All glory glory glory glory to the Lord! All glory glory glory glory to the Father! Hosanna, Hossanna, Hossanna Blessed be Thy Name of the Lord! Hosanna, Hossanna, Hossanna Blessed be Thy Name of the Lord!// the Name of Lord excellent, the Name of the Lord Marvelous, the Name of the Wonderful, the Name of the Lord is Mighty!

Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God I bow before Your throne!  Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God I bow before Your throne!  I bow before Thy throne, to worship at Your feet, I bow before Thy throne, You are a glorious God!

Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we worship you, we give You Praise, we give Your adoration, alleluia to Your Holy Name, Father we thank You, we thank You, we thank you for the gift of September, Your doings were beyond our expectations. We give You Praise, we adore, alleluia to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name Amen!

Beloveth, are you grateful for the month of September? Did God come through for you? Did You see the working wonders of the Lord in Your life and those around you? Did the theme of the month came true for you? if does can you join us in Praising and adoring this Great God for all He has done for us in this blessed month. alleluia to His Holy Name Amen and Amen.

Today being the last day of this month and also the last praying session for the month, we want to dedicate it to worship. Is that alright by you?

For the great, mighty and impossible things He did done for us we think it we absolutely good to give Him Praise and worship as we look forward to another round of blessings from Him. Though God is not tired of doing good because that is His Nature but as we Praise Him for the ones He did, He will be please to do more for us. Praise the living God!

Beloveth, it is absolutely good to Praise the Name of the Lord! Praises has been established to be a powerful weapon use by God to bring about the impossible in the lives of people (2chr 20:15-30, Josh 6:1-20).

Beloveth, the weapon of our warfare is not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds (2 Cor 10:4), is critical for us to Praise now so that every stronghold shall be pull down in Jesus Name.  We are not going to leave any stone unturned, therefore griddle your lions to Praise until something happens.

You are going to Praise the Lord in your way and as you do so the Lord will come down in His glory and bless you. Those burdens are lifted, those closed doors are opening, those illnesses are leaving immediately in Jesus Name!

With the reference verse we had earlier, you see God go into action as result of praise.

“Sing forth the honour of His name, make His praise glorious.” Psalm 66:2

It is not left to our own option whether we shall praise God or not. Praise is God’s most righteous due, and every Christian, as the recipient of His grace, is bound to praise God from day to day. It is true we have no authoritative rubric for daily praise; we have no commandment prescribing certain hours of song and thanksgiving: but the law written upon the heart teaches us that it is right to praise God; and the unwritten mandate comes to us with as much force as if it had been recorded on the tables of stone, or handed to us from the top of thundering Sinai.

Yes, it is the Christian’s duty to praise God. It is not only a pleasurable exercise, but it is the absolute obligation of his life. Think not ye who are always mourning, that ye are guiltless in this respect, or imagine that ye can discharge your duty to your God without songs of praise. You are bound by the bonds of His love to bless His name so long as you live, and His praise should continually be in your mouth, for you are blessed, in order that you may bless Him; “this people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise”; and if you do not praise God, you are not bringing forth the fruit which He, as the Divine Husbandman, has a right to expect at your hands.

Let not your harp then hang upon the willows, but take it down, and strive, with a grateful heart, to bring forth its loudest music. Arise and chant His praise. With every morning’s dawn, lift up your notes of thanksgiving, and let every setting sun be followed with your song. Girdle the earth with your praises; surround it with an atmosphere of melody, and God Himself will hearken from heaven and accept your music.

“E’en so I love Thee, and will love,

And in Thy praise will sing,

Because Thou art my loving God,

And my redeeming King.”

Beloveth you can agree with me that is a good thing to Praise the Lord! Do you remember this song “Jesus is not a disappointment”, we sang it this month. I want you to sing again today. Trust God as you sing and worship Him; He will come through for you. That surprise package that will put laughter in your mouth is what God is going to give you after this session in Jesus Name.

Do forget to ask God for another mouth watering and heart spoiling visitation in the coming month. we will testify, just make sure you possess the coming month with Praise. Praise the Name of the Lord! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Blessed Redeemer, hear us as we call upon today through praises and worship in Jesus Name.

Beloved, let us pray sing your way through in Jesus Name

Every living soul praise the Lord! (every living soul) every living soul praise the Lord!

See you next month by God’s grace in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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