Let the Living water flow over my soul… Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart…all my care and burden unto Thee I come…….// I will lift up Jesus higher… I will lift up Jesus higher O Jehovah…Alpha Omega I will lift up Your Name higher…O Jehovah…Alpha Omega I will lift up Your Name higher…..
Worthy are You Lord…be Thou exalted in heaven, on earth even in the sea…we worship and adore Your Holy Name alleluia to The King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, be Thou glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name….
We come to worship you again today Lord…Have Your way… teach us something new… something better and make us light to our generation in Jesus Name….
Beloveth, how are you today… is always great to be in God’s Presence…. so we welcome you once again in God’s Presence… the way you came is your business but the way you will leave is God’s business… Praise the Living Jesus Amen!!!
Beloveth I am getting addicted to the teaching of this season… is so exciting and energizing to both my Spirit and body…. what about you? The revelations are Awesome and Powerful…nothing like it at all….
Wow! today we are moving further… what is spiritual famine…. What can lead to it and how one come out it …
When God speaks we must pay attention else what He said will come to pass if you done repent and turn to Him for Help… (Dan 4:10-27,28-33; and 1Sam 9:15-28, 10:1,1 Sam 16:1Saul)
The in-filling of the Spirit of God keep spiritual famine away… you are ever fruitful and resourceful…. But when you close the door of your heart to God’s Word and instructions you will experience draught/ spiritual famine… may God deliver us from such a season in Jesus Name… no man can please God outside His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit, so keep close and stay with the Word to be rich in God alone and every other thing will be added unto Thee (Matt. 6:33).
When you are experiencing spiritual famine; it mean you are not spiritual fruitful… we have discussed the fruit of the Spirit last week but a recap of it will help us here.
Throughout the scripture there is a common theme and metaphor used to depict believers: that of a tree. In both New and Old Testaments, we see this picture as a way of expressing the health of our lives and in turn, the effect that health has on the fruit our lives produce. In Galatians, Paul continued with this picture by outlining the nine different fruit that are produced in that lives with the Holy Spirit. This helps us see in greater detail the lesson of Christ character and nature. Probably the biggest lesson for us in this picture is the fruit is something we overtly try to produce; fruit simply the by-product of a healthy tree.
As believer, our primary goal isn’t to try to be good people as much as it is to be spiritually healthy people, having roots under the surface that are firmly planted in God’s grace and truth, and in His house.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit keeps spiritual famine away in a live of a believer… In the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians, Paul takes a considerable amount of time to talk about the gifts of the Holy Spirit- an area of our faith that he knew could easily be misunderstood and so he encourages us to not be uninformed.
One of the most important things we need to understand about these gifts is that they are expression of God’s love to the world. They are tools that God has given to help live out the Lord’s prayer, “on earth as it is heaven.”
God wants us to eagerly desire these gifts, but not from a place of self-service, rather for service to others. It’s interesting to me that there are nine specific gifts listed in this passage, which complement the nine fruit of the Spirit we treated last week. A dove, the common picture used to represent the Holy Spirit, has nine primary feathers in each of it’s wings, and as the body of Christ, we need both wings of the dove operating the fruits and gifts of the Spirit to be balanced and effective. These gifts are available to us and are to be expressed with wisdom and from the basis of love…
Beloveth, to stay out of spiritual famine we need the Help of the Holy Spirit… if you are anything like me, prayer can sometimes seem like an unscalable mountain! In a world with so much need and brokenness, trying to work out where to start, who and what to pray for, can seem an impossible task.
One of great promises and advantages we have with the Holy Spirit is that He help us to pray! He will help highlight the people and need that require our prayers. He wants to work in partnership with us, to co-labor together. Even when we feel like our words are failing us and we don’t know what to say, simply the cries and sounds that come from our soul carry enormous weight.
The last thing God is looking for is prefect prayers. our Father knows our needs even before we ask him. He just like to hear our voice.
Beloveth hearing God’s voice keep us out from spiritual famine forever… our walking with the Holy Spirit is the comfort and security of knowing His guiding voice. In Acts 8:29-31, we see the Holy Spirit give specific instructions to Philip so he could be in the right position to reach out this Ethiopian man. Let’s never neglect to keep our heart alerts to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Each day there are people on our path who are ready to hear the gospel, and the Holy Spirit is ready and willing to help us navigate these moments to be in the right place and right time.
Beloveth as we listen to Him and follow His nudges, it is amazing how many Divine coincidences” will begin to take place…..
Come along with us for more:
Hear this! The days are coming— [this is] the declaration of the Lord God— when I will send a famine through the land: not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.—Amos 8:11
One way God communicates is through silence. The Israelites blatantly ignored and rejected God’s word to them, and God responded by sending a famine. This famine was far more severe than a shortage of food and water. Instead, they were deprived of His words of life.
God’s silence may be hardly noticeable at first. You may still remember times when God spoke to you, but you gradually realize you’ve not heard His voice for a long time. If you realize you are in a “drought,” immediately seek God and ask Him what adjustments your life requires so you can once again enjoy fellowship with Him.
It may be that you disobeyed His last instructions to you and that He is waiting on your obedience before giving you a new direction. It may be that there is unconfessed sin in your life or that you have a damaged relationship (Isa. 1:15; 1 Pet. 3:7). It is possible that you have done too much talking in your prayer times and that He wants you to listen. God’s silences can be powerful times for Him to communicate with you.
God is God! Because He is God, when He speaks He expects a listening ear and an eager response. He will not be mocked! (Gal. 6:7). When we ignore Him, He may withhold His voice until we repent and get right with Him. The prophet Isaiah assured King Asa, “The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.”
Beloveth, spiritual famine is never a good place to stay… in case you are experience it now…. try and get it right in this month of Divine Encounter… You are nothing outside Jesus… hold on to Him through prayer, through His Word, Through Listening to His Voice….we will not be spiritual famish… in Jesus Name…
Let us pray today that every spiritual lethargy in our life must give way in Jesus Name…. Where we are experiencing spiritual famine; may we begin now to experience spiritual fruitfulness… in Jesus Name…
Our Father in heaven we come before You…. let the Holy Spirit help our infirmities in Jesus Name… purge away every dross from our heart in Jesus Name… make us spiritual vibrant in Jesus Name… may we encounter you today as we pray in Jesus Name….
Beloveth, let us pray….
Further Reading- Rom.8:26-27, 1 Cor.12:4-11, Gal.5:22-23, Prov.11:4, Ezek 20:41, Isa 35:6. Matt. 6:33
Remain blessed in the Lord.