Let the living water flow over my soul, let Thy Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind, all my care and burden unto Thee I come, Jesus Jesus, Jesus, calling Him Father, Father, Father, Father, calling Spirit, Spirit, Spirit.// When I come into presence Lord am happy, when I come into Your presence Lord am glad, in Your presence there is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me, in Your presence anointing breaks the yoke, in Your presence anointing breaks the yokes.

Thank You Father for Your goodness and mercies that enduerth forever more, thank You for manifesting through us Your power and grace, thank You Lord for being all we can ever think of or imagine , be Thou glorify in Jesus Name. We worship You, we adore Your Holy Name, let Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth, help us O Lord and be gracious unto us, bless us and honour us, let Thy Name be glorify forever in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, our God is too much, what a Mighty God we serve. His love is so great, so deep, and so wide that it cannot comprehend it all. I love that man of Calvary, He has done so very much for me, He has forgiven all my sin and send Thy Holy ghost to me, I love the Man of Calvary. (of Calvary) I love the Man of Calvary, for He has done so very much for me, He has forgiven all my sin and send the Holy Ghost to me, I love the Man of Calvary.// Glory, glory alleluia, glory, glory Praise the Lord, glory glory alleluia, glory, glory Praise the Lord. glory glory Lord, (we give you glory), we give you glory Lord, glory glory glory Lord You are a mighty God.// I will lift up my voice, I will gladly sing not for what You has done but for Who You are, You are song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to Praise you Lord! He reign, Jesus reign, yea He reign forever more, forever more.

Were you singing along with me, yes! Jesus is the melody in my voice, He is the reason why I sing, glory be to His Name on high. Beloved, the race map out for 2018 is gradually coming to an end, to some it was a swift one and to some others it is have been very over bearing, yes it is overwhelming and some quitted and so many are at the valley of decision to quit but is that the best option available to a child of God.

I come with goodnews this morning, to announce to you that Your God has seen all your affliction and He sending to you a consolation by rising of this message to remind you once again how you are to run the race set before you to end and win the crown which is has been reserve for you right from the foundation of the world and will fit no one except you, so come along as me as we read the engrafted Word of God that sets free, delivers and make whole in Jesus Name:

 Running The Race

How am I doing in running the race God has assigned for me, as outlined in Hebrews 12:1-3?

Verse 1 — “Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Is anything hindering me from running the “race” God has assigned me? (Matthew 10:37, 38; Luke 8:14)

What is the good in my life that has the potential of becoming the enemy of the best? (Philippians 3:12-14)

Is there any sin in my life that is entangling me? (Psalm 106:34-40; 1 Corinthians 9:25, 26; 2 Timothy 2:4; 4:10)

Am I choosing to run with perseverance the race God has “marked out” for me? (Romans 2:7)

Am I in rebellion against God’s plan for me? (1 Samuel 12:14, 15; 15:23; 2 Samuel 15:1-18:33; Proverbs 17:11)

Verse 2 — “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Are my eyes on Jesus, or on someone/something else? (Isaiah 31:1; 45:22; Philippians 3:20; 2 Timothy 4:8)

Is my faith being perfected (matured)? Or am I stagnating? (Psalm 92:12; Colossians 1:10; 2 Peter 3:18)

If I am stagnating, what are the contributing factors?

(Proverbs 1:32; Zephaniah 1:12; Revelation 2:1-4; 3:15-20)

Verse 3 — “Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Is Christ the primary consideration in my life? Or have I pushed Him to the periphery? (Colossians 3:4)

If Christ is at the periphery, what changes do I need to make to place Him at the center? (2 Peter 2:15)

When I encounter opposition for my faith, am I choosing to endure? If not, why not? (Revelation 12:11)

Have I grown weary and lost heart? (Luke 18:1; 2 Corinthians 4:1, 16; Galatians 6:9; 2 Thessalonians 3:13; Revelation 2:3)

What would I need to do to regain my strength and hope? (Isaiah 55:1-3; Hosea 6:1-3; Matthew 11:28-30)

Beloved, how well are faring in all that were listed above? It is the will of God that none will perish but that all come to the true knowledge of God. O! God, the grace to run this race according grant unto your children in Jesus Name. Come and see the greatness enemy of our soul. It cut across even among the believers in Christ. Let us discover more below:


Anger And Fear

Anger and fear are two emotions that paralyze our spiritual development and rob us of joy in our walk with Christ.

Anger usually focuses on our disappointment over occurrences of the past: The violation of our “rights,” frustration over how things have turned out, or lack of fulfillment over not having achieved our goals. We either doubt God’s ability to manage our lives, or we resent His sovereign intrusion into them:

They spoke against God, saying, Can God spread a table in the desert?‘” (Psalm 78:19)

But his subjects hated him [Christ] and sent a delegation after him to say, We dont want this man to be our king.‘” (Luke 19:14)

Fear usually focuses on our anxious anticipation of the future: Do we have what it takes to realize our hopes and aspirations, or will our lives crash in upon us? In the future, will some uninvited calamity make its intrusion? Similar concerns faced the Israelites when they came back from exploring the Promised Land. Tragically, because they refused to take God at His Word, they were diminished and immobilized by fear: “The Lord said to Moses, Send some men to explore the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites… ‘

They came back[and] reported… ‘We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruitBut the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very largeBut the men who had gone up with him said, We cant attack those people; they are stronger than we are, and The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great sizeWe seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them.‘” (Numbers 13 – Selected)

The opposite of anger is gratitude, and the opposite of fear is rest. If we are thankful and at ease over the fact that God is overseeing the affairs of our lives, we will experience an inner calm and joy. And joy is the necessary “oil” that lubricates the “machinery” of life. Unresolved anger or fear on the other hand, become the “sand” in the machinery, that will in time cause our lives to grind to a halt.

The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.” (Proverbs 10:28)

QUESTION: Would those closest to you say your life is driven by anger and fear, or characterized by gratitude and rest? If the answer is anger and fear, what changes do you need to make at this time?

Beloved you heard it “joy is the necessary “oil” that lubricates the “machinery” of life. Unresolved anger or fear on the other hand, become the “sand” in the machinery, that will in time cause our lives to grind to a halt.

Which will allow to run your life? Let us as God to give us the grace to finish the race set before us as pleasing unto God. Praise the Lord! alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!!

Let anger and fear be far from us so that we will fulfill destines in Jesus Name, O! Lord my God have Your way in our lives today and uproot every form of bitterness that anger and fear has enshrine in us in Jesus Name, let your joy, love peace overshadow us to run the race to the desired end in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!!!!

We overcome him by the blood and the Word of our testimonies. O! Lord, give us songs that will lift us high in Your presence in Jesus Name. are you Spirit downcast this morning ask the Lord to give a song, O Lord! give us this day song that will lift us up and mount our wings like that of eagle to run the race set before us with peace and serenity in Jesus Name. Make this month of Ceaseless Praise a reality in Jesus Name, let our victory be secured by the rise of these new songs in Jesus Name, have Your way O! Lord and be Praise forever in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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