My Father I believe you, I believe everything we say, as you talk m na so you go do m my Father I believe you. 2x // Thanks Thanks Lord we give you thanks for all You have done You are so bless, our soul shall find rest O! Lord we give You thanks.
Father we praise You, we adore You we worship You for Who You are. Thank You for answers to our prayers we adore You we honour You we praise Your Holy Name. Forever You will be . The Lamb upon the Throne. We bow before Your Throne to worship You dear Lord!
Faithful is our God, brethren. He is greatly to be praise, greatly to be praise. He reigns forever and ever. Invisible, Immortal, the Only Wise God. I worship You for Who You are. You are the Mighty man in battle El-Shaddia is Your Name. We exalt You forever and ever. I don’t why You love me so. Thank You Father; thank You Lord.
Have Your way again in our life and situation, we will praise You we will worship You for ever and ever in Jesus Name!
Beloved, is talking about Jesus one of your primary assignment? Is it a daily occurrence or now and then? Do you go out of your way to seek the lost and restore them to glory? Do you intercede for the lost, the hurting, and the despises among us?
If you are not in that business, you are far from the kingdom of God. remember You are saved to serve and there for we must make it a priority to reach out to the aged, adult, young adult, adolescent, toddlers, you will amazed to know that these toddlers are the most receptive of God’s Word especially when communicated to them in songs.
How often do you sow? Ecclesiastes chapter eleven has so much to say about sowing? I suggest you read it up for more discovery.
The text of the day says “if you sow sparingly, you reap sparingly but if you sow generously, you reap same. So what do you do? What option is good enough for your take?
It takes faith to sow. Do you have enough to pray a soul to the kingdom of God? Let us not be slacking in our sowing as the Lord will fulfill His promises to us if we faileth not. Rev 2:10.
Beloved, what is your driving force in soul winning? Don’t be discourage when the people you speak to do not respond immediately. Just know that a seed has been sown, the Holy Spirit will convict and bring him/her to repentance. it is not your work to make him/her to repent but God will hold you accountable if you speak not and that one get drown in sin and eventually dies in sin, his/her blood will be required from your hand. Read Ezek 33:8-9.
Don’t be afraid what Satan can do. Like dogs he will bark but He cannot bite. Because our God will make his teeth either blunt or weak. Praise God!
With that confidence, let’s us therefore look steadily on Christ as the author and finisher of our faith. He will help us. Who shall lay charge against God’s elect? Beloved, we are more than conqueror through Him that loved us. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.
If that is confession also, come along as we discover more from below:
Remember this: the person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously.—2 Corinthians 9:6
You are called to be intentional about your Christianity. You must be determined to experience the fullness of God in every area of your Christian life and never to settle for a shallow, lackadaisical relationship with almighty God. God will bless you according to how you respond to His invitations. If He finds in you a generous heart that willingly and freely gives what it has to others, then God responds toward you in like manner.
When the apostle Paul encouraged the believers in Corinth to help the Christians in Jerusalem, he promised them that if they would sow generously, they would reap a generous return from God.
This truth holds life-changing potential for us. If we invest everything we have in our relationship with God, we will experience the full dimensions of being children of God. If our desire is to know God more intimately, and if we spend ample time studying His word, God will generously enrich our relationship with Him. If we discipline ourselves to remain in prayer even when praying is difficult, He will reward us with a deeper, more powerful prayer life. If we reconcile any broken relationships and prepare our hearts before worship, and if we participate fully and reverently in every part of worship, God promises that we will meet Him and our lives will be changed.
Why is it that some Christians grow rapidly in their Christian faith and others remain unchanged year after year? Our Christian maturity is deeply affected by what we sow. Let us choose to sow generously in everything we do in our Christian lives. The harvest we reap will be Christlikeness.
Is someone blessed? I am blessed. My prayer is that we will not miss the blessings that follows obedience to the Word of God. When He openeth, no man shutteth. Let’s keep going:
“He openeth, and no man shutteth.” Revelation 3:7
Jesus is the keeper of the gates of paradise and before every believing soul He setteth an open door, which no man or devil shall be able to close against it. What joy it will be to find that faith in Him is the golden key to the everlasting doors.
My soul, dost thou carry this key in thy bosom, or art thou trusting to some deceitful pick-lock, which will fail thee at last? Hear this parable of the preacher, and remember it. The great King has made a banquet, and He has proclaimed to all the world that none shall enter but those who bring with them the fairest flower that blooms.
The spirits of men advance to the gate by thousands, and they bring each one the flower which he esteems the queen of the garden; but in crowds they are driven from the royal presence, and enter not into the festive halls.
Some bear in their hand the deadly nightshade of superstition, or the flaunting poppies of the heathen, or the hemlock of self- righteousness, but these are not dear to the King, the bearers are shut out of the pearly gates.
My soul, hast thou gathered the rose of Sharon? Dost thou wear the lily of the valley in thy bosom constantly? If so, when thou comest up to the gates of heaven thou wilt know its value, for thou hast only to show this choicest of flowers, and the Porter will open: not for a moment will He deny thee admission, for to that rose the Porter openeth ever.
Thou shalt find thy way with the rose of Sharon in thy hand up to the throne of God Himself, for heaven itself possesses nothing that excels its radiant beauty, and of all the flowers that bloom in paradise there is none that can rival the lily of the valley.
My soul, get Calvary’s blood-red rose into thy hand by faith, by love wear it, by communion preserve it, by daily watchfulness make it thine all in all, and thou shalt be blessed beyond all bliss, happy beyond a dream. Jesus, be mine forever, my God.
Wahoo, how happy will that day be when the trumpet will sound with the righteous in Christ cutting up in heaven with Him. Beloved, if you have such desire, now is the accepted time to make it happen. Hold on to your faith, believe in God and walk in righteousness. Send doubt far from you and kill superstition of all type. Let up your hands up to heaven and see the heaven smiling at you at last.
Our God will bless your labour of love as you sow daily not watching the sky- Eccl 11:6.
Let your faith grow, hold on to God, He will bless you.
Remain blessed in the Lord.