Glory, Glory Alleluia! Glory, Glory Praise the Lord! Glory, Glory Alleluia! Glory, Glory Praise the Lord. Glory Glory Lord, we give You Glory…we give You Glory Lord…Alleluia! Glory Glory Lord You are a Mighty God…..// Our father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before Thee. x2
Our Father in heaven O God We bow down before Thee, we give You Praise.. We adorn Thee, We magnify Your Name… Father be Thou exalted O God alleluia to Your Name Father…. Thank You for the gift of this week…O God we are grateful for waking us up every day of this week …Thank You for sound health and preservations.. Lord we are grateful… Who can be compare with Thee Father no one can be compared with You O God in Jesus Name….
Beloveth… how is it going with you…hope you are seeing God at every step… Wow… our God is good…even in our worst day; He is by our sides… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia! Am so grateful to You Father for the Great and Mighty things You are doing in our midst…it can only be You Father… Alleluia to Your Name Jesus… Amen…
Let the Living water flow over my soul…Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of ever situation that troubles my heart all my care and burden unto Thee I come….
Matchless Jesus… hallow be Thy Name… come and help us this day even as we sit at Your feet… do something new in our life…help us to birth destines O God! Alleluia Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth today is our PCL session…my guess as good as yours… something good is going to happen here today… Amen!!!
Our topic today is something that we need desperately in our midst at this season… the society we are living today is devoid of it… atrocity all over the nation… killings and blackmail all over the nations… In days of Noah when God saw that the earth is full of evil… He wipe them away through causing rain to fall on earth for forty days and night…. everybody on the surface of the earth died except Noah and his family…
Looking at our society today… is not far from what is happening, God destroyed every living thing both men, animals and trees… beloveth, in our text for today… the people in prophet Hosea days hardened their heart against the Word of God… sins prevailed in our society… but God through the prophet was calling on His people to repent of their sins…break up their fallow grounds until God come and rain righteous in their midst like rain…
Beloveth… do you have a fallow ground…God is saying to you “Break it and till it” cultivate every fallow ground and make God the chief habitant of same… Amen….
Repent of every sin in your heart… ask the Spirit God to help you and make your ways right with Him…
Beloveth, one significant way to destroy the power of sin in your life is through studying of the scripture… a life filled with the word of God will always please God… if you are also doer of the Word of God… hear this “Devil doesn’t care if you go to church or read your Bible, as long as you don’t apply it to your life.”
What a snare of the fowler by the enemy of our souls… So except we are the doers of God’s Word, all we are doing is “activities.” So let us humble ourselves before God as we pray to Him to input His Spirit in us so that will be doers of His Word not hearer or readers alone in Jesus Name….
Come alone for more:
Sow righteousness for yourselves and reap faithful love; break up your untilled ground. It is time to seek the Lord until He comes and sends righteousness on you like the rain.—Hosea 10:12
The people of Hosea’s day had become hardened to God’s Word. They had heard it many times before and had grown apathetic to what God required of them. God’s solution was for them to break up the fallow ground of their hearts.
They were to allow Him to soften their hardened hearts. When the earth was dry and crusty, the farmer would plow to loosen the soil so it was receptive to the seeds and the rains that would give life to the crop. Likewise, God’s people were to break up the sinful barriers in their lives that prevented God’s Word from penetrating their hearts. Then, said Hosea, God would give life and refresh them by raining down on them in righteousness.
As Christians, we must continually cultivate our hearts and minds so that they are receptive to whatever God tells us. John the Baptist exhorted those around him to prepare for Jesus’ coming. We, too, can remind others to prepare their lives so that God’s righteousness will penetrate and fill their lives.
We can urge them to repent when we see sin sinking into their lives. We can share the joy that God’s Word brings us and encourage our friends to seek God’s will also. We can model obedience for our children. We can tell of the blessings that have come to us as a result of our obedience. We can help to break up the fallow ground in the hearts of those around us.
Hosea admonished God’s people to seek the Lord until His righteousness rained down upon them. We should immediately cultivate our heart whenever it starts to become hardened toward God. If we keep our hearts prepared, we will be ready when God’s Word comes to us.
Beloveth the season we are in is the season of great tidings with great joy…when our Jesus Christ came into the earth to be part of humanity in flesh beloveth we must toy with this season… we must position ourselves to be bless by God … we are to honour God with every breathe in us as a way of showing Him how grateful we are to all His benefits to us Amen….
Beloveth… we are to stay hungry (to be filled with God’s Word) Bible…. Do you know the meaning of Bible- BASIC INSTRUCTION BEFORE LEAVING EARTH….
May we daily feed our hungry Spirit with God’s Word as we navigate is terrene Amen… wake up and break your fallow grounds in Jesus Name….
Have a Spirit-filled weekend, don’t forget our meeting tomorrow as we Praise our worship our God- our breakthrough must fall through by thunder by fire in Jesus Name….
Further Reading- Jn 14:3, Lam 3:25, Isa 51:16, Mk. 10:36
Remain blessed in the Lord.