What shall I say unto the Lord…all I have to say is thank You Lord….x2. Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord for giving me victory, all I have to say is thank You Lord…! Jehovah is your Name… Jehovah is Your Name!!! Jehovah is Your Name oooo… Mighty in battle, Great in battle… Jehovah is your Name…….

Indeed You are Jehovah the mighty one in battle… we thank God for His mercies that enduerth forever and ever… Thank You for the month of June …. Our Month of Divine Encounter in Christ Jesus … Wow! our God has been so wonderful to us… keep us, protecting us, shielding us, providing for us… or what more can we say… walking by our side daily… what a beautiful encounter we are parking daily… shout alleluia if that has been your testimony too….

Beloveth, the effect of this month will not leave us in a hurry… it will rest with us all the days of our life… Yes! The gifts of God add no sorrow to us… but joy unspeakable full of glory… I was practically walking on gold all through this time and by His grace, I will not diminish but wax stronger and move forward… Praise the Lord…. claim same for yourself but if you have been with us please try and go through all the resources… if you notice I did not claim it for us because Holy Spirit impact is not by mere words but by experience 1Cor. 4:20, Rev 15:3.

We are at the very end of the month today …someone will still be blessed by the reason of your experience in through the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name…

Beloveth, the nature of the Holy Spirit according to the scripture is probably one of my three most quoted scriptures- what I would consider a life verse. There is such a richness in these few words.

First, I love that it starts with “whoever’- there is no discrimination with God, no favoritism; we all have equal access and opportunity to be united with the Lord.

To be united with the Lord is our greatest privilege and our ultimate purpose. This is the pinnacle of what Jesus won for us on the Cross- eternal union with our Creator, reconciliation with the Father.

The extent of this union is far more than we can currently comprehend. We see glimpse of it all through the scriptures- John wrote “in this world we are like Jesus” (1 Jn 4:17); Peter wrote “you may participate in the Divine nature” 2Pet.1:4; and Paul wrote “in Christ you have been brought to fullness” Col 2:10.

Like many New Testament truth, this is a reality that we wrestle with. We are still living in a fallen world with a sinful nature that resists the new creation nature into which God now calls us. I encourage you to go on the journey of renewing your mind to align with how God now sees you.

Beloveth, one of my greatest Joy in this path of evangelism is watching the credible journey of transformation people go on. This truly is a work of the Holy Spirit. The truth is all of us are on a pathway of transformation, and we never get to a point we can say we have “arrived” at this side of eternity. However, every day there are incremental steps we can take towards the image and glory of Christ. As we draw closer to the Lord, we find that the fruit of being in His Presence is freedom- freedom from sin, from self, and freedom from mindsets and patterns that can sabotage our lives and future.

I want to encourage you, whatever you are facing right now, that the Holy Spirit is the greatest source of freedom in the universe. As you fix your eyes on Christ, the beautiful power of the Holy Spirit will begin to lead you into a brighter new day!

Beloveth, as we rounding up this discussion; it will be good for us to know what guarantee we have in the Holy Spirit. So as we draw near to the end of teaching, we have to unpacked so many of the amazing things that come with knowing and being filled with the Holy Spirit, it is important for us to note one thing: all of this is just a taste of what to come!

Paul writes here in his second letter to the Corinthians that the Holy Spirit is like a deposit, a down payment that guarantees what’s ahead. I am no economist expert, but I know that usually a deposit is just a portion of full thing. If there is anyone who is lacking assurance of what eternity will look and feel like, I encourage you to lean into the Holy Spirit, and I believe you will start to get a glimpse of God’s eternal plan. Let us embrace everything we have access to in the Holy Spirit today and also get excited and expectant about the endless wonder of what is to come.

Beloveth as we finish this topic for the moment here I want to end on this scripture. I think it is such a beautiful picture of the Father’s heart for us as His children; He is a good Father, Who loves to give good gifts! Specifically, He loves to give us the greatest gift of all, His Holy Spirit.

If you have struggled to understand the Holy Spirit, if you have never received or been filled with the Holy Spirit, or if you are needing a fresh infilling of God’s Spirit, then right now as you are reading this, I did love you to stop and ask the Father to give you this wonderful gift, a gift He delights to give you!

As you ask, I did encourage you to then, in faith, say Thank You! Just as if someone had given you a present, thanksgiving is the language of faith and help to seal in our heart the things for which we have asked….

Beloveth having received the Holy Spirit and having have an  encountered Him, you are now a vessel of noble use going forward…. You will start seeing as Jesus sees…

Come alone with us for more:

When He saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. Then He began to teach them, saying. . . —Matthew 5:1–2

Christ sees people far differently than we do. Throughout the Gospels we see a pattern in the way Jesus taught His disciples. Whenever He saw the multitudes, Jesus would reveal to the disciples what was on His heart for the people. Jesus wanted His disciples to share His love for the people. The disciples did not always understand all He was telling them, but He assured them that later the Holy Spirit would reveal the significance of His words (John 14:25–26). When the multitudes began pressing in on Him, Jesus would get alone with His disciples and teach them about God’s love for people.

You will experience this same pattern as you walk with Jesus. When God places you in a crowd, you may sense the Holy Spirit impressing upon you the heart and mind of God for those people. Perhaps your Lord will lead you to a solitary place where He shares with you His compassion for the people you have been with. He may reveal to you His will for the people and invite you to join Him in His redemptive activity. He may place a burden on your heart to pray for them. If you are among people and are unmoved by their spiritual condition, God may develop your love for them so that you are prepared to minister to them as He desires.

The next time you are in a crowd, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. You may discover that God has much on His heart for those people and that He is waiting for one of His disciples to respond to His prompting.

Beloveth before signing off this month I want to a the very word of God for you today being the end of the month….

God said — You are My adamant, firm yet transparent- people look through you ans see Jesus.

You are my adamant- the Spirit of Christ dwells in you to make you immovable and unshakable.

You are My adamant- you have a soul of fire!

Jesus came to baptize us with Holy Spirit and fire. This is the baptism we must receive. When we are born again, our lifeless hearts are quickened by the fiery brilliance of His eternal love.

You don’t know what you look like in the Spirit. You think you are only speaking Words, but you speaking things that separate with light and truth the lies of the enemy that have been on people for so long. You are speaking fire that melts chains. You need to stand in this truth. The gift on your life is like a fire. Do not let it go out. Breathe on the coal and fan it into a huge blaze! Others need that fire to burn brightly in you and from you, because you are His child, reborn of His Nature…..

God speaks to you as you will become, not as you are. He has so much faith in His plan for your life. So keep the faith glowing; keep the fire glowing…. Both establish the Divine Encounter in Christ Jesus….

Beloveth… finally Let us thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit.. Let us asked Him to continue to fill us over and over again and help me to stay in step with Him always.

Further Reading – 1 Cor 6:17, 2Cor.3:17-18, 2Cor.5:5, Lk 11:11-13, Tit 3:1, Lk 3:16, Zech 2:5, Ps 104:4….

See you next month by God’s grace…  Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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