I will Praise You Lord…I will Praise You Lord… I will Praise you Lord… I will Praise You Lord what my mother cannot do… He has done it for me… what my papa cannot do… He has done it for me…// Every living soul…every living soul Praise the Lord…every living soul…every living soul Praise the Lord…are You are living soul…I am a living soul I will Praise the Lord…
Our Father we bow before You…in worship…honour and adoration be ascribe unto Thee in Jesus Name… Amen!!! our Father come into our heart now and have Your way… help us and make us whole… as our hands are lifted Father … we beseech Thee… to do that which no man can do our life and situations in Jesus Name… Let Your glory come down and ignite Your fire in our hearts that we may see Your works manifest in our lives and situations in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
Alleluia to somebody who the Lord has poured out His blessings upon…. We rejoice before our Holy Father… we pray that You visit us and make everything new in Jesus Name… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!
Beloveth join us as we celebrate Jesus …. Praise the Name of the Lord Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise Praise the Name of Jesus….. Alleluia!!! The Lord is good… All the time… All the time… The Lord is good…
Faithful is Your Name… Ancient of Days… Mighty God in battle… Who can be compared with Thee… nobody… O Lord!!! We ask That Your power come down and heal our sick bodies… Take away infirmities from the pit of hell in Jesus Name…. Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia!!!!
Beloveth… do you know your God? The Bible said that “But they wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and their run and will not be weary, and they shall walk, and not faint… Isa.4o:31.
Beloveth… we are digging dip today… what do you understand by digging?… – drilling from a surface into a dip… can be on a ground i.e. land… it can be on a wood- to fasten inches, bolts or what have you… It can be a metal…like tunnel…
But the whole essences is to go beyond the surface to secure a good portion of what you have… or want to store…
Beloveth if all you knew God is on the surface… hummm… I go hard…ooo… Ha…. Satan go take you pay kalo, kalo… false prophet nko…ehhh what about fake pastors and evangelist… the list is long and not exhaustive….
But if you know our God… if you study your Bible, can pray either alone or belong to a fellowship of people of God… if you belong to Bible believing and faith based church of God… beloveth … you will be soaring… yes… you will know your God, you will be happy and rejoicing because you have dominion over satan, sickness and sin…
You are sure that God promises over your life will be fulfilled in Jesus Name… you will have the infilling of the Holy Ghost like on day of the Pentecost…. Such encounter can only be in the place of searching through the scripture… Yes! The Spirit of God will do His work… alleluia!!!
In this teaching today.. we will expose you to how to study the Word of God for utmost benefits of both your soul and your body… Yes! an extension to services and evangelism…
Beloveth… let read through the teaching below:
Simple Approach To Dig Deeper Into God’s Word
If you want to dig deeper into God’s Word, then try this simple approach:
Choose a short passage of Scripture. Then:
- READ the passage: (We’ll use Matthew 9:9-13 for our example)
“As Jesus went on from there he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector‘s booth. Follow Me,“ He told him, and Matthew got up and followed Him. While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew‘s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with Him and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this they asked His disciples, `Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and ‘sinners‘?‘ On hearing this, Jesus said, `It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy, not sacrifice.‘ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.“
11. RECORD the facts vs-9– Jesus tells Matthew to follow Him. Matthew obeys. Vs.10– Jesus and His disciples have dinner with Matthew and his friends: tax collectors and “sinners.” Vs.11– The Pharisees question Jesus’ disciples as to why He ate with such people. Vs.12, 13– Jesus hears about it and responds:
- The “sick “, not the healthy need a doctor.
- God desires mercy over religious observance (“sacrifice “).
- Christ came not to call the righteous, but sinners.
III.REFLECT on the implications of the facts for our life:
- “I wonder if I am as immediate and responsive to Jesus‘ call to discipleship as was Matthew.“
- “Do I still have lost friends whom I am introducing to Jesus, as did Matthew?“
- RESPOND by applying one of the implications to your life:
“I am convicted that I have not been more active in introducing my lost friends to Christ. Within 2 months 1 will have a dinner party for several of them, and plan to share how Christ has changed my life.”
For further practice you may want to try the following passages: John 18:1-11; Psalm 23; Ecclesiastes 5:18-20; Genesis 3:1-7; Colossians 3:12-16; John 18:15-18, 25-27; Revelation 1:12-18.
Beloveth… Praise the Name of the Lord… somebody!!!! Alleluia!!!!. Yes! we serve a living God.. and His Word is sharp…shaper than the two edged sword … it pierces… through the bone marrows… it cuts asunder beloveth that is God’s Word…
When you read God’s Word- Bible your eyes of understanding will open… there is this spark you have… then your heart perceives what the Word is saying per time… Eph.1:18, 1Cor.1:18, Col.3:16-17
Beloveth don’t let a day pass without having an encounter with the Word of God… be battle ready all the time… so that you will engage situations and circumstances that might come your way… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia!!!
Beloveth… with this little guidance we believe that your quite time with God will be fruitful in Jesus Name. you will start manifesting God’s glory and power as promised us in His Word Amen!!! (1Cor.4:20). Praise the Name of the Lord Alleluia!!!
Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Go ahead and have an impactful reading and manifestation in Jesus Name…. Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.