How Excellent is Your Name O! Lord. In heaven and on earth, You are Wonder to Behold. My Father, we stand in awe of You! You are Dependable, Reliable, Mighty, Powerful, Everlasting King. Thank You, Lord for all that You given us, we just want say “Thank You so much.
For live, good health, sound mind, salvation of our souls Lord we are grateful to You, for Your loving Kindness, peace, Joy, Laughter despite all odd. Love You Lord.
Just a quick one on yesterday ministration. This call of encouragement is the nature of God. Gen 15:1, God encouraged Abraham the father of “Faith”. Do you see that, we will need it one way or the other. So if you are the position to do so now, don’t shy away because you are only creating an avenue of your encouragement when the need arise. Often times it may not be from the same people you extended it to but God will take of it, not to worry about the “how”.
Beloved, prayer is the key. Which key are we referring to here? Do you believe that on the altar of prayer nothing whatsoever can withstand the prayer of a child of God? It aligns us to the will of our Father in heaven and help us to partner with God in bringing to past all His plans and purposes in the lives of His children.
We know the mind of God on the altar of prayer. God reveals Himself afresh on your prayer altar (Gen 15:12-13). We received answers to life challenging situations on the prayer altar (1 Sam 1:17; Jas 5:15; 2 Chr 25:9). We are empowered to do God’s biddings on the prayer altar (Lk 22:43, 2 Pet 3:9). We are transformed on the prayer altar (Acts 2:47, Jn 7:37).
We encounter a lot of transformation at the prayer altar and we cannot afford to throw caution to the winds and live as we own our lives and have no regard of Who God is and what He can do. For many who did had the fingers burnt and am sure you will not want to belong to those whose hearts are folly (Prov 15:14;21a).
How often do you deal with presence with reference to the past? Is so common that when confronted with a challenge our first reaction is fear and trembling. We tend to forget that God is everything. His counsel stands forever and nothing can foil His plans.
In our study text and message as well, you will discover why God wants memorial kept and why is so important that we keep Spiritual Makers on our path to help remind us we once were and were we are going.
Failing on this assignment can earn you a life wandering venture as experienced by the children of Israelite. It is so important that Moses kept rehearsing this same thing as he was about to depart from them.
Do you make event of life that are so outstanding in your Christian life? Do keep records that will help guide your generation yet unborn as to how God saw you through in at particular time so as to guide them in the footsteps in future?
Beloved, let get going as more is packed in the messages below:
The Israelites did just as Joshua had commanded them. The 12 men took stones from the middle of the Jordan, one for each of the Israelite tribes, just as the Lord had told Joshua. They carried them to the camp and set them down there.—Joshua 4:8
Spiritual memory is crucial in the Christian life. Do you vividly recall times when you know God spoke to you? It would be tragic if, in your haste to advance in your Christian faith, you neglected to leave spiritual markers at the key crossroads of your life. Without the help of these markers, you will lose your spiritual bearings.
The Israelites experienced a tumultuous pilgrimage. Their doubt that God was powerful enough to give them victory cost them forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Then God miraculously parted the waters of the Jordan River so they could pass over and continue their conquest. God knew that at times the Israelites would face intimidating enemies and would need a reminder that He was powerful enough to protect them. The Israelites might be tempted to think they made a mistake entering Canaan. For this reason God instructed them to build a monument on the banks of the Jordan River. Whenever they returned to this spot, they would see the monument and be reminded of God’s awesome power. This marker would give them confidence to meet the new challenges they faced.
A spiritual marker identifies a time of decision when you clearly know that God guided you. Can you remember the moment you became a child of God? Were there specific times when He called you to His ways of living? Can you point to times when He clearly guided you in a decision? Were there times when He spoke powerfully to you about a commitment you should make? Keep track of these important moments! Regularly rehearse them and notice the steady progression in the way God has led you.
This will help you understand God’s activity in your life and give you a sense of direction as you face future decisions.
Failing on these will lead to what is called Spiritual famine. This time not of bread and water but of Word. More below:
Hear this! The days are coming— [this is] the declaration of the Lord God— when I will send a famine through the land:not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.—Amos 8:11
One way God communicates is through silence. The Israelites blatantly ignored and rejected God’s word to them, and God responded by sending a famine. This famine was far more severe than a shortage of food and water. Instead, they were deprived of His words of life.
God’s silence may be hardly noticeable at first. You may still remember times when God spoke to you, but you gradually realize you’ve not heard His voice for a long time. If you realize you are in a “drought,” immediately seek God and ask Him what adjustments your life requires so you can once again enjoy fellowship with Him. It may be that you disobeyed His last instructions to you and that He is waiting on your obedience before giving you a new direction. It may be that there is unconfessed sin in your life or that you have a damaged relationship (Isa. 1:15; 1 Pet. 3:7). It is possible that you have done too much talking in your prayer times and that He wants you to listen. God’s silences can be powerful times for Him to communicate with you.
God is God! Because He is God, when He speaks He expects a listening ear and an eager response. He will not be mocked! (Gal. 6:7). When we ignore Him, He may withhold His voice until we repent and get right with Him. The prophet Isaiah assured King Asa, “The Lord is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.”
Beloved, did you hear what the prophet said? God is will to go any mile with you as long you are ready to go. Are you seeking God in those situations that are held you bound? Are call on the Name of God of Elijah that answers by fire?
Beloved, seek Him while He can be found and still day least you will be stranded in life (Prov 8:17).God forbid.
As we pray, let us also have this mind that God is too faithful to fail. He sure perfect all that concerns you. Surely He will, whatever be it. His promise might seems staggering to you but to Him, all you need do is follow on as He leads on the green grass beside the still waters.
My prayer for you as seek Him that the Spirit of God will help your infirmities as you pray. Amen!
Remain blessed in the Lord.