Take glory Father, take glory Son, take glory Holy Ghost now forever more. We are sing unto the Lord, singing Alleluia, we are dancing unto the Lord, dancing Alleluia, we are clapping unto the Lord, clapping Alleluia. There is something that make me come into Your Presence, My Helper. My Helper O! my Helper. My Healer O! my Healer, there is something that makes me come into Your Presence, my Healer.

I look up to the hill, where cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord Who made heaven and earth. He is My helper, He is My Healer, My Saviour, My Strength, My Rock, My Salvation.

Beloveth, shout alleluia to the King of kings the Alpha and Omega, the Beginner and the End, let us praise His Name forever. He is our Prayer answering God. He is our Hope and Salvation. In Him is life; His favour is life also. When God blessed a man, His life becomes a wonder.

In our first message today, we will encounter Jesus and Simon. The first miracle experienced points towards ‘Favour’. Of all the boat on the shore, Simon’s boat was chosen. May we be chosen vessel in the hand of our Creator in Jesus Name. the second miracle is also ‘Favour”. After doing His Father’s business, Jesus blessed him. How?

He told Simon to cast his net into deep. Beloved, do know you that Simon would have ignore the directive and miss his blessing at that moment? Is possible that He would have obeyed him partial and would not have been part of the Apostles? Is also possible that he will have considered the ‘facts” of the matter (from the background of their experience over years in fishing- knowing that fishes are caught mostly at night) ignoring the “Truth” Himself (Jesus) (Jn 14:6-11).

This is an evidence that we cannot labour for the Lord in vain, He will always reward you of every good you done for Him or man (Eph 6:8).

Though Simon arrays his fears which is human but nevertheless he obeyed Him and he had a catch that no one had ever had all through the province. James and John came to their help as they needed help. Beloved, may we walk in the companion of the blessed not in the company of the cursed.

I don’t know what (business, career or ministry) you have abandoned out of frustration, angry or fear. Is possible you have experienced one failure or the other in life. The good news is that none is beyond Jesus. He can fix you up, even in that shattered situation. He is expert in every area or profession. He is the potter and you are the clay, so He knows the purpose and your use as ordain in destiny and He will bring it to pass (Jer 29:11)

This maybe a call on someone to try again. The Lord is motioning on someone to cast in “the net” again, and this time your harvest is guaranteed. Only be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, obey Him and be prompt about it.

Let us discover more on this awesome opportunity before us:

“Master,” Simon replied, “we’ve worked hard all night long and caught nothing! But at Your word, I’ll let down the nets.”—Luke 5:5

No one knows how to help you in your times of failure as Jesus does! He will not overlook your shortcoming or simply encourage you to do better the next time. He will give you victory in the midst of your failure.

Peter had fished all night without success. His was not just a meager catch; he had caught nothing, even though he was a skilled fisherman. Jesus could have said, “Peter, don’t worry about your empty net. You’ll soon be in a different business anyway.” Instead, Jesus told him to launch out into the deep and to cast out his nets for a catch. How humbling it must have been for Peter! Here was a carpenter telling this outspoken fisherman how to fish!

Jesus often gets your undivided attention when you fail. He sometimes takes you back to your place of defeat in order to build something good into your life. You may assume He must not want you to continue because you failed so miserably in your attempt. Perhaps your problem was that you relied on your own strength instead of the Master’s.

Maybe you failed in a relationship. Jesus will not allow you to abandon it; He will help you learn from your failure and experience the difference He can make when He guides your relationships. When you try in God’s strength you may discover that success is indeed within your grasp. If you have recently experienced failure, you may be on the brink of receiving a profound revelation from God!

Did you heard that? Be attentive and position yourself to receive from the Lord. There is nothing He cannot give you like I shared with you under this topic “Freely give” “what can He not freely give you, if He did not spare His Son for you (Rom 8:32). Beloved nothing can separate you from His love. They can only try, the devil can toss you high and heartlessly but he will never separate you from the love of Him that died on the cross for you. Read more below:


Who can separate us from the love of Christ?

Can affliction or anguish or persecution

or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?—Romans 8:35

Nothing you could ever experience, no matter how terrible or frightening, could ever separate you from the love of God. No tribulation and distress you might ever suffer could be so intense that God’s love for you is not even more fervent. No persecution could be so painful that God’s love cannot bring comfort. Famine might starve you of food, but you will never hunger for the Father’s love. Poverty cannot strip you of God’s compassion, just as even death itself is incapable of robbing you of your heavenly Father’s infinite love.

If you base your view of God’s love on your circumstances, you will become confused. There may be times when you will ask, “How could a loving God allow this to happen to me?” You may begin to question what you find clearly stated in the Word of God. God promised that you would never be separated from His love; He did not say that you would never face hardship, persecution, poverty, or danger. If you doubt that God could love you and still allow you to experience difficult experiences, consider the life of Jesus.

If you allow the death of Jesus on the cross to forever settle any questions you might have about God’s love, you will approach difficult circumstances with confidence. Knowing that there will never be anything that could separate you from God’s perfect love, you will watch to see how God expresses His love in each circumstance. Don’t ever judge God’s love based on your circumstances. Instead, evaluate your circumstances from the perspective of God’s love.

Beloved, can you comprehend the love of God? Is possible only in Christ, when Christ dwells in you richly then will you know that anything that happens to you is allowed by God and it will all work out to His own glory. Let your confident not be on man but on God Who can do all things. Focus on Him alone and see Him decorate your life. When you have done your part, you commit Him in fulfilling His part as ordained from creation.

Build up your faith and trust Him Alone, Who can do all things.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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