Thank You Lord all have to say is thank You Lord. He has done it me, He has it done for me. I have a big God He is always by my side; a very big God By my side by my side. I will lift up Your Name Lord above every other Name. Thank You for waking us up this morning, for many slept but could not wake up this day. Father, we do not take for granted. Glorious God I worship Your Holy Name forever and ever.

Lord we thank You again again for whom you are! Who is like unto Thee? no one can be to compare You with Lord. You are too Faithful to fail. Too Wonderful to behold. Too Honourable to ignore. Too powerful to resist. Too Might to withstand. Lord I stand in Awe of Who Are. In Your presence Lord there is fullness of joy. Thank you Father again for Who are Are.

Beloved, How great is our God! Too great a God to overlook. Thank You Father. for the Lord Himself keeps watch over you even as lie down, He Who giveth sleep you will not allow your feet to kick against a stone. All this month the Lord has been too Faithful to them that are His. Hope your name is in the book? He is indeed in our Helper in hour of our needs; So rich to meet all our needs.

Are you weary or stranded in life? Come, look up to Jesus; He give you rest. He give you a refreshing sleep. Come and know how, ensure you read this message to end and you get the full benefit of the topic of discuss:

“So he giveth his beloved sleep.” Ps. 127:2

Ours is not a life of anxious care, but of happy faith. Our heavenly Father will supply the wants of His own children, and He knoweth what we have need of before we ask Him. We may therefore go to our beds at the proper hour, and not wear ourselves out by sitting up late to plot, and plan, and contrive. If we have learned to rely upon our God we shall not lie awake with fear gnawing at our hearts; but we shall leave our care with the Lord, our meditation of Him shall be sweet, and He will give us refreshing sleep.

To be the Lord’s beloved is the highest possible honor, and he who has it may feel that ambition itself could desire no more, and therefore every selfish wish may go to sleep. What more is there even in Heaven than the love of God? Rest, then, O soul, for thou hast all things.

Yet we toss to and fro unless the Lord Himself gives us not only the reasons for rest, but rest itself. Yea, He doth this. Jesus Himself is our peace, our rest, our all. On His bosom we sleep in perfect security, both in life and in death.

“Sprinkled afresh with pardoning blood, I lay me down to rest, As in the embraces of my God, Or on my Saviour’s breast.

Beloved, is there anything weighing you down at the moment? Wait on Him, do not give up, even in this eleventh hour, I tell you He will show up. He will fight your battle and you will hold your peace. Your adversary will be confounded. Those who think your end has come will see you laughing and rejoicing on that devastating issue. That concerns that took away sleep from your eye lip. The Lord will visit you in a grand style and honour you as He did to me.

I am made bold to say, you will not be confounded. A recent event in my life confers what am telling you this moment. I was not happy about the development, it was among many concerns I took to God at the inception of the ministry and God did reassured me about them but like Abraham I noticed it was not working out the way God said it to me or will I say the way I thought God will do them. I called on God but like we do when we are in need, I was expecting God to move in a particular direction but after my fretting, I sensed the Spirit is in moving in an opposite direction, that was after I have exhausted my own thinking and solution now resting on God then DID MY GOD AROSE AND MADE NAME FOR HIMSELF. These issues became a walk over, He did it in a grand styles.

I never know He will answer me this way. All my fears and concerns He took care. He lifted me high and put laughter in my mouth. You may not understand this, the devil showed up every second telling me “has God not failed you? Imagine this and that happening to you. How can you cope with the shame and dishonor? And you claiming that you are serving God, where is your God now? Hasn’t He failed you? Are not confound? This situation brethren was too challenging.

Yesterday we brought to you a topic titled “Spiritual Marker”. Beloved, keep this topic you will need it sometime in the future. I applied the principle of remembering and recounting what the Lord has done for me in the past as long as I can remember, I told myself, “if God did not fail me even when I cannot confidently declared Him before men; How possible will it be now that He is my DELIGHT and PASSION”.

I took a step based on Habk 3:17 -19. I asked the devil what do you think will be the worst of the turnout in event? Like I told you he comes around to torment me with the seeming situation at hand. When I learnt about the truth and have understanding of this portion of the bible. I meant bold to reply him back and I said “losing this thing is of no consequence to me when compared to the love I found in Christ. I told him that I am not only willing to lose it, that I am also ready to part with everything I have ever worked and possess than losing the love of Christ and the ministry God has entrusted to my care. I am ready to leave on the street, see everything evacuated off my abode just for Christ without having a second thought about it.

Wow! I made it! Praise the Lord! he left me, how do I know? I no longer hear those snarling and screaming voice telling me “hasn’t God failed you, didn’t He promise an abode better than what you have, so what is happening now, you are even losing where you are, so what next? Will you continue to minister and be telling people about Jesus? About the Wonders of God? Where is your testimony? Where is your evidence? You have no proof whatsoever that this God is real since He has not showed up till now.

 A day came, I went to God in prayer and surrender everything to Him. I rededicated my life afresh on the prayer altar with Habk 3:17 as my anchor scripture, laying down this concern and many others at the feet of Christ trusting on Rom 10:4. And His great assurance on 1 Sam 16:3. I reminded Him about what King David said in Ps 34 which is a great comfort to my soul and His promises on Isa 43:2 and held my peace.

Having said that beloved, I held my peace and waited upon Him to make good His promises as many as I remind Him of. Did He show up? Yes He did. In grand style He did it when we least expected it He showed up. Was they a demand from God? O yes, very many of them. He confirmed all my prayers and sacrifices, every of it.

There was a time the children were off school for three weeks. Almost missing their exams, I stood my ground and keep telling Him to make a way. I keep up with the ministration as if nothing happened. It was a heavy trial on our path, having the children home and still telling everybody that care to listen that God is good and ever faithful. I guess you understand what am saying here? From this day, my beloved, our serving God will not only be in word but of the power of God (1 Cor 4: 20) Amen! Did He show up? O sure, He did? I received the very amount I promised the school to pay even when I do not know how. A couple honoured me with that same amount, I was speechless. God bless the soul of this wonderful woman whose heart is large enough for God. She recalled them back and she is still having them despite all the shortcomings and many thanks to her friend whom God used intervening. The children came out top at the end of that term according to God’s Word in Isa 54: 13.

Severally, God demanded my Isaac. My car which I drop for the gospel of Christ, which was sold to augment some payment. He demanded it for “Mission’s work” which we surrendered without a second thought. Beloved, as if that was not enough, He made a demand that was staggering on me, which comprises everything I have ever worked for. I obeyed Him. Was it easy? No! But the Spirit of God helped me to see those things as nothing and really they were nothing to me now when I look back. And many others I will not like to bore you with. (am giving you this detailed account to know how to get your victory over the issues of life. some testimony are sometime coated that all that was done will not be said and when you do same, you will not get same result because more is needed of you. Going further, you will follow God step by step to have your victory).

After I obeyed God, God move into action and all the siege cease. The Lord manifested in a way that is astounding. When He gave this month as a mouth of “Laughter and Rejoicing,” nothing was looking like it around me that I could see. But I chose to believe Him. If He had said it; He will do it. Praise God!

Did He show up, yes He did, too many to count. Go through the monthly devotion to see more than I have shared with you today. Am still hopeful that more will still happen before the end of the month. Are full of expectation too?

So key into all His promises, He will surely reward you. Do not be discouraged. The devil will use so many means to frustrate you but do not give up on God; for He will never give up on you. Friends will leave you, you will be like a plague before families, but be rest assured there will be few, those whom God will those to accomplish His work in your life that will stick around you and  ensure that your destiny is not aborted. Some in their giving will mock you. Some will doubt the vision but worry not because they are not counted among your destiny helpers and as such will not share God’s glory at the end.

Your birthday and some important life events will be will be forgotten, don’t expect calls wishing you many happy returns of the day, because you have nothing to offer again. Some will fail you deliberately, to make you sin against God. Do not feel bitter, nor judge any of them, for that rest with God, Who judges righteously. You may not know who you true friends are but wait until you cannot flow on the same frequency then you will no. Your family may be sticking around; wait until your income stop than they will realize how proud and unwise you were before now. In response to your need or lack they will encourage you with these word in a mockery way “don’t worry, God will do it” but never knowing that they are indirectly praying to God on your behalf.

Someone is asking what about your husband? When the devil want to prove a point, he frustrate you all round, but he is defected already. He will attack everything including business or your work, your home is not left out. Beloved, as long as you have money, you can shout “Praise the Lord, somebody.” Will you be able to do same according to Hab 3:17? Let’s wait until the story changes, you are now living on per hour not even per day. Wait until all planning and budgeting knowledge you acquired floors you than and than you will know whether your love of Christ is real or is based on what you receives from Him.  Always remember that in all these things, we are more than conquering, my testimony is his testimony. To him, God is too faithful to fail us. By the way, I didn’t mention to you that my birthday concise with my wedding anniversary. “Double celebration”. Thank Jesus! For I am wonderful made (Ps 139:14) and He will perfect all that concerns us (Ps 138:8).

Beloved, are serving him as long as your bills are paid, you pay your way through to any vacations, drive expensive cars or jeeps, eat what your heart desires and not you found on the table, dress expensively or too kill as some think, live in comfortable house or castle?  Will you still be faithful when all these are taken away from you? Will God still be God? Think about it and be ready for you be tried before you will be qualified for heaven for nothing of impurity or with fault will enter heaven (Rev 21: 8; 27; Ps 7:9)

Beloved in all these we are more than conquering through Him that loves us. It will be long will surprise you, give you a testimony, and fill your mouth with laugh. Isa 52:8


Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” James 5:8

The last word in the Canticle of love is, “Make haste, my beloved,” and among the last words of the Apocalypse we read, “The Spirit and the Bride say, Come”; to which the heavenly Bridegroom answers, “Surely I come quickly.” Love longs for the glorious appearing of the Lord, and enjoys this sweet promise — “The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.” This stays our minds as to the future. We look out with hope through this window.

This sacred “window of agate” lets in a flood of light upon the present, and puts us into fine condition for immediate work or suffering. Are we tried? Then the nearness of our joy whispers patience. Are we growing weary because we do not see the harvest of our seed-sowing? Again this glorious truth cries to us, “Be patient.” Do our multiplied temptations cause us in the least to waver?

Then the assurance, that before long the Lord will be here, preaches to us from this text, “Stablish your hearts.” Be firm, be stable, be constant, “stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” Soon will you hear the silver trumpets which announce the coming of your King. Be not in the least afraid. Hold the fort, for He is coming; yea, He may appear this very day.

Yes, always abound in every good work and you will triumph at the end. You will overcome. Don’t also forget that what the ministry stand for “Overcomering through faith”.  Where God uses us to encourage one another.  God is helping me; He will not forsake you my beloved. He will perfect all that concerns you (Ps 138:8; 1 Pet 3:12; Jer 15:20; Prov 10:28; Isa 42:16; Jn 2:9). Whatever be it, He is able (2 Chr 25:9). Your laughter is here and this month will end until it delivers the same to you, but be ready to apply this principle in Jas 1:22; Eph 6:10-18; 1 Jn 2:28 Heb 4:14; I Cor 14:1; Prov 20:22; Rom 12:11; Ps 37:5) Amen!

Finally, today am ministering to you from the new location not far from the former house just few houses away, from the same environment. Like I said earlier, He did it in grand style, am still in awe of Who God is. He proved 1 Pet 2:6 and Isa 52:8 in my life, family and ministry. I was recently appointed to serve Him in my local church in a higher stead in my department even when I am not the most qualified. All this is too much a testimony. My daughter is also seeing God’s hand in her recent admission.

 For all those God used for us, He will reward you. Yours will be a generational blessings as you did not allowed God’s servant to be stranded, you will never be stranded in your life even your generation yet unborn. No amount of curses and sacrifices offer by the evil one will be able to revoke this blessings in your life. The blood of Jesus will be sufficient for you and the Spirit of God will continual raise a standard against your foes, Amen! He will indeed give a refreshing sleep to us according to His Word.

All am doing is to encourage you in the Lord. So I enjoin you to keep faith, God will bring  1 Cor 15:57 to past in your life. Whatever you standing for. He gave me victories and there am still believing Him for my personal house, He will do it. I also believe Him for so many other things among settling my better-half again to His glory. Amen!  He will do it that I know, for He knows what to do at all time. Beloved, your expectation will not be cut short. (so sorry this very lengthy but I believe it worth it).

Sing this song on my behalf “Give me Jesus ” by Judith Gayle and be blessed the more.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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