Thank You Jesus thank You my Jesus thank You my Savoiur Thank You my Dear Lord. Thank You Jesus thank You my Jesus thank You my Savoiur Thank You my Dear Lord.// who is like unto Thee, O Lord! Who is like unto Thee, O Lord! among the gods, who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness, fearful in praises doing Wonders alleluia.
Our Father, there is no one like You Lord. Thank You for being there for us, immortal, invisible, the Only Wise God, hallow be Thy Name, let Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth. Thank You Jesus for Your supreme sacrifice which bought me back from the hell and translated me to the path of righteousness, Glory be to You O Lord!
You are the Lord let Your Name be glorified. You are Jesus, let Your Name be glorified, we give You glory and honour, You are the Lord let Your Name be glorified.
Beloved, is prayer time! Are you ready? Beloved are worried as per how well you have fared since the beginning of the year? Many sermon preached, many prayers said and even fasting done and it seem as if nothing is happening.
I have goodnews for you. The first time I got the understanding of the meaning of El-Shaddia I was so excited. As in my knowledge that God is all I need for things to fall into places for me. It also means that there is nothing beyond His power. Heaven and earth are form by His spoken Word.
Is so so comforting and I feel good knowing that my Father need no one to be all He is meant to be for me. Beloveth, are worried, I bid you to stop because You Father, my Father care for your needs and He is able to do far exceeding more than You can even imagine. He is a faithful God.
Abraham told his son “will provide the lamb for the sacrifice and He indeed did.” As the time of this conversion Abraham can either be viewed as a liar or a deceiver, because he knew who was meant to be the lamb for the sacrifice. However, at the set time God proved his answer true for indeed He provided the lamb for the sacrifice Gen 22:7-8, 11-13.
Beloved, our God is Awesome, He is more than what we call Him. at that mount Abraham called Him Jehovahjireh- in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.
Is possible you are yet to see the Hand of the Lord upon your live, not to worry keep faith alive, believe in God and in the power of His might. For of the truth, in the mount of the Lord it shall be seen.
But the question here is are you on the mount of the Lord? are you obeying God as Abraham did? Are you having a relationship as Abraham did? Is so important that we keep close relationship with God and we see our lives turning a wonder like He did for Abraham.
Beloved, this is another opportunity before you to connect with God, make God use of it. Learn from Him and all your heavy laden will become light. He knows all your needs. Our God cannot be unrighteousness not to provide for our needs. If He allows rain to fall on both the righteous and the unrighteous will He not do more for us? (Matt 6:32).
Come on with me to see what a mighty God we serve:
Numbers 17:1-19:8, Psalm 35:22-28, Proverbs 8:22-24,Mark 15:1-21
“Settling Down in God”
And my tongue will proclaim Your righteousness, Your praise all day long.—Psalm 35:28
The words “Father in heaven” are intended to help us focus not only on God’s location, but also on His elevation. The Savior (so I believe) encourages us, when we come to God in prayer, to get our perspective right and to look above “the ragged edges of time” to the heights of eternity where God has His royal throne.
The old Welsh preachers and theologians, such as Christmas Evans, Daniel Rowlands, and others, used to call this aspect of prayer “settling down in God.” They taught that when we gain a right perspective of God and heavenly things, then and only then can we have a right perspective of man and earthly things. It was only when Isaiah saw the Lord “high and lofty” that he was able to put into focus the events that were happening around him. Our life here on earth can never be abundant until we realize that we have access to resources which are outside the realm of terrestrial things.
A good working translation of the term El-Shaddai (Gn 17:1) is “God—the Enough.” Actually, of course, He is more than enough, but how comforting it is to know that He is at least that. So, when coming to God in prayer, learn to settle yourself down in God. Remind yourself that His resources so infinitely exceed your requirements; His sufficiency so immeasurably surpasses every demand you may make upon it. Get the divine perspective right, and earthly things will fall into their right and proper focus.
My Father, gently and quietly I breathe the strength of Your Almightiness into every portion of my being. I realize that when I see You “high and lofty,” then all of life is reduced to its proper proportions. I am so thankful. Amen.
Further Study
Mt 19:13-26; Eph 3:20; 2Co 9:8; Php 4:19
What was the declaration of Jesus?
How did Paul describe “El-Shaddai”?
Beloved is good for us to know that our can do all things. He is our sufficiency, our El-Shaddai our All in All. So as we approach Him let us come with that knowledge and it shall be well with us. (2Cor 3:5) Praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.