I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus no turning back, no going back. I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no going back, no turning back, No going back.// great is Thy faithfulness, great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Your hand Has provided, great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto Thee.
Heavenly Father we thank You we blessed Your Holy Name, we adore You King of glory we give Praise adoration to Your Name O! Lord! How excellent are You Lord. Thank You for the gift of this week, thank You for being true to Your Name alleluia to You faithful Father, be Thou glorify in Jesus Name.
Is another Friday, our PCL session, another opportunity to learn at the feet of Jesus. Praise the Lord! Lord your children have come, sitting at the feet of Jesus as Mary did, teach us we pray Thee that which will help us to run this race faithfully in Jesus Name. Have Your way again in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how excellent is our God! He’s been so good to us, alleluia to the King of kings, the Ancient One, The Lion of the Tribe of Judea, Great and Mighty is our God, join us as we Praise tomorrow, make it a date with us and you will surely be blessed in Jesus Name.
Is another PCL and we will be considering “Slow Growth-Good Growth” alleluia somebody!!!
Hope you have enjoyed our teaching for the week and we cannot but emphasizing that God will ever be loving and His Kindness standeth sure, alleluia somebody! What do we mean by slow growth yet good growth?
At a point in our Christian race we are called babies, at another point we are enjoyed to grow from infant to maturity. When we are babies we drink milk as time goes on we are encourage to eat the strong meat.
From the farmers point of view, growth of various crop takes different time, but it has been observed that those with slow growth often have a good growth as a result they yield good fruit/product.
Bring it down to our growth in Christian race, when we first came to Christ through salvation, a lot of sinful nature step out, however is good to know that deep changes takes place in our life as we continual spend time in the world of God, it helps to shape our life style, develop our faith and stabilizes our Christian walk.
You don’t need to be angry at yourself at the rate of your growth or compare yourself to another but you must continual make sincerely effort to grow into maturity. As you are saved to save others.
Beloved, join us to discover more:
Ezekiel 40:1-41:7, Psalm 135:13-21, Proverbs 29:7-9, 2 Peter 3:1-18
Slow Growth—Good Growth
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.—2 Peter 3:18
Resentment poisons the one who holds it. Think how free of resentment our Lord was. His “first word” from the cross shows how He dealt with any possible temptation to be resentful. I believe that He was as free to walk away from Calvary as he was to walk away from the cliff-edge above Nazareth. He accepted death. Sin and love were in decisive battle. Had He drawn back, sin would have won. And He who lives in us can love in us—if we let Him.
We must allow time for change. Change is more often than not a process. I want to emphasize this because many, when once they see the way out of their dilemma, want change to take place too quickly. Some changes in our lives take place quickly. The night I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ, a lot of my sinful habits left me. But some didn’t, and the process of change was long and tedious. Deep healing and supernatural change can take place in a moment, but often it takes months of struggle, trial and error, learning and unlearning.
All of us have different timetables when it comes to growing, and no one should judge another’s timetable. There is an assumption that when God is involved, then all change will be instantaneous. It can happen that way, but be prepared also for it to take place over a period of time. A gardener friend of mine says: “Slow growth is good growth.” It is the same in the garden of the soul.
Father, help me to be content with Your timetable for my spiritual growth. Sometimes I want to grow more quickly than is good for me. Help me be patient with Your patience. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
2Pt 1:2-8; Ps 1:1-3; Jr 17:7-8; Ezk 31:3-9
What do we grow in?
Compare spiritual growth to a tree’s growing.
Beloved, a farmer who wants a good produce spends time tilling the ground and cultivating a good seed and making the ground fertile and rich for the seed he is about to cultivate. Likewise we must spend time in studying the Word of God and making it take root in your life that way, you will nourish your body and soul and you will useful in God’s kingdom work.
Praise the Lord! Hope you have had a good time-out with us, looking forward to wonderful weekend but don’t forget our Praise gate tomorrow, come let the Lord beautiful your life and decorate you too.
Remain blessed in the Lord.