I have seen the Lord goodness, His mercies and compassion. I have seen the Lord goodness, alleluia Praise the Lord! O Lord You have been so good, You are so good to me, my God You are Excellent in my life everyday! O! Lord You have been so good You are so good to me, my Lord You are Excellent in my life. Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Your throne! We bow before Your throne, we worship at Your feet, we bow before Your throne, You are mighty King, we bow before Your throne, we worship at Your Feet, we bow before Your throne, You are Excellent God!
Thank You Father for another wonderful opportunity to be before Your Throne, You are a Mighty man in battle, alleluia to Your Holy Name Who sits in heaven and look down on earth looking for His dear children to be merciful upon them. Glory to you Father, be Thou exalted alleluia to Your Holy Name! Have Your way again today as Your children gathered today in Your presence, Have Your way Lord Jesus be Thou glorify again in Jesus Name!
Beloveth, Praise the Lord! We serve a God that answers by fire! Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!! Our God is God; all the time! Faithful is He that sits upon the throne! Glory be to Your Name alone in Jesus Name!
Renew a right Spirit within me; is that your cry today? The right Spirit is what is need in the life of a true child of God, why do I say so because the Bible say so! Yes! Is possible you are walking with God but you don’t have a right Spirit within you. Is also possible you love God but you are still not efficient in this department in your life.
Beloved, a right Spirit is what the Psalmist cried for after he sinned against God. Don’t forget that he is a man after God’s heart. God by His Strength alone took in from the forest to sit on throne and rule over His own peculiar people, Israel. Despite that this young King did not have the right Spirit within Him, he was deficient in that area.
Until he went before God having master-minded the death of Uriah and took his wife that he realized how far lust and greed has driven him from the sight of His God. He humbled himself before His throne and plead for nothing else but renewed spirit after God exposed his secret sin in his face through prophet Nathan . And God granted him his request.
Beloveth, are you ready to do same right away? Is there any area in your life that you are yet to hand over to God to take absolute control? Is there a lifestyle that you are yet to give up on? Is the Spirit of lust and greed ruling your life? Or you are too lazy to be useful to the place/family where God placed you? Think about it, examine yourself, knowing also that nothing is hidden before God, now confess your sin and be like the psalmist this morning, tell God to renew your Spirit within you, the Lord will answer. He has done it before; He will do it again.
When your spirit is renew, you are going to be on the winning side; be it spiritual, martial, emotional, and physically. The Lord honour will you, and as you desire and do only those things that are right before Him. Praise the Living Jesus! Alleluia to His Name along. Praise the Living Jesus, come along with us for more:
“Renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10
A backslider, if there be a spark of life left in him will groan after restoration. In this renewal the same exercise of grace is required as at our conversion. We needed repentance then; we certainly need it now. We wanted faith that we might come to Christ at first; only the like grace can bring us to Jesus now.
We wanted a word from the Most High, a word from the lip of the loving One, to end our fears then; we shall soon discover, when under a sense of present sin, that we need it now. No man can be renewed without as real and true a manifestation of the Holy Spirit’s energy as he felt at first, because the work is as great, and flesh and blood are as much in the way now as ever they were.
Let thy personal weakness, O Christian, be an argument to make thee pray earnestly to thy God for help. Remember, David when he felt himself to be powerless, did not fold his arms or close his lips, but he hastened to the mercy-seat with “renew a right spirit within me.” Let not the doctrine that you, unaided, can do nothing, make you sleep; but let it be a goad in your side to drive you with an awful earnestness to Israel’s strong Helper.
O that you may have grace to plead with God, as though you pleaded for your very life—”Lord, renew a right spirit within me.” He who sincerely prays to God to do this, will prove his honesty by using the means through which God works. Be much in prayer; live much upon the Word of God; kill the lusts which have driven your Lord from you; be careful to watch over the future uprisings of sin.
The Lord has His own appointed ways; sit by the wayside and you will be ready when He passes by. Continue in all those blessed ordinances which will foster and nourish your dying graces; and, knowing that all the power must proceed from Him, cease not to cry, “Renew a right spirit within me.”
Beloveth you read “continue in those blessed ordinances which will foster and nourish your dying graces, knowing that your strength is better and more powerful when it comes from the Lord! alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, who is that man/woman that is asking God for a renewal of his/her Spirit, can you go on your kneel right now and ask God for mercy, ask that your Spirit be renewed. Offer back to God those broken pieces of you and you will be renewed in Jesus Name! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Father, we bow before your presence, we worship at Your feet, arise and have Your way in our life today as we call on Your Name. Put Your Spirit in us and make us a brand new us and Your Name be Praise forever alleluia Amen!
Father, may this re-awakening strengthen us in the inner mind and make us strong in the places of exploit in Jesus Name.
Come let us pray!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord!