.7:1, Ps.17:8, Col.3:3, Ps.49:9, 1Jn.5:4, Ps.38:8, Ps., 124:1-8, Ps.107:9, 1Pet.2:24
Remain blessed in the Lord.