All power belongs to Jesus… All power belongs to Jesus… All power belongs to Jesus …no power belong to satan… Good morning Jesus… Good morning Lord I know You came from heaven above…the Holy Spirit is on the Throne… Good morning Jesus …Good morning Lord…
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name…we adore You, we give You Praise Father Who is like unto Thee… Thank You for proving Your Name strong on behalf of them that put their trust in You… what more can we say than to come and bow at Your Feet and worship Your Holy Name…. Faithful Father we thank You…. have Your way again in our lives and do that which only You can do … help our unbelief… shower Your mercy on us Father… glory adoration to You alone Amen!!!
Beloveth… our God is Faithful though we may not see it… but God cannot deny His Name… yes His Name is Love… His Name is Faithful…. He is Everlasting… and you know what we are worms … we are sand… meaning we are nothing, for everything we think we are or we have, we receive… we are by the Blood of Jesus redeemed from everlasting damnation…. into a marvelous light… alleluia somebody!!!
Why do we doubt God’s love in our lives… sincerely I have searched and the only thing that clicks in my heart is the topic before us today… we ask severely questions why do bad thing happens to good people?… why do the wicked prosper? Why is God slow in either answering our prayers or avenging for us when we are hurt by either an or those we love and trust…
We can find answers to these question and probably more we simply concluded that God cannot be loving as He said or has promised to be… when we have piled debt with no payment solution in view… when we are sick and have prayed and trusted no other than Him for solution… we have maintain chaste and still no child to call our own … our questions turns to bitterness and we seek revenge … yes we want to help ourselves since God is slow in doing same for us….
However… can you turn your Bibles to Gen 15:12-16…. What did you read? Noting vs 13 and vs 16… beloveth there is always a set time for God to revenge… then flip forward to Exo.2:23-25; Exo.3:7-10…
There is always a set time for God to act … beloveth… being human we may argue that and will want God to act immediately…
However, if we know that God is a Just God and will not let us suffer unduly… beloveth we come to terms with this nature of God we will trust Him even when we are hurting most… we will believe Him that He still love us…
Come along for more…
Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord.—Romans 12:19
One of the hardest areas in which to trust God is in the matter of justice. When we perceive an injustice, we want to see the guilty party punished. We want justice to prevail, especially if we are the victim. We become impatient if we are not avenged quickly. Yet God warns us that vengeance is not our prerogative.
We are to desire justice, but we are not to seek vengeance (Mic. 6:8). When someone offends us, our responsibility is to respond to the offense with forgiveness (Matt. 5:44). God takes the responsibility to see that justice is done. God loves people too much to allow sin to go unchecked.
Peter claimed that God is not slow about His promises to us, but He is patient and long-suffering before He brings about judgment (2 Pet. 3:9). Yet ultimately God has prepared for absolute justice. There will be no sin committed that He will leave unpunished. Either the punishment will fall on His Son or it will be charged against the sinner, but everyone will ultimately give an account for everything they have done (2 Cor. 5:10).
God is absolutely just, and only He can ensure that justice is fully carried out. If we are impatient and seek revenge, we presume that we are wiser than God, and we reveal a blatant lack of trust that God will do the right thing. Only by trusting God’s sovereign wisdom will we be free from our anger and preoccupation toward those who have committed evil.
If we refuse to trust God’s justice, we become enslaved to bitterness and anger. We must guard our hearts and trust God to exercise His judgment against those who oppose Him.
I believe someone is being comforted… We let go of all forms of anger and bitterness… The desire for vengeance will go off your mind least you fall into sin and death. If you find yourself in this pit… beloveth cried to God for mercy to let go your pains and Let him… in this last week of God being enough for every of our situation or condition beloveth… let us cry to God for deliverance from bitterness… and hatred and as we do, God will heal us and help us to look steadily on Him alone…
May God continue to guide our heart that will truly be His children both in words and action in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!
Further Reading: Gen 15:12-16, Exo.2:22-23, Exo 3:7-10,1 Thess.5:17, Ps 103:1-12, Heb.12:2.
Remain blessed in the Lord.