I serve a Living God even the devil know say na true ooo…I serve Living God everybody know say na You dey reign… say na You dey reign… na dey reign…// You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody… Almighty God… that is Your Name…
Our Father we worship and adore Your Holy Name… we exalt and magnify You Jesus…Thank You for miracles… Thank You for showing Yourself strong on our behalf… Thank You Father for manifesting Your Power in our midst…. Glory!!! Alleluia!!!! Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!
You are the Lord that is Your Name You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your Glory with anybody… Almighty God that is Your Name…
Beloveth… Praise the Living Jesus… alleluia Amen!!! our God is God all the time…
Blessed be the Name of the Lord… He is worthy..He is worthy… He is worthy… Lord I lift Your Holy Name in one accord… singing blessed be Thy Name… honor to Thy Name… blessed be The Name of the Lord…
Beloveth, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things…. (Rom.10:15b)…
Faithful is our Father… He performed His Words… all His promises must surely come to pass in Jesus Name… alleluia Amen!!!
Beloveth… the Lord has gladdened my heart wherefore I am glad… Praise Jesus…
Today we will be considering six Discipling principles from the life Christ in John 17 that we can also apply to our lives and situations.
Come along with us for more…. Praise the Lord somebody… our Lord is good… all the time He is good.
Six Discipling Principles From The Life Of Christ In John 17 That We Can Also Apply:
- Jesus’ first concern was for the glory of the Father and the Son: “Father… Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You.” (John 17:1; also verses 5, 10, 24)
Therefore, everything we do in the ministry must focus on Him rather than us. (Galatians 6:14)
- Jesus appropriated His God-given authority in order to do the ministry: “For You granted [Christ] authority over all people… ” (John 17:2)
Therefore, as sent ones, we must not be deterred by the fear or opposition of man. (John 20:21; Proverbs 29:25)
- Jesus was given men as a gift from the Father: “I have revealed You to those whom You gave Me out of the world. They were Yours; You gave them to Me… ” (John 17:6; also verse 2)
Therefore, we are to prayerfully ask God to give us the people whom we are to disciple.
- Jesus’ mission was to get people into an intimate relationship with Himself and the Father: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know You… and Jesus Christ… I have revealed You to those whom You gave Me out of the world.” (John 17:3, 6; also verses 21-23)
Therefore, we must focus on developing intimacy with God over engagement in activities.
- Jesus recognized the centrality of God’s Word in His disciples’ spiritual growth: “I gave them the words You gave Me and they accepted them… Sanctify them by the truth; Your word is truth.” (John 17:8, 17; also verses 5 and 14)
Therefore, we are to make every effort to build God’s Word into our disciples’ lives. (Acts 20:32)
- Jesus’ disciples came to understand that they were to be “in” the world but not “of ” the world: “The world has hated them… My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one… As You sent Me into the world, I have sent them into the world.” (John 17:14, 15, 18; also verse 11)
Therefore, we must prepare our disciples to utilize the weapons of spiritual warfare in order to win over the enemy in his territory. (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Are you blessed beloveth… did you read this- that You are in the world and not of the world… does that minister to your Spirit? Yes! it did to me… if truly you are for Christ beloveth…. You will understand why the world hates you… you will understand why you are constantly under the attack of the devil, you will understand why they say no to you… because you are not of the world…
But Jesus has prayed for you… therefore you are comforted… Praise the Name of Jesus…
So now that you know likewise build in same in the lives of those you are disciple and they will grow with faith not fear in Jesus Name…
Likewise also if you are yet to come to this knowledge of this truth… May God send you the need help and understanding in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Alleluia!!!
Always remember this is the heartbeat of our heavenly Father …. “Therefore Go and preach the goodnews… make disciple of all nations according to Matt.28:18-20…. And we say Amen!!! in Jesus Name… God will manifest Himself when you obey His command…
Further Reading-Rom.13:14, Matt.28:18-20, 2Cor.3:17, Jas.1:6, Rom.8:37, Eph.2:5, Eph.4:30.
Remain blessed in the Lord.