Who is like unto Thee O! Lord who is like unto Thee O! Lord among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in praises doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia// O Lord my God how wonderful is Your Name in all the earth, how wonderful is Your Name.
What a Mighty God we serve, Yes! We serve a Living who walks in the affairs of men to deliver and save, to make whole and restore to us every thing the enemy has stolen from us, Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!! Heavenly Father thank You, for the gift of this week, it can only be You, Great is Thy faithfulness, thank You for upholding us, thank You for not allowing us to be put to shame, thank You for making a way where there seems to be no way, thank You for delivery us from all evil O Lord! We exalt You forever in Jesus Name.
In the Spirit of our Praise gate – I will exalt Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love2x I will lift up Your Name (I will lift up Your Name), I will lift up Your Name (I will lift up Your Name) I will lift up Your Name above every other gods.// thank You Jesus You are the owner of my soul, Alpha and Omega You are worthy to be Praise, in generations there is no one like you, Alpha Omega You are worthy to be Praise. // Great is Thy faithfulness O Lord my creator, there is no shifting of shadows with Thee, Thou has … and Thou changeth not, Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto me.
Arise O Lord, let Thy enemy be scattered, Arise O Lord, let Thy enemy be scattered, Arise O Lord, let Thy enemy be scattered, All Lord my God arise!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, thank God for Who is, He is the Unchangeable Changer, He is the Great and Mighty King, The I AM that I AM is His Name. My Alpha and Omega, The Great I AM. Praise His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.
It has been a glorious week in God’s Presence, the lines indeed have fallen into a pleasant places for us, the Lord is good to us, glory be to Him alone Who is worthy of our praises. Thank God for great revelations that came our way this week and today will be a crown of it, Praise the Lord!
Beloved, today’s teaching will help us in having more understanding in the study we had on Tuesday – “Precise Scripture.” In this teaching we learnt that in order for us to stand against the wails of satan we must have the scripture front to back, no guessing, no paraphrasing but we have to quote it as it is written, as what is written can never be broken.
Beloved, this teaching will put us into Word challenge, yes! Studying and meditating on the Word of God. However, in order to do it successfully, we must apply the teaching of today into practice. Mediation helps us to memorize scriptures, also in today’s teaching, we will be going a bit further than just memorizing scriptures, we will see the effect of looking intending on the Word of God, ingesting and digesting it.
Are you perplexed at the “digesting part?” Beloved, the whole exercise of reading the Word of God lays in the digestion of the same if we want to stay spiritual fresh. If we fail to do so, we will have all manners of health issues (spiritual issue). Ranging from being lopsided Christian to being an immature Christian, one that is easily carried away by every wind of doctrine, Praise the Lord.
But if you read, understand and meditate on the Word of God and go a step further to digest that which you have read, come and see what you look like:
Jeremiah 42:1-44:14, Psalm 119:96-100, Proverbs 26:10-12, Titus 1:1-2:8
Spiritual Digestion
How I love Your instruction! It is my meditation all day long…. I have more insight than all my teachers because Your decrees are my meditation.—Psalm 119:97, 99
One of the highest priorities in order to stay spiritually fresh is to cultivate the art of Scripture meditation.
For some reason, Bible meditation has become a lost art in our day. A survey conducted among Christians in the United States showed that only one in ten thousand knew how to meditate on the Scriptures.
What, then, is the art of Scripture meditation? Is it reading parts of the Bible as slowly as possible so that every word sinks in? No. Is it studying a passage with the aid of a commentary so that one understands exactly what the Scripture is saying? No. Is it memorizing certain texts and recalling them to mind whenever one has a spare moment? No. You can do all of these things and still not know how to meditate.
Andrew Murray describes it as “holding the word of God in your heart and mind until it has affected every area of your life.” My own definition is this: meditation is the process by which we place the Word of God into the digestive system of the soul, where it is transformed into faith and spiritual energy.
Psalm 1:2-3 paints a picture of amazing freshness and vitality: “His delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night. He is like a tree planted beside streams of water that bears its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.” What is the secret of this amazing freshness? It is simple—meditation. To draw from Scripture the inspiration and power we need to stay spiritually fresh, we must do more than read it, study it, or even memorize it—we must meditate on it.
O Father, I want so much to learn the art of meditation. Quicken my desire to hide Your Word in my heart so that it becomes the hidden springs of action and determines my character and my conduct. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
What was God’s promise to Joshua?
What was the condition—and the result?
Beloved did you read what it means to digest the Word of God as suggested by Andrew Murray and the author? Holding on to the Word in your heart until it effects every area of your life. Secondly, until it transform into faith and spiritual energy. What is your interpretation to it?
The sweetest part is the resultant effect in your life as captured by Ps 1: 2-3, the secret of amazing freshness. So when you and I read the Word/Promise of God we must digest it until it turns to faith and spiritual energy that will move us and spur us into action and then we receive what the Word is saying in our situations. So the ability God’s Word working in our life and situations is our ability to look intending on the Word until it becomes Rheme in our life. little wonder that every Word/ theme the Lord give to us in this ministry works out to our favour because we run with it until we receive every promise and intent of the Word in our life and situations.
Is also why two different people in a meeting receive same Word, it works for one while it did not work for the other. Do you what happen? While one received the Word and hold on to it until it turns into to faith/ spiritual energy, the other received it and the bird of the air / the care of the world carried it away (Matt 13:3-9;18-23).
Our Lord Jesus ended His teaching with this – “Who hath ear to hear, let him hear.” Likewise, the Spirit of God is say same to us “whoever has ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying today.
Have a rich life style by reading and staying with the Word until it turns to spiritual energy with which you will deflect the arrows of satan and stay amazing fresh too.
Stay amazing fresh this weekend; see you on Monday if Jesus tarries.
Remain blessed in the Lord