Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart Lord Jesus. Come into today, come stay, come into my heart Lord Jesus. Into my heart, into my heart, come into my heart Lord Jesus. Come into today, come to stay, come into my heart Lord Jesus. // I will magnify the Lord, Who is worthy to be Praise! I will glorify the Lord! Who is worthy to be Praise, the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord! honour to the Lord! Let the Lord of my salvation be exalted! The Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted.

Hosanna to the son of David, blessed is He Who cometh in the Name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. Be glorify O Lord! (Be glorify O Lord). Be glorify O Lord! (Be glorify O Lord) Be glorify in the heaven, be glorify here on earth, Be glorify in this temple, Jesus Jesus, be Thou glorify!

Yes! Father we glorify You, be exalt You, we magnify You, be Thou glorify. Thank You for upholding our faith, thank You for being God unto us, Thank You for holding up Your Word! Be Thou glorify!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, God is good to me! What about you? Can you say the same in spite of what you are going through right now? The situation is getting tougher by the day, has God be faithful in spite of it? You have been stab in your heart, is God faithful in spite of it? I have learnt to lean on Him irrespective of what is going on around me. The virtue I am longing is the act of “silence” even in the face danger. Yes! To receive “grace” to be silence without feeling hurt when going through betrayer, persecution and temptation. Father, I covet this virtue in Jesus Name.

Today, we are considering Rahab, a harlot who made it to the “Hall of Fame.” How did it happen? What is happening? A harlot, not from the set apart brethren, what is going on? How did it happen?

In book of Joshua chapter 2 from verse 8, the supposedly harlot gave a good testimony of the God of Israel; she told the spies how their hearts melted because of the doings of the God of Israel. She however requested a favour from them, having dealt kindly with them. The two spies gave their promise with a condition, which if breached her blood or any other will not be upon their heads (v14, 17-20).

Beloveth, looking at the two parties involved, you can see their level of confidence in God. Rahab is so sure that God will give Jericho to the Israelite and the two spies is so confident that God is able to save Rahab and her family in the midst of destruction if she bind herself to their instructions – firstly, not to utter a word about their coming to any one, secondly, to bind her window with a line of scarlet.

When the set time came, the God of the Israelite was able to deliver into their hands the land of Jericho and He also delivered Rahab and her family from destruction.

This woman of great faith made it to the “Hall of Fame” by dwelling in the midst of God’s people and later married among them. She secured her destiny by simply by “obedience” and through the “acts of kindness” (v 12, 21).

Is so interestingly to note that both parties, knew the Power of God Israel and were also confidence in His deliverance power. Beloved, Looking at our world today, can we say that we have the same level of confidence in our God? Everywhere is shaking with fear and evil projections with a just a few proclaiming about the power of God and His ability to protect His own from this dreadful virus – Covid -19.

So many prayers are going on in different quarters but yet we are full of fear. The fear of death and the lost of loves ones engulfed us that we see not what the power of God is doing.

Satan hired agents in the persons of social media keep magnifying the virus above our God and we are following up minute by minute broadcast instead of spending time in the Word of God and interceding for the world. So many people have exposed themselves to the information so much that they feel they gotten the virus already. I got one which said “do not allow any visitor to your home even if is your blood brother/ sister.

I see the media and government destructing everything the church of God has taught about fellowship. I see the spirit of mammon being introduced in our heart minute by minute with the messages that goes round through our social media which will be also be instrument in circulating. Interesting too, I also saw a picture showing where God and Satan was engaged in a conservation and this is how it goes –

Satan: with covid 19, I closed down all the churches.

God: on the contrary, I just opened one in every home!

Bravo! Isn’t it? When I posted it to my siblings’ Whatsapp group, my younger sister commented “with every Father a pastor and every wife a minister. Isn’t that interesting?

Just like satan never knew that nailing Jesus to the Cross is the only way that the Redemption package will be fulfilled; likewise those who masterminded the closure of churches to hinder the gathering of the children of God so as to make them vulnerable to their gimmicks and propagation of their satanic agenda, but God has gone ahead of them to empower the church in using the social media platform to bring His word to His people even in the comfort of their homes and also initiate 24hr prayer chain going on online daily by different groups. What an Awesome God we serve.

One of the minister I was listening to in my local church women fellowship tagged the “Lockdown” time to “Upper room” experiences,” meaning that you and I must not waste this time listening to every news that flies around in the social media rather we should engage our time meaningfully by seeking God’s face so that by time this season is over, we like the Apostles’ of old will come up with great and new ideas of doing things both in the secular and also in doing the kingdom business. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, let us at this time display greater trust; greater faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, Who overcame death and secured eternal lives for all His redeemed, He will not let satan destroy His plans and works in our lives (Col 3:2) Praise the Lord!!

Come along with us for more:

“She bound the scarlet line in the window.” Joshua 2:21

Rahab depended for her preservation upon the promise of the spies, whom she looked upon as the representatives of the God of Israel. Her faith was simple and firm, but it was very obedient. To tie the scarlet line in the window was a very trivial act in itself, but she dared not run the risk of omitting it.

Come, my soul, is there not here a lesson for thee? Hast thou been attentive to all thy Lord’s will, even though some of His commands should seem non-essential? Hast thou observed in his own way the two ordinances of believers’ baptism and the Lord’s Supper? These neglected, argue much unloving disobedience in thy heart. Be henceforth in all things blameless, even to the tying of a thread, if that be matter of command.

This act of Rahab sets forth a yet more solemn lesson. Have I implicitly trusted in the precious blood of Jesus? Have I tied the scarlet cord, as with a Gordian knot in my window, so that my trust can never be removed? Or can I look out towards the Dead Sea of my sins, or the Jerusalem of my hopes, without seeing the blood, and seeing all things in connection with its blessed power? The passer-by can see a cord of so conspicuous a colour, if it hangs from the window: it will be well for me if my life makes the efficacy of the atonement conspicuous to all onlookers.

What is there to be ashamed of? Let men or devils gaze if they will, the blood is my boast and my song. My soul, there is One who will see that scarlet line, even when from weakness of faith thou canst not see it thyself; Jehovah, the Avenger, will see it and pass over thee.

Jericho’s walls fell flat: Rahab’s house was on the wall, and yet it stood unmoved; my nature is built into the wall of humanity, and yet when destruction smites the race, I shall be secure. My soul, tie the scarlet thread in the window afresh, and rest in peace.

Beloveth, did you read that- Jericho’s walls fell flat: Rahab’s house was on the wall, and yet it stood unmoved….. and yet when destruction smite the race, I shall be secure because my soul will tie the scarlet thread (Blood of Jesus) in the window (heart) and rest in peace of that understanding (Eph 1:3-23), Praise the Lord!!!!

Beloved, rejoice and be glad because the glory of the Lord is risen in all the world.  Be obedient to every word of God, so that you will stand secure in the land even in the midst of destruction.  Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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