How excellent is Your Name O Lord! (how excellent)x2, How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is Your Name, O Lord. How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is Your Name, O Lord! // Father, to You O be all the glory, to You Lord, be all be the honour, To You Lord, be all the glory, and adoration for evermore.

Yes Lord, adoration to Your Name O Lord! Faithful is Your Name O God of mercy, thank You for this glorious week ahead of us. Thank You for all the blessings that you have planned for us. Eternal Rock of Ages, we bow at Your Presence to give Praise for Your loving Kindness, Protection, Provisions, Healing, Deliverances, Peace that can only come from You. Be thou be exalted forever in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, good morning from the Throne of grace, how was your weekend? Hope beautiful? Yea beautiful I will say, because our God is capable of making that situation beautiful as it seem.

Beloved, are you praising God thus far He had led you and your family? Sincerely, our God is good and faithful is His Name. He is bigger than what we call Him. He is El-Shaddia, Great is His Name.

I want us to celebrate God this morning. Just celebrate Him in your own way/style including using the language that you are very comfortable with. I realize something, anytime we speak to God in a language we are at home with, we tend to make meaningful worship, is it same with you?

I woke up this morning and while praying I realize half way that I am speaking my own language and I discover that I was eulogizing God in a deeper meaningful Name that is passionate to my heart and I was so happy being in His presence. And I want encourage to do same, and I believe God will surely hear you as you eulogizes Him.

Since God cannot eat or spend the money or food we give as offering He will attain to our praises. Therefore give Him Praise right from the deep of your heart this day and the Lord will honour you.

Beloved, we have few weeks left to bid this year bye, are you excited? Looking back from the beginning of the year up until now can you say you have done? Can you say God has been good? Can you say it has been good and smooth? What is your opinion or what opinion will you have for this year?

To some it was a Wow! to others it is a mix feeling. To some there are still booting their memory for a word to describe their experience. Well which ever category you fell into just know that God changeth not. Always remember that though everything might change but there is no turning of shadow with our God. Therefore, if the year has not been the way you wanted it to be all you need do is to offer back to God all your experiences because He knows exactly what to do.

He knows how to make those ashes to be beautiful. He knows how to make your sorrowful moments and depressive mood turn out beautiful than you can left alone, therefore look up and press on we will be reading later from the our topic before us.

I want to assure you that God is fully in-charge and in control.

If you are among the chosen of the Lord, the bearer of goodnews, the Lord promised us safety and preservation. He promise to preserve the feet that bear the good news. Are you one?

You can if you want because everybody has an area of influence no matter how small.

You can only achieve these through what apostle Paul is going to teach us today through the ministration below.

So let’s discover more:

Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead,—Philippians 3:13


The world will tell you that the dominating influence in your life is your past. If you came from a difficult home life, that will determine the direction of your life. If your culture was treated unfairly, that will dictate the condition of your life today. If you were hurt or abused or if your youth was spent in rebellion, the remainder of your life will be spent struggling with your past. The world is preoccupied with the past because it faces an uncertain future.

Christians, on the other hand, live in freedom because Christ has overcome our past. The “old things” have been done away with and “new things” have come (2 Cor. 5:17). God has so totally forgiven the Christian’s sin that He chooses not to remember it (Isa. 43:25). Christians do not forget the past; but we are not controlled or motivated by it. The Christian looks to the future with hope.

The people of the world focus on what they are overcoming. Christians focus on what they are becoming. Christians know that the Holy Spirit is conforming them into the image of Christ. Christians know that ultimately they will stand before Christ to give an account of their actions and will spend an eternity in the presence of God. Christians know that eventually every injustice will be addressed and every hurt comforted. They know that Satan, and death itself, will finally be brought to an end. The Christian’s future is so full and rich and exciting that it supersedes whatever happened in the past.

If you are preoccupied with your past, ask God to open your eyes to the incredible future that awaits you and begin, like Paul, to press on to what is ahead.

If I may ask you a sincere question dearly beloved? What are you becoming? Putting 2017 under an x-ray machine what can you say you are becoming? The theme of this year is to make you and I more like Jesus. To become more like Jesus. Do what Jesus will do in situation of hate, cheating, frustration, and wickedness, poor souls that are perishing – to forgive and give hope and be light to those in darkness.

Can you say that is what you are becoming? It is not easy but let me remind you that none of these things worthy your missing heaven or rapture. So be mindful as Satan like the prowling lion is seeking whom to devour. Beloveth, maybe the second part of this ministration will help you. Let’s discover more:


Suffering Is An Integral Part Of All Our Lives


During a recent seminar I attended on suffering, I mentally went around the room and noted the afflictions of the people attending the session. They included:

One couple whose daughter is extremely rebellious — A wife who is suffering over her husband’s unfaithfulness — A couple who have a child with Down’s syndrome — A single woman who is immobilized with self-doubt and feelings of inferiority — A senior executive who recently lost his job — A man whose 17 year old daughter is suffering with a terminal disease — A father whose son just impregnated a girl, and is in trouble with the police.

Often when suffering, we wonder if God has made a mistake. Or we may well feel He does not care, that He is not there, or that He is not fair. We may be tempted to ask, “In all my suffering, where is God?” The answer of course is, “The same place He was when His Son suffered.” We know from 1 Peter that God uses suffering to mature us in our faith,

…Now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed…Do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:6, 7; 4:12, 13)

If you are in the midst of a painful experience, may I suggest seven things you can do:

  1. List and define your trouble.

  1. Give thanks for your blessings and look for what didnt

  1. Amidst your problem, ask this question, “Have I contributed to the cause?

  1. Explore the possible and potential benefits that can come from the pain.

  1. In your suffering or tragedy, recognize that it may not be as bad as it appears.

  1. During your time of trouble, recall the character of God and His promises.

  1. Pray with surrender that God will work out the problem, and that He will work into your life the character or lesson(s) that can be learned from the experience.

Having gone through the above list then be ready to apply it and God will help through and through. We are all going through one challenges or the other but the end of it all is how we respond to it. May God help us to become beautiful for His use in Jesus Name.

This week is declared blessed in the Name of the Lord. Return with testimonies at the end in Jesus Name.

May God help you through and through in Jesus Name. Whatever you are going through just know it will end in Praise in Jesus Name. We must press on and get to the finish line. We must also finish strong in Jesus Name. Don’t forget to Praise God in every situation and always have a grateful heart. you have not fail rather you are still in search of a better way of doing what you are doing. Be at alert as the Spirit of God will release it to as you Praise and worship Him.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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