Baba eeee, Baba eeee, Baba eeee, baba eeee. Yesterday You reign, You regineth in my life. Today come and reign and reign forever more. Yesterday You reign, You reigneth in my life. Today come and reign and reign forever more. Baba eeee, Baba eeee, Baba eeee, Baba eeee,

O God You are faithful, Faithful, Faithful, Faithful; faithful, Faithful Faithful, faithful is the Lord. O God, You are faithful, faithful, faithful, faithful; Faithful, Faithful, Faithful, faithful is the Lord.

Father in heaven O God, how can we thank You enough for all You are doing for us, You gave us life, You gave us joy, You gave us salvation, You gave healings, You wrought deliverance in many facets of our lives. Father, You are too much, O Lord You have done so very much for us, glory be to You for ever and ever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, behold we come before a Living God, the One Who was, Who is and Who will be forever more. Thank You Father, Thank You Lord. Let us lift up our voices and praise Him forever,; let us lift up our voices and honour Him Who is worthy forever more.

Beloved, where have you left God? Where did you abandoned Him? Where did you forsake your first love? You may be wondering why is ‘evangelist’ asking all this question. Well is important because it will help your way back home.

If you are able to figure out at what point you miss your way. It will be easier to trace your way back home. It will also be easier for you to know how to seek for help and forestalls future occurrence, glory be to God.

Have now recollected how it all started and how you came to the point where you are today? Have you remembered how your life which was on fire for Jesus suddenly went down and out? What happen to all those long hours spent on your knees crying unto God your Maker on your behalf and on behalf of other sinners to turn back to God?

Beloved, what happen to all those period you spent searching the scripture and mediating therein. What happen to all those times you spend receiving instruction and revelation from Your Father? O beloveth, where those happy moments spent in the court of the Lord singing, worship, praying the Lord of lords and the King of kings. Beloveth is important you spend some moment thinking on these thinks so as to know how it all started and played out.

Because it is then and only then will you be able to know how to turn away from that path that lead you astray unto the path of righteousness. Praise the Lord.

Someone is saying, O I remembered that it was when I got my job, with little time to study the Word again or go for prayer meetings again. Another voice is saying it is the arrival of my second baby with such chores at home and work demand I can no longer meet up on prayer meetings days, and gradually I stop.

And yet another voice is whispering, mine was the time I got my new appointment with unending meetings and work load with little or no time for myself, I hardly read the bible again. Another voice is weeping softly and confessing that since things became rosy she stop attending all those prayer meetings and vigil in some cases.

Many voices I am hearing in my spirit making different excuses and I am sensing so many with a repented heart, crying with their hands up, asking how would they come out of these.

And the word of the Lord says “if my people, who are called by my Name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2Chr 7:14

Beloveth, the Lord is willing to welcome you back, He made you and He knows you. He searches the heart and He knows them that are calling Him genuinely. He knows your heart even when you are seeking for His help that you fail once you are out of the wood but He still blessed you to let you know how weak you are outside Him.

Repent from those path that takes you further away from Him. Those relationships that left you with little or no time for Christ. Repent and come back to Him, He is waiting to welcome you back home back into the fold again. God bless you as you do so now in Jesus Name.

If you have resolve to come home, let get into today’s teaching:

“So tell the people: This is what the Lord of Hosts says: Return to Me”—[this is] the declaration of the Lord of Hosts—“and I will return to you, says the Lord of Hosts.”—Zechariah 1:3

God places much of the burden of what we will become on our response to Him. If we have drifted from God, His call is to return to Him. God promises that if we will return, He will immediately renew His relationship with us. James 4:8 promises that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. Matthew 7:7 guarantees that if we seek Christ, we will find Him. Much of the Christian life rests upon our response and our desire to experience God to the fullest.

Why is it that some Christians seem to go so much deeper in their walk with God than others? Why have some had such powerful intercessory prayer ministries that have changed the courses of nations? Why has God chosen to anoint the words of some so that, when they speak or pray or preach, it is obvious that their words are consecrated by God? It is because these individuals have committed themselves to pursue God until His presence is powerfully real in their lives. They have decided to settle for nothing less than a vibrant relationship with God, and He has honored their desire.

Have you become complacent with your relationship with God, or are you hungering for more? Don’t become satisfied with a relationship with God that is broken by sin and void of the power of the Holy Spirit. You have just as much of God’s powerful presence available to you as the greatest saint in Christian history! Return to God.

There is so much more in store for you if you will return to Him. He awaits your response. Let keep going:

“The illfavoured and leanfleshed kine did eat up the seven wellfavoured and fat kine.” Genesis 41:4

Pharaoh’s dream has too often been my waking experience. My days of sloth have ruinously destroyed all that I had achieved in times of zealous industry; my seasons of coldness have frozen all the genial glow of my periods of fervency and enthusiasm; and my fits of worldliness have thrown me back from my advances in the divine life.

I had need to beware of lean prayers, lean praises, lean duties, and lean experiences, for these will eat up the fat of my comfort and peace. If I neglect prayer for never so short a time, I lose all the spirituality to which I had attained; if I draw no fresh supplies from heaven, the old corn in my granary is soon consumed by the famine which rages in my soul.

When the caterpillars of indifference, the cankerworms of worldliness, and the palmerworms of self-indulgence, lay my heart completely desolate, and make my soul to languish, all my former fruitfulness and growth in grace avails me nothing whatever.

How anxious should I be to have no lean-fleshed days, no ill-favoured hours! If every day I journeyed towards the goal of my desires I should soon reach it, but backsliding leaves me still far off from the prize of my high calling, and robs me of the advances which I had so laboriously made.

The only way in which all my days can be as the “fat kine,” is to feed them in the right meadow, to spend them with the Lord, in His service, in His company, in His fear, and in His way. Why should not every year be richer than the past, in love, and usefulness, and joy?—I am nearer the celestial hills, I have had more experience of my Lord, and should be more like Him.

O Lord, keep far from me the curse of leanness of soul; let me not have to cry, “My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me!” but may I be well-fed and nourished in Thy house, that I may praise Thy name.

The message said it all. Turn to God in prayer and seek genuine help from Him. He will help you. The Holy Spirit will begin to show you what to do to get back to your feet again. You can start with five minutes each for praise, the Word, and prayer, That will be fifteen minutes in all and before you know it you will move up to thirty minutes, way up to an hour and you will be yearning for more but you need to start again by five minutes for each and when You gain momentum you will fly away in the Spirit.

Don’t wait for a convenient time to start, start as you are reading that is how to overcome satan, he will steal this moment from you if you don’t start right now as you read. He will keep you busier than you were before now. Cry to the Lord for help.

I see help coming your way. You cannot afford to be without prayer. You cannot afford to be without the Word Beloved, seek the Lord now!!!!!!!!!!

And you will find Him. He is closer than the breath in your nostrils. He is closer than the flesh that covers your body. Surprise! Never. God resides in your heart, do not push Him away with wishful thinking and unproductive activities in Jesus Name. I will hear your testimony before long.

Don’t let these moment of reconciliation go. Complacence can lead to death. Awake your prayer life again. Return dear beloved even as your Heavenly Father bids you.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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