I am Thanking You Lord for You are! What You have done in my life Lord!!! I am Thanking You Lord for You are! What You have done in my life Lord!!! Dan Sakari Baba…. Who is like unto Thee…O Lord! Who is like unto Thee… O Lord! among the gods Who is like Thee… You are glorious in holiness… fearful in praises.. doing wonders alleluia!!!
How Excellent is Thy Name… How Excellent is Thy Name… How Excellent is Thy Name O Lord… Precious Redeemer we Thank You, we bless Your Name… we adore Thee… we give You Praise…Holy Alleluia is Thy Name…
(Song) Forever You will be… The Lamb upon Thy Throne… we gladly bow my knees… We worship You dear Lord…
Beloveth… let every living soul Praise the Name of the Lord…Alleluia to the King of kings… The Lord of lords! The Ancient One… The beginning and the End… Father You are Worthy… O Lord!
What is “Spiritual Adultery!!! Beloveth… any idea? At the beginning of the week we dealt on How to remain “One Woman man” … though it was broaden to include both man and woman… to be faithful partners …one to another… though it was meant for our men … The fathers…
Beloveth… this would have been a follow up but it was shifted it today because there is a provision to pray at the end…
But before the prayer … we are going to go through the ministration below for more understanding….
Come along with us for more…
Spiritual Adultery
Perhaps we have had the experience of finding ourselves attracted toward someone of the opposite sex… someone other than our spouse. Subtly… inadvertently, we could be drawn into an emotional involvement of “spiritual adultery” that could ultimately lead to the act of adultery.
Here are a few of the vital warning signs:
The tendency to share private, intimate matters with a certain acquaintance before having talked it out with our spouse.
Finding more delight in being with a certain person other than our spouse.
Spending inordinate amounts of time with one member of the opposite sex. Catching ourselves inventing unnecessary reasons to be apart with this person and away from the scrutiny or interference of others.
Thinking that a certain person understands us better than our spouse.
Comparing our spouse with this other person and finding our mate coming up short.
Feeling youthful or “high” around that one particular person.
Denying the fact that we are into something wrong by projecting on others an aggressive defensiveness whenever anyone tries to give us a timely warning.
Stubbornly maintaining that the relationship is a “platonic” one. Being unwilling to hear the warnings of others; becoming wounded when others can’t see it our way; offended that they seem unwilling or incapable of trusting our judgment.
Finding reasons to disqualify or alienate ourselves from longtime or wise friends’ warnings, while finding new “friends” who condone or are indifferent to what we are doing.
Our prayer in dealing with this difficult and sensitive issue could be, “Lord,… Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” (Psalm 86:11b)
Beloveth… are you here with us … when you prefer someone else to your spouse… to confined in this same person other than your spouse… when have reason(s) to isolate yourselves … beloveth… gradually Spiritual Adultery is creeping in…
We must watch it dearly beloveth… lest we fall into the sin of Adultery… may God help us all in Jesus Name Amen!!!
May God find us trustworthy as he counted on Noah and Abraham… May He also found us worthy in Jesus Name… Faithful is our Father… we must endure to the end… Alleluia somebody!!!
Let us sing Blessed Assurance remembering ourselves of God unbeatable love and reassurance of His love for us… Alleluia Amen!!!
Further Reading- 2Tim.2:19, Joel.2:23, 1Jn.3:2, Isa.49:10, Isa.30:15, Eph.5:33…
O Lord help us to keep your commandments… to fear and reverence you in all we do… all this and more we pray in Jesus Name….
Join us as we sing:
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
O what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
Perfect submission, all is at rest
I in my Savior am happy and blessed
Watching and waiting, looking above
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
Oh what a Savior, wonderful Jesus…
Remain blessed in the Lord.