Who is like unto Thee O! Lord? The Infinite one, Incomprehensible God You are. Your Beauty covers the heaven and earth. All hail to King glory. You are Wonderful, so Precious, there is no one like You, Father.
Dearly beloved, The God, Who keeps promises is here again, The One Who see the end from the beginning, Whose Word can never fail. The One, Who declares “let there be and it is”
Beloved, do you know it is possible to say a prayer with your mind but you doubt in your heart. Someone is surprised. Do you remember what happened in the bible in Acts chapter 12, when the maid announced that Peter was at the gate, the prayer warriors asked her whether she is crazy or better still she has seen his angel (Acts 12:14-15).
Can we with confidence believe in this God, Who is of the earth and the fullness thereof. Praise God some body! Can we come into His presence with songs of confidence, whatsoever be it?
In valley and shadow of death, debt, sickness, betrayal, persecution, disappointment, war, famine, lack, hunger, prison, He is there with you, in midst of it, He will never leave you or for forsake you.
“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me.” Ps. 138:7
Wretched walking in the midst of trouble. Nay, blessed walking, since there is a special promise for it. Give me a promise, and what is the trouble? What doth my Lord teach me here to say? Why this “Thou wilt revive me.” I shall have more life, more energy, more faith. Is it not often so, that trouble revives us, like a breath of cold air when one is ready to faint?
How angry are my enemies and especially the arch-enemy! Shall I stretch forth my hand and fight my foes? No, my hand is better employed in doing service for my Lord. Besides, there is no need, for my God will use His far-reaching arm, and He will deal with them far better than I could if I were to try. “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” He will with His own right hand of power and wisdom save me, and what more can I desire?
Come, my heart, talk this promise over to thyself till thou canst use it as the song of thy confidence, the solace of thy loneliness. Pray to be revived thyself, and leave the rest with the Lord, who performeth all things for thee.
So it is with me this day, because the Lord had not and will never turn away my prayer, for He answers prayer always. Is someone echoing “always”, yes “always”.
That it is yet to manifest is a different thing all together, the time may not be right so when the right time appear, the answers also will manifest, except where you asked amiss, be assured He does answer such a prayer.
Beloved, as much as we are encouraged to approach the throne of mercy confidently, that does not mean we can come before Him with pride or rudeness. We must reverence God, Holy place and Holy things.
We must also learn how to offer a fervent prayer before our Maker so that our prayer will not return to us unanswered:
“Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer.” Psalm 66:20
In looking back upon the character of our prayers, if we do it honestly, we shall be filled with wonder that God has ever answered them. There may be some who think their prayers worthy of acceptance—as the Pharisee did; but the true Christian, in a more enlightened retrospect, weeps over his prayers, and if he could retrace his steps he would desire to pray more earnestly.
Remember, Christian, how cold thy prayers have been. When in thy closet thou shouldst have wrestled as Jacob did; but instead thereof, thy petitions have been faint and few—far removed from that humble, believing, persevering faith, which cries, “I will not let Thee go except Thou bless me.” Yet, wonderful to say, God has heard these cold prayers of thine, and not only heard, but answered them.
Reflect also, how infrequent have been thy prayers, unless thou hast been in trouble, and then thou hast gone often to the mercy-seat: but when deliverance has come, where has been thy constant supplication? Yet, notwithstanding thou hast ceased to pray as once thou didst, God has not ceased to bless. When thou hast neglected the mercy-seat, God has not deserted it, but the bright light of the Shekinah has always been visible between the wings of the cherubim.
Oh! it is marvellous that the Lord should regard those intermittent spasms of importunity which come and go with our necessities. What a God is He thus to hear the prayers of those who come to Him when they have pressing wants, but neglect Him when they have received a mercy; who approach Him when they are forced to come, but who almost forget to address Him when mercies are plentiful and sorrows are few.
Let His gracious kindness in hearing such prayers touch our hearts, so that we may henceforth be found “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit.” and not offering ATM kind of prayer to Him. What is “ATM” in prayer again, someone wants to know? To let you into my little secret, send an email to me.
Wonderful day beloved.
Remain blessed in the Lord.