Heavenly Lord Your Name is Wonderful…Your Name Beautiful Your Name is Powerful… I worship Lord for Your Mighty… You got the whole world in Your Hand… You got the whole world in Your Hand…// Lord Your Faithful… Faithful are You Lord…x3… Lord Faithful… Faithful are You Lord…
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee..we give You Praise.. we Worship and adore Thy Holy Name… Thank You again and again for Your mercies that enduerth forever… Faithful are You Lord… We Glorify Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen…
Beloveth.. are you being blessed… daily at this altar the Lord feed me and nourish my body and spirit-man…. I grow daily and I am very excited… what about you… glory be to Jesus…
Today we are considering another virtue “Prudence”…. What is Prudence… someone wants to know… which is derived from “Prudent” is defined as using good judgment to consider likely consequences and act accordingly…
Is good to note that prudent/prudence is not only in financial matters as we usually think… it also involved our ways of life general… morals, actions and in-action… Praise the Lord…
Are you good here beloveth… so many have fallen in this class and kept repeating… some have backslide… because they cannot bring their self to apply this principle in the way of life… Praise the Name of the Lord.
But we know that nothing is impossible to God… therefore we have to seek help from the Only One Who is able to give help.
So today we will pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help us.. to live worthy and be an acceptable sacrifice before God…
Having lay this background … beloveth can you say that you are prudent? Do you have foresight? Are you careful? Do you have a forethought, judicious… or better still are you cautious in your dealing.. or exhibit an element of good sense or common sence…
Interestingly prudence goes with our everyday activities… so if this virtue is not rooted in your life … your life will not be attractive to God
We are to pray… beloveth we must make heaven and one of the ways to ensure that… is to live Holy and we cannot be holy if we are not prudent… therefore we pray to God will help us to here…
Beloveth… before we go into praying… let us go through what the author below have to say here..
Come along with us for more:
Yesterday, after speaking to a group of adults, an attractive gal in her late 20’s came up and asked if she could meet with me. She wanted to be discipled. She looked so sincere. So innocent… so helpless.
“My wife is excellent at discipling,” I replied. “No, but you are really good,” she responded. “Well, I don‘t meet with women on a personal basis,” I explained. “But I need your help,” she persisted.
“No… but let me introduce you to Ruth.” And with that I pointed her to my wife and turned away.
This morning as I reflected back on that conversation, I wrote down the names of ten spiritually powerful men whom I’ve known over the years who got derailed in their walk with God: Missionaries, leaders in Christian circles, winners of souls, authors of Christian books, etc.
One fell over a money issue: Cheated people in his business.
Two developed huge egos over “successful” ministries. Became unteachable. One of the two fell into adultery.
Another, in his struggle for acceptance, allowed himself the luxury of letting women fawn over him. Some, (against his wife’s wishes) he counseled through correspondence. In time, he too fell into adultery.
A couple of others, it appears, just went out and played around. Seemed to need a “fix” now and then.
One got into trouble with his buddy’s wife.
Another got sexually involved through counseling a distressed marriage in his neighborhood.
And finally, one fellow who traveled a great deal simply could not resist the temptations on the road.
And where are they today? Two died prematurely, while still in their 40’s. Seven divorced.
None have regained their previous stature or standing in the community
I am reminded of Solomon’s warning, “The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him… He will die for lack of discipline, led astray by his own folly.” (Proverbs 5:22a, 23)
QUESTION: In relating to the opposite sex, do you immediately “nip in the bud” the slightest opportunity for cultivating imprudent thoughts or behavior that ultimately could lead to actions you would live to regret? If the answer is not an immediate “yes,” what do you think that reveals about the condition of your spiritual life?
Beloveth… what reveal your spiritual life condition? We must pray that the Holy Spirit help us to live right.. avoid relationship that we will regret… we must flee from all appearances of evil…. avoid ungodly fellowship and be quick to draw a line in opposite sex relationship…
Let us pray that our eyes be open so that we can avoid pitfall…
Our Father we come to You… The Only One Who can help us.. You Alone is our Helper… therefore help us O God we pray in Jesus Name… in taking care of Your temple which is our body… Father, help us to keep it holy and sanctified in Jesus Name… Take away greed from us, take away every form of imprudence in our lives in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Further Reading-Matt.26:41, 2Cor.7:1, 1Jn.4:4, Isa.54:10, Matt.25:13, 1Thess.5:6, Ps.34:5, 1Tim.2:5, 1Thess.4:3.
Let us pray… Receive answers in Jesus Name…
Remain blessed in the Lord.