Faithful Faithful Faithful 2x Faithful is the Lord. // We lift Your Name higher , we lift Your Name higher, we lift Your Name higher, we lift Your Name higher, Shout alleluia, Shout alleluia, Shout alleluia, Shout alleluia.// Brethren come let’s p-r-a-i-s-e Lord…
Faithful God, we Thank You for Who You are, Ever Loving, Caring, the Protector of my soul, Thank You Father for You are God. There is none to be compare with Thee for You are Great, Everlasting to Everlasting is Your Name, the Rock of Ages is Who You are. We reverence You, we adore You, we honour Father, forever and forever.
Beloved, are you praising the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of days from your heart this morning? Today is Friday, are celebrating God deep down from Your heart?
Beloveth, I believe that God has keep faith with us by helping us to discuss “grace” in a dimension you may not done before now, glory be to God. However, by His grace more will be dish out from the Throne to help us as we journey along the way.
In Rom 6:1, the Word of God asked us one vital question, ”what shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? Back to us here, let us answer this question individually as that will help us to know who and what are to do going forward.
Grace we stated is God’s goodness, the kindness of God’s heart, the good will, the cordial benevolence. It is what God is like. God is like that all the time. You’ll never run into any meanness in God, never any resentment or rancor or ill will, for there is none there, God has no ill will towards any being, God is God of utter kindness and cordiality and good will and benevolence. And yet all of these work in perfect harmony with God’s justice and God’s judgment.
God is infinite, but I don’t want you to strain to understand infinitude. God never measure His grace against His justice or His mercy against His love. God is all one. but God measures His grace against our sin, “grace… hath abounded unto many,” says Rom 5:15, according to the riches of His grace (Eph 1:7) and, says Romans 5 again, but where sin abound, grace did much more abound”(5:20) God, says “much more abound, “but God has no degrees. Man has degrees.
But there’s nothing in God that can compare itself with anything else in God. What God is, God is. When the scripture says “grace does “much more abound,” it means not that grace does much more abound than anything else in God but much more than anything in us. No matter how much sin a man has done, literally and truly grace abounds unto that man.
Therefore, we ask again “shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? If we could only remember the grace of God towards s who have nothing but demerit, we would be overwhelmed by this incomprehensibly immense attribute, so vast, so huge, that nobody can ever grasp it or hope to understand it.
Would God have put up with us this long if he had only limited amount of grace? If He had only a limited amount of anything, He wouldn’t be God. Remember God cannot be measure therefore we cannot use the word amount” or measure for Him. God dwells in no dimension and cannot be measured in any way. Measure belongs to human. Measure belong to the stars.
How to look at grace? Two ways to look at grace is one: is to look at yourself and see how sinful you were and say, “God’s grace must be vast- it must be huge as space to forgive such a sinner as I am. Another way to look at grace: is to think of it as the way God is- God being like God. And when God shows grace to a sinner He isn’t being dramatic; He is acting like God.
Beloved, may will not be carried away when we talk about the goodness of God and then get sentimental about it and said, “God is too good to punish anybody,” and so we ruled out hell. But the man who has an adequate conception of God will not only believe in the love of God but also in the holiness of God. He will not only believe in the mercy of God but also in the justice of God. Therefore a man who choose evil must know he is not fit to dwell in the presence of this Holy God.
Do you want to see what grace feel like in human sense in case you yet to comprehend all the write up, our topic today will help you further. Though it is forbidden to have a sad disposition before king talk less of having a deformed person appear before the king.
However, we have King David showing usually kindness to Mephibosheth for the sake of his Father, his friend Jonathan. Come along with me to see how God display of His grace in life’s of an individual just because of the blood of His son Jesus shed on the cross for You and I wherefore we are save.
“So Mephibosheth dwelt in Jerusalem: for he did eat continually at the king’s table; and was lame on both his feet.” 2Samuel 9:13
Mephibosheth was no great ornament to a royal table, yet he had a continual place at David’s board, because the king could see in his face the features of the beloved Jonathan. Like Mephibosheth, we may cry unto the King of Glory, “What is Thy servant, that Thou shouldst look upon such a dead dog as I am?” but still the Lord indulges us with most familiar intercourse with Himself, because He sees in our countenances the remembrance of His dearly-beloved Jesus.
The Lord’s people are dear for another’s sake. Such is the love which the Father bears to His only begotten, that for His sake He raises His lowly brethren from poverty and banishment, to courtly companionship, noble rank, and royal provision. Their deformity shall not rob them of their privileges.
Lameness is no bar to sonship; the cripple is as much the heir as if he could run like Asahel. Our right does not limp, though our might may. A king’s table is a noble hiding-place for lame legs, and at the gospel feast we learn to glory in infirmities, because the power of Christ resteth upon us.
Yet grievous disability may mar the persons of the best-loved saints. Here is one feasted by David, and yet so lame in both his feet that he could not go up with the king when he fled from the city, and was therefore maligned and injured by his servant Ziba.
Saints whose faith is weak, and whose knowledge is slender, are great losers; they are exposed to many enemies, and cannot follow the king whithersoever he goeth. This disease frequently arises from falls. Bad nursing in their spiritual infancy often causes converts to fall into a despondency from which they never recover, and sin in other cases brings broken bones.
Lord, help the lame to leap like an hart, and satisfy all Thy people with the bread of Thy table!
We pray Thee O Lord! Let’s keep going and read more of what we ought to do to others even as the Lord blesses us:
“What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?” 2Samuel 9:8
If Mephibosheth was thus humbled by David’s kindness, what shall we be in the presence of our gracious Lord? The more grace we have, the less we shall think of ourselves, for grace, like light, reveals our impurity. Eminent saints have scarcely known to what to compare themselves, their sense of unworthiness has been so clear and keen.
“I am,” says holy Rutherford, “a dry and withered branch, a piece of dead carcass, dry bones, and not able to step over a straw.” In another place he writes, “Except as to open outbreakings, I want nothing of what Judas and Cain had.” The meanest objects in nature appear to the humbled mind to have a preference above itself, because they have never contracted sin: a dog may be greedy, fierce, or filthy, but it has no conscience to violate, no Holy Spirit to resist.
A dog may be a worthless animal, and yet by a little kindness it is soon won to love its master, and is faithful unto death; but we forget the goodness of the Lord, and follow not at His call. The term “dead dog” is the most expressive of all terms of contempt, but it is none too strong to express the self- abhorrence of instructed believers.
They do not affect mock modesty, they mean what they say, they have weighed themselves in the balances of the sanctuary, and found out the vanity of their nature. At best, we are but clay, animated dust, mere walking hillocks; but viewed as sinners, we are monsters indeed.
Let it be published in heaven as a wonder, that the Lord Jesus should set His heart’s love upon such as we are. Dust and ashes though we be, we must and will “magnify the exceeding greatness of His grace.”
Could not His heart find rest in heaven? Must He needs come to these tents of Kedar for a spouse, and choose a bride upon whom the sun had looked? O heavens and earth, break forth into a song, and give all glory to our sweet Lord Jesus.
Beloveth, what is our PCL requirement for the week, is to desist from sin, to love and show kindness to other when we are position to help them. To be faithful with the blessings we receive from God and help those who for one reason or the other may be lame amongst you. Look around you and be “a David” to him or her or that family and I know you know what the Queen Sheba said about King Solomon when she saw the king’s table even up to the apparel of them that serve the table and other ministers of the king.
Beloveth, let the bible be your standard in dealing with one another and God will continue and richly reward you. You will not lack any good thing according to His Word to us. He will watch over you. He will also bless the commonest things around and within you.
Have a wonderful weekend, serve God faithfully. See you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord.