I will Praise the Lord…I will Praise the Lord…I will Praise the Lord…I will Praise the Lord…if nobody will Praise Your Name…I will Praise the Lord…if nobody will Praise the Lord… I will Praise the Lord…// Who is like unto Thee…O Lord! Who is like unto Thee O Lord… among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!
We come to say thank You Father for Who You are and what You are doing in our midst… thank You for another month You have made us to be part of, glory be to Your Name on high… Wonderful is Your Name… Dependable that is Who You are… Unchangeable Changer is Your Name… we come to say Hallow be Thy Name…O God in heaven and on earth forever and ever Amen…
Thank You Father for what you are going to do this week in our lives and situation… Lord thank You for showing forth Your Praise in our life again and again in Jesus Name…. Have Your way this week and glorify Your Name again and again in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!
Beloveth, how are doing today? Isn’t God wonderful? He is Awesome, He is Reliable… He is more everything you call Him… Praise the Name of the Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The month of May is ticking to an end…but not without God doing all that He has Promised us, so we hold on to His Word, stand on it and He brings them to performance… Praise the Living God…. Alleluia!!!
Still have so much to share with us on Divine Mercy and Grace…but my prayer is that God will give you understanding in His Word and cause it to bear fruits in your life in Jesus Name.
We will in the remaining two days consider things that will enhance our understanding of the subject matter… so cruise with us as the Holy Spirit helps your understanding for application in Jesus Name…
Last week at our PCL session we promise to bring to us teaching on another set of twins: Pride and shame… and by the grace of God up on us here we are with it… Praise God!
Stand fast there therefore in the liberty by which Christ made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Gal 5:1
Why is it so difficult to believe God for His marvelous gift of grace and mercy, especially when we need it most as we seek His freedom from stuff, struggles, and sin?
As believers, we comprehend the truth that we need Jesus’ gift of salvation. However, often down the road of walking with Him, we may subtle and erroneously think it is up to us to get our act together to move forward as Christians. Why might this be? Let us take a quick look at the ugly twin stepsisters of pride and shame.
Pride was at the of the devil’s fall from heaven, and it’s the source of a lot of our motivation, too (Ezek. 28:5-6). It goes back to the garden of Eden and the deception that God is holding out on us. Pride wishers that we are more than able to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and fix our lives.
Add to our Pride a Spirit of shame. Together, pride and shame act in tandem. Unlike Mercy and Grace, whose unfailing love and acceptance are generously extended to us by our heavenly Father, pride and shame are tormenting taskmasters. Most of us have felt their weight and whip upon our lives to some degree.
Among many other things, we inherited shame from Adam and Eve (Rom.5:12). They blew it big time, and their first reaction afterward was to feel shame (Gen 3:8). Shame is the almost imperceptible voice whispering that we are guilty, worthless, and less- than. But, twin sisters pride steps into our lives to prove that this not true.
I can make something of myself! I can do it! I can break this addiction or behaviour!
We try and try harder, something gaining traction, but mostly falling further behind. Our compelling need to accomplish and prove our worth- through position, financial success, perfect children, a large church, or a clean house- can sidetrack us from grace and mercy and keep us spinning endlessly. Shame declares were not worthy of God’s grace… then pride replies that we have what it takes to become worthy.
Beloveth, have twin sisters, Pride and shame, ever had a stay in your life? What can you recall? It is a dangerous thing to allow these to rule our lives…or dealings… we will blow it big time… Come along with us again today to hear what the Word of God will have us do… instead of allowing these twin sisters Guilt and Condemnation and another set of evil twin sisters Pride and Shame to rule our hearts… Caution dearly beloveth!!!
Come along for more:
Your words were found, and I ate them. Your words became a delight to me and the joy of my heart.—Jeremiah 15:16
If you were to receive a note from the leader of your country or someone famous, you would probably save it as a keepsake. How much more precious is a message from Almighty God!
Sometimes we find ourselves in circumstances that are beyond our control. This was the case for Mary and Martha as they were grieving the death of their brother Lazarus. At these times a word from Jesus can bring much rejoicing (John 11:41–45). Other times when Jesus speaks, His words bring correction. “Get behind Me, Satan!” (Matt. 16:23) and “O you of little faith” (Matt. 14:31) do not seem to bring joy. Yet Jeremiah said that God’s word brought him joy.
It is overwhelming to consider that Holy, Almighty God would speak directly to us! What a privilege that He would care enough to challenge our destructive thoughts or practices. No matter whether His words are praising us or chastising us, we ought to consider it joy to receive life-changing words from our Master!
Every time we prepare to worship the Lord, we ought to do so with anticipation that almighty God may have something to say to us. Whenever we open our Bibles, we should expect that God has something to tell us in our time with Him. We ought to be far more concerned with what God will say to us during our prayer times than with what we intend to tell Him.
When you receive a word from your Lord, whether it be of praise or of correction, consider it joy that almighty God would speak to you.
Beloveth, do you consider it a thing of rejoicing when you receive God’s Word… either as prophesies, promise, chastisement … let us like Jeremiah consider it or receive it with all joy…why? Because God is speaking to us at the very point where we are weak and need lifting… what has God spoken to your heart since we have been considering this the Theme of this month?
Remember He is your Creator; so He knows you more than you know yourself… surrender yourself to Him and He will build you up… I have received so many directions from Him just by anticipating Him to speak to me and He always do…beloveth that saves me a lot… sometimes Word of encouragement, some other times express display of Kindness, Love and Grace… and some other times chastisements… so keep your heart open always because it is only a loved child that is disciplined or chastised….(Heb 12:5-11)
On this note beloveth… we declare this week blessed and by God’s grace we will return at the end with outstanding testimonies in Jesus Name…. Don’t forget to pray for God’s Word to us for the coming month…
Further Reading Prov 11:2, Ezek 28:15-17, Rom.5:12-15, 1 Jn 2:15-17,28, Rev 15:3-4.
Remain blessed in the Lord.