When the Spirit of God is upon my soul, I will dance like David dance. Lord thank You for presence this day in the lives of Your children. We are grateful and remaineth grateful more than ever before. Praise be Your Honour Name forever and ever.
Beloved, you and I have a singular privilege to reverence our God today Who created heaven and earth. We are indeed blessed seed of Abraham to hallow the Name of God with freedom. If I may ask you, how often do you take advantage of this opportunity?
I envy you not that is busy and very occupied. You know you can be busy and still prioritize your work, giving honour to whom honour is due. Still recognizing that God is your creator and must be reverence at all cost. You can choose to say today, I dedicate it to worship God if you are on your own, but if you are on paid employment, you task yourself to pick out time to that either in the early morning hours or late at night even mid-afternoon depending on the kind of work you do. Each work has it peak period.
What we are discussing now is so important if we must make a head way in this journey of life, the presence of God is what we must covet. It is not something that can wait or we can do without.
His presence guarantees every other things in life. in our sleeping and waking up, moving every part our bodies and making use of every organ, our daily activities and schedules are all under His control.
Funny enough we often negate Him to the background. He should wait when you are done than I can then pray. you see God understands, the proper saying. Beloved may we not see evil. Do you know that simply as it is for you and I to get pressed by nature and we make use of our rest rooms to arrest the situation is but by God’s grace and mercy. Do you know that someone somewhere ended up in the hospital and in some cases may not come out of. Something happen to me early hours of yesterday and it took only God to restore it order. Then I once again appreciated God again in all His doings in my life.
Oftentimes, we are bothered by so many things we don’t have or what we want to achieve but if anything goes wrong with any part of your organ than will you know that life itself is a gift. Praise the Lord.
Let us not negate our altar. Let us ignite it fire always on; then will the gate of hell not prevail over us:
Therefore, brothers, since we have boldness to enter the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus,
by the new and living way that He has inaugurated for us, through the curtain (that is, His flesh). . . —Hebrews 10:19–20
Our generation lacks a sense of wonder and reverence toward God. We want to bring God down to our level, to the commonplace. He is God! Though we have direct access to Him as His children, we ought never to forget that this access was purchased with the precious blood of His only Son. No one who truly understands this ever enters God’s presence without a sense of holy awe. No one who comprehends the incredible price paid at Calvary ever takes his relationship with God for granted.
We will never truly understand God and the way He relates to us unless we first comprehend a true sense of His holiness and His demand for holiness among His people. If we are in God’s presence, we are on holy ground! We must never act as if it were God’s purpose to make us successful. It would be preposterous for us to become impatient when God does not answer our prayers when and how we think He should! He is God, we are not!
As you meditate on the price Jesus paid to give you access to the Father, you will come to treasure your prayer times with Him. Worship will become a privilege you seize with gratitude. Scripture will be dear to you as you strive to be holy in all that you do (2 Cor. 7:1; 1 Pet. 1:15).
If you have lost your wonder at the incredible gift of salvation that has been given to you, you need to revisit the cross and witness your Savior suffering for you. How priceless God’s gift of salvation is!
Talking about the cross, do you know about the finish work at the Calvary? Do you believe that all cares are taken care at the cross. We discuss this further at a later date.
Ever heard about the Word Honour? Whenever we are confronted with this word, what usually come to mind is honoring Him with our substance, as good that is but we will be considering it in another context “Honoring God with obedience to all His commandment”. Bring all that belong to us in subjection to Holy Name. Let’s read what the message below have to say concerning this:
“Them that honor me I will honor.” 1Sam. 2:30
Do I make the honor of God the great object of my life and the rule of my conduct? If so, He will honor me. I may for a while receive no honor from man, but God will Himself put honor upon me in the most effectual manner. In the end it will be found the surest way to honor to be willing to be put to shame for conscience’ sake.
Eli had not honored the Lord by ruling his household well, and his sons had not honored the Lord by behavior worthy of their sacred office, and therefore the Lord did not honor them, but took the high-priesthood out of their family, and made young Samuel to be ruler in the land instead of any of their line.
If I would have my family ennobled, I must honor the Lord in all things. God may allow the wicked to win worldly honors; but the dignity which He Himself gives, even glory, honor, and immortality, He reserves for those who by holy obedience take care to honor Him.
What can I do this day to honor the Lord? I will promote His glory by my spoken testimony, and by my practical obedience. I will also honor Him with my substance, and by offering to Him some special service. Let me sit down and think how I can honor Him, since He will honor me.
As you doing that, I will like you to add to that list, a time, date, day to be having a special session with God. Start today by having a special session with Him and I know you will never come out the same way you started. No one comes into His presence without a present.
Finally, I will be closing on this note let a Pray in the Spirit all times and on every occasion, stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Pray for me too. Ask God to give me the right words so that I can boldly explain God’s mysterious plan that the Good News is for Jews and the gentiles alike.
Remain blessed in the Lord.