How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is Your Name O Lord! How excellent is Your Name, how Excellent is Your Name, how Excellent is Your Name, O Lord! how Excellent is Your Name, how Excellent is Your Name, how excellent is Your Name O Lord!// we lift Your Name higher, we lift Your Name higher, we lift your Name higher, we lift your Name higher, shout alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, shout alleluia alleluia shout alleluia alleluia.

Eternal Rock of Ages we bless You. We honour You, we adore You, we glorify You forever. Thank You for a moment like this. Who is like unto Thee? Father, You are Great, You do great things in our lives, hallowed be Thy Name.

We come not unto man but to a Living God, whose plan for us are not for evil but for good. Matchless Jesus, hear us as we call You today, be it done unto us according to Your Word “that if we seek You, we will found Thee.”

Beloved, how are doing today? Hope the power of the Lord is manifesting in your life, family and career/ ministry? Glory be to God on high.

Are you ready to pray? By the grace of God, coming our way today is another eye opener to how we will get our prayer answered whenever we pray. It is not enough to pray but more importantly is getting our prayers answered. So we must come before God in an acceptable manner and way that will be pleasing to Him to accept us and make His presence felt in our meetings either in the closet, at the church or any gathering where His Name is mentioned.

Beloveth, it is seekers that finds. It not common to stumble on breakthroughs. You must have been looking forward to it or praying concerning it and when the signs are up you will know that is it.

This also should remind us that we must be working out our salvation daily for us to make heaven. There is nowhere the bible told us a story about anyone who lived carelessly or satisfying flesh and when he/she died went to heaven. Every account of the bible points to either a glorious ending or eternal damnation. So let us beware on how we live.

However as we talking about prayer, God instruction on Jer 33:3 said “call unto me and I will show you …” the instruction is for us to call. Therefore we must obey the instruction by calling on God, praying through Jesus and the Holy Spirit is ever presence to help us to pray in the manner that our request be sent up and come down with answers. Praise God!

Beloved, the Psalmist said a closed mouth is a closed destiny. Therefore we must open our mouth wide for it to be filled. Are you ready to do that? Ohhhh! Someone is complaining about her prayers that are yet to be answered despite how long she has been believing God for breakthrough.

There is need for cross examination of self. God does not answer an ill-mannered or intended prayers. A prayer of a sinner is an abomination before God. So, search your heart or rather your life and make sure you are living right (Jas 1:13-15). If you find yourself wanting, ask God to cleanse you if not, then you don’t need to worry my dear.

All you need do is to pray, believe and keep trusting God that it has done, then wait. God will not neglect your trust in Him. Remember, He is the Almighty God, He is the Rock of Ages. A God Who can do all things. King of kings is His Name.

Come as a seeker and you will surely find. Let’s get into the ministration for the day.


“If thou seek him, he will be found of thee.” 1Chron. 28:9


We need our God; He is to be had for the seeking; and He will not deny Himself to any one of us if we personally seek His face. It is not, if thou deserve Him, or purchase His favor, but merely if thou “seek” Him.

Those who already know the Lord must go on seeking His face by prayer, by diligent service, and by holy gratitude: to such He will not refuse His favor and fellowship. Those who, as yet, have not known Him to their souls’ rest should at once commence seeking, and never cease till they find Him as their Saviour, their Friend, their Father, and their God.

What strong assurance this promise gives to the seeker! “He that seeketh findeth.” You, yes you, if you seek your God shall find Him. When you find Him you have found life, pardon, sanctification, preservation, and glory. Will you not seek, and seek on, since you shall not seek in vain?

Dear friend, seek the Lord at once. Here is the place, and now is the time. Bend that stiff knee; yes, bend that stiffer neck, and cry out for God, for the living God. In the name of Jesus seek cleansing and justification. You shall not be refused.

Here is David’s testimony to his son Solomon, and it is the writer’s personal witness to the reader. Believe it and act upon it, for Christ’s sake.

God commanded us to seek Him. Our God also look out for us “for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect before Him (2Chr 16:9).” Is your heart right with God? Our second text is telling us what happened in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned against God. God was calling and they did not answer. Beloved, our sins will find us out. Nothing is hidden before God (Heb 4:13).

Today, the Garden of Eden is no longer a location but our heart. Did you sin against God? Humble yourself before Him and confess your sins, He will forgive you.

“The voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” Genesis 3:8


My soul, now that the cool of the day has come, retire awhile and hearken to the voice of thy God. He is always ready to speak with thee when thou art prepared to hear. If there be any slowness to commune it is not on His part, but altogether on thine own, for He stands at the door and knocks, and if His people will but open He rejoices to enter.

But in what state is my heart, which is my Lord’s garden? May I venture to hope that it is well trimmed and watered, and is bringing forth fruit fit for Him? If not, He will have much to reprove, but still I pray Him to come unto me, for nothing can so certainly bring my heart into a right condition as the presence of the Sun of Righteousness, who brings healing in His wings.

Come, therefore, O Lord, my God, my soul invites Thee earnestly, and waits for Thee eagerly. Come to me, O Jesus, my well-beloved, and plant fresh flowers in my garden, such as I see blooming in such perfection in Thy matchless character! Come, O my Father, who art the Husbandman, and deal with me in Thy tenderness and prudence!

Come, O Holy Spirit, and bedew my whole nature, as the herbs are now moistened with the evening dews. O that God would speak to me. Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth! O that He would walk with me; I am ready to give up my whole heart and mind to Him, and every other thought is hushed. I am only asking what He delights to give.

I am sure that He will condescend to have fellowship with me, for He has given me His Holy Spirit to abide with me for ever. Sweet is the cool twilight, when every star seems like the eye of heaven, and the cool wind is as the breath of celestial love.

My Father, my elder Brother, my sweet Comforter, speak now in lovingkindness, for Thou hast opened mine ear and I am not rebellious.

Beloved, Jesus is knocking at your heart today, do you dare open for Him to enter, don’t keep Him waiting for long. If you are in to receive the theme of the year as blessings into your live then you must repent by opening your heart to our Lord Jesus Christ to come in and dine with you. Praise God!

Is there someone who is saying “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.” Jesus will touch you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Beloveth, as pray today don’t forget that only seekers are finders. Therefore open your wide your mouth to receive from God. Praise the Lord!

Father in heaven, answer us as we pray in Jesus Name. Help us to see those things that are not pleasing to you and surrender it back to you.

Beloved, pray and your answers will come speedily. Praise the Lord!

Remain blessed in the Lord.



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