I will Praise the forever, I will Praise Him forever more. I will the Lord forever, I will Praise Him forever more. // worthy you are worthy, king of kings Lord of Lord you are worthy, worthy you are worthy, king of kings Lord of Lord I worship you.
Father in heaven O God! Thank You for Your love over all that You have made. Blessed be Your Holy Name. Faithful God thank You and thank You and thank you again and again. Who is like unto Thee. There is none to be compared with Thee. Have your way in our lives again today and let Your Name alone be Praise.
Beloved, is going to be great today, Jesus Christ is already here Holy Ghost is already here. What a wonderful God. What a marvellous God we serve. Great is His Name and He is greatly to be Praise.
There is a reward for the righteous afterall. Praise God! Our God is a good God. He will reward us. The exciting thing about God’s promises is that it faileth not. He said He honour His Word more than His Name. Had He say a thing He will surely fulfilled it. He said “my Word will not come back to me void (Isa 55:11).”
God is not a debtor. Whatever he will want you to blessed someone with, He will provide for you. Whatever He want you to bless the church, He will also provided.
However, sometime God expect us to trust enough to bless other or give to the church with the hope that He will also provide for you. How will always reward us.
The Lord said if you sow sparely; you will also reap sparely. Is exciting to note that if God said He will “reward” then we just have to believe Him.
I don’t know where you are trusting and believing God or what you are believing God for he will not fail you if you are righteous. The reward of the righteousness does not end here but will also be in eternity.
When our journey is end here, far beyond the sea, the Lord will also uphold His Word of eternal life (Rom 6:23).
Are you righteous? Will it be said that you are righteous and the promise of today you will partake of.
See to it that you are righteous and the reward of the Lord will be your portion in Jesus Name.
Let’s get going:
“So that a man shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: verily he is a God that judgeth in the earth.” Ps 58:11
God’s judgments in this life are not always clearly to be seen, for in many cases one event happeneth alike to all. This is the state of probation, not of punishment or reward. Yet at times God works terrible things in righteousness, and even the careless are compelled to own His hand. Even in this life righteousness has that kind of reward which it prefers above all others, namely, the smile of God, which creates a quiet conscience. Sometimes other recompenses follow, for God will be in no man’s debt. But, at the same time, the chief reward of the righteous lies in the hereafter.
Meanwhile, on a large scale, we mark the presence of the great Ruler among the nations. He breaks in pieces oppressive thrones, and punishes guilty peoples. No one can study the history of the rise and fall of empires without perceiving that there is a power which makes for righteousness, and, in the end, brings iniquity before its bar, and condemns it with unsparing justice.
Sin shall not go unpunished, and goodness shall not remain unrewarded. The Judge of all the earth must do right. Therefore, let us fear before Him, and no more dread the power of the wicked.
Goodness shall not remain unrewarded. The Hand of the Lord will do it for us as His Hand will surely take away the heart of stone and give us the heart of flesh. If that is your desire come to discover more:
“And I will give you an heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26
A heart of flesh is known by its tenderness concerning sin. To have indulged a foul imagination, or to have allowed a wild desire to tarry even for a moment, is quite enough to make a heart of flesh grieve before the Lord. The heart of stone calls a great iniquity nothing, but not so the heart of flesh.
“If to the right or left I stray,
That moment, Lord, reprove;
And let me weep my life away,
For having grieved thy love”
The heart of flesh is tender of God’s will. My Lord Will-be-will is a great blusterer, and it is hard to subject him to God’s will; but when the heart of flesh is given, the will quivers like an aspen leaf in every breath of heaven, and bows like an osier in every breeze of God’s Spirit.
The natural will is cold, hard iron, which is not to be hammered into form, but the renewed will, like molten metal, is soon moulded by the hand of grace. In the fleshy heart there is a tenderness of the affections.
The hard heart does not love the Redeemer, but the renewed heart burns with affection towards Him. The hard heart is selfish and coldly demands, “Why should I weep for sin? Why should I love the Lord?” But the heart of flesh says; “Lord, Thou knowest that I love Thee; help me to love Thee more!”
Many are the privileges of this renewed heart; “‘Tis here the Spirit dwells, ’tis here that Jesus rests.” It is fitted to receive every spiritual blessing, and every blessing comes to it. It is prepared to yield every heavenly fruit to the honour and praise of God, and therefore the Lord delights in it.
A tender heart is the best defence against sin, and the best preparation for heaven. A renewed heart stands on its watchtower looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus. Have you this heart of flesh?
Lord give us a heart of flesh that will not sin against you. Let Your Hand circumcise our heart so that will not sin against you. Give us a tender heart O! God that will fear you all the days of our life.
Help us we pray Thee to be obedient to your Word and at the end you will reward us with eternity in Jesus Name.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.