I will exalt You Lord for Thy has lifted me above my enemies, Thy banner over me is the Lord. I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, You banner over is Lord. Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. He gave me victory, he gave me peace of mind, there is nothing He cannot do, I have seen that the Lord is good.

Yes! The Lord is to me and He is good to all that fear His Name. Glory honour, adoration belongs to You alone in Jesus Name. Precious Father, how excellent is Your Name. Thank You for peace of mind, there is nothing You cannot do, Your goodness is unsearchable.

Yes! The Lord is to me and He is good to all that fear His Name. Glory honour, adoration belong to You alone in Jesus Name. Precious Father, how excellent is Your Name. Thank You for answer to prayers, thank You for healing and deliverance, thank You Father for provisions and protection, glory be to alone in Jesus Name.

Ancient One, arise take Your place, be enthrone as we honour You again today, Be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Beloved, our God is a kind God. His love is forever sure, He is kind to all that fear His Name. Great is His Name, and He is worthy of our Praise, glory be to Your Name on high. Faithful is His Name, great are His works among all His creation both great and small. What a Name to adore, the Name of Jesus is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and are safe, glory be to His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name.

I believe that by grace of God that the Spirit of God has been ministering grace upon your life as you steadily follow His teaching through the ministration that comes from the throne of grace, alleluia amen!

Beloveth, are ready for today’s empowerment. Well  talking about empowerment reminds me about what you hear from every corner of the road as every section drums on it as they are just waking up from their slumber. Glory be to Jesus, Our Mentor, our Director, Our Keeper, He neither sleep nor slumber, He is all together wonderful, all together glorious.

Yes! The Holy is here again to take you and I to a different level, I hope you are gear towards a change having driven on this altitude over a week now. The Word of God that came to us this month is not what we will can achieve scratching and flapping like chickens in the barn yard (we might be talking about this if God gives us the grace to minister on it). The command we were given is such that we must be involved in. The command given to Noah was a direct command. It was addressed to him and his household to go forward and be fruitful.

You cannot slothful and be fruitful at the same time, you cannot exhibit an indolent attitude and be progressive. No, the two does work together. So by the injunction given to us, we are expected to go into combat with anything that is hindering us form moving forward. Often time many people are hindered by self, such as attitude, lack of discipline, indecisions, self-dependant and selfishness.

None of these will take us through journey ahead of us. God Word is without doubt, we must therefore get involve. If you have to learn one more thing that will help you in your onward movement, don’t sit around with every excuse you can, rather pray that God will direct you to people who will be willing to take you through it. Often time it will come free or may not be so involving as you envisage. I am a product of what I am telling you, is not a teaching from the blue rather is a personal testimonies usually called unusual grace and favour from above.

That is why we are encouraged to be involving in God’s vineyard that which you cannot pay for, the Lord will always reward you as a wage from your labour in the vineyard, can I hear a believing amen!

When the Israelite was confounded in the bible story in our today’s bible text, for forty days no one could go up to meet Goliath. Like chicken they were scratching and flapping round the barnyard. Like wonder why David’s Father had to send him to check on his brothers.

Incidentally, the roaring lion was at it again, threatening God’s people as it has become a morning and evening dose. David has a stirred in his heart. He felt the insult was not for his brethren but against God. He quickly went into findings what was at stake for such an adventure because it was one.

Having satisfied the King that he can give it shot, he made a move, he ran against the uncircumcised philistine in no other Name but the Name of Jehovah, the God of war and he defeated Goliath with the first stone. Wow! Bravo, someone will say at the end of this story but remember he did not sit around and complain all over. He could not even wear the armories that were given to him by the King rather he went with Jehovah’s Name and he was a winner.

Beloved, is your Spirit ministering to you as mine is. We have sit around for so long, the Word that is coming to encourage us to take a step forward and that is beginning of our victory, it might not be all smooth as we can also see as it was with David but in spite of the obstacle David move forward in fact he ran against him, he gave no room for any whispering from his friends or family members as you also know that his brothers complained.

He was ready to defend not his people but God’s Name. Is possible you are reading this piece and you know of a brother or a sister or a family that satan or any uncircumcised philistine are troubling but you kept quite over it and do nothing. Some even go as far as praying in this manner “thank God I am not the one.” The Lord is watching you and He is expecting you like David to rise and defend His Name with what He has entrusted in your care for such a time like this. Remember the Lord will require from your hand the souls you are suppose to save but fail to either by commission or omission.

Beloved, we need to be optimist in life both spiritual and physical to be an overcomer. The devil must not overwhelm us with the obstacles he is throwing on our path to success. We must talk to God about it as we were admonished to do yesterday and also work as if it depends on our work to succeed. God will never over look you when you are obeying His command to work both in his kingdom and in your secular.

We will never give up. Am sure am here mostly for those who has done all they think they can do and yet it looks hard to get up and get going. Listen the Lord is not unmindful of you. He knows your pain and sorrow, your weaknesses and limitation but all He requires of you is to look up and look steady unto Jesus through the scripture, also pray fervently and you will hear a voice behind you in due time that will tell you “to go this is the way” (Isa 30:21).

I am a partaker of God’s direction in my facets of my life so is real, our God is able to do it for you all that I cannot do. So hold on to His hand and He will lead the way, don’t die giving excuses rather with prayers Jesus will hand you over the key to your breakthrough (Pro14:23; Isa 48:12;Isa 30:1-7).

Don’t forget about Peter’s experience with Jesus, he did all he could all to no profit but when Jesus step out of his boat after using it to teach the Word of His Father, He did not leave Peter empty, He paid him handsomely through an uncommon means not known to men as at then. Please put your hands together for our Jesus Christ, He is the beginning and the End. He is Alpha and Omega, My Beginning and my End. Wow!

I don’t know where you are being cut in the web of life or where you got stuck but listen, the Holy Spirit is in house to help you. Jesus gave us this promise and it was fulfilled in the upper room during the Pentecostal day, while they were praying, and we have been thought to pray through the Holy Ghost, beloved you must not be left behind. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you out especially those areas you are weak and vulnerable, He will surely do that because He must do the bidding of Master, Jesus Christ.

Are you truly stirred up in your Spirit, then come along for more:

David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with a dagger, spear, and sword, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel’s armies—you have defied Him. Today, the Lord will hand you over to me.”—1 Samuel 17:45–46a


David was certainly an optimist! Regardless of his circumstances, David could always see God’s activity! A pessimist focuses on the problems, concentrating on the reasons why something cannot be done. The optimist sees those same problems, but he sees them from the perspective of God’s presence.

David was just a young boy when he faced Goliath, an intimidating veteran warrior who frightened even the bravest Israelite soldier. As he prepared for battle, David saw that Goliath was a giant. He heard his boastful taunts. He could not fail to notice his enemy’s weapons: a sword, a shield, and a javelin. David did not barge into the battle unprepared for a fight. He armed himself with five smooth stones. David was prepared for God to grant him victory with the first stone he hurled at the giant or the fifth. David was ready to accept God’s victory, whether it came easily or with much effort.

Optimists do not ignore the difficulties, they are keenly aware of them. But the knowledge of God’s presence prevents them from becoming discouraged or giving up. It is impossible to stand in the presence of God and be a pessimist!

The account of David and Goliath vividly pictures the source of the Christian’s faith—not our own size, strength, or resources, but the power of almighty God. If we focus on our opposition and problems, they will seem gigantic. But as we focus on God, we will see our situation in the proper perspective and be assured that all things are possible with God (Phil. 4:13).

We must not at anytime go out unprepared, there are basic preparedness require of us in every adventure therefore get it however there are some we will acquire while on the line of duty, that you must also learn. Apply discipline to life and work ethics and you will bring glory to God as David did. Remember, the Holy Spirit is our helper. Praise the Lord!

“The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost.” John 14:26


This age is peculiarly the dispensation of the Holy Spirit, in which Jesus cheers us, not by His personal presence, as He shall do by-and-by, but by the indwelling and constant abiding of the Holy Ghost, who is evermore the Comforter of the church.

It is His office to console the hearts of God’s people. He convinces of sin; He illuminates and instructs; but still the main part of His work lies in making glad the hearts of the renewed, in confirming the weak, and lifting up all those that be bowed down. He does this by revealing Jesus to them.

The Holy Spirit consoles, but Christ is the consolation. If we may use the figure, the Holy Spirit is the Physician, but Jesus is the medicine. He heals the wound, but it is by applying the holy ointment of Christ’s name and grace. He takes not of His own things, but of the things of Christ. So if we give to the Holy Spirit the Greek name of Paraclete, as we sometimes do, then our heart confers on our blessed Lord Jesus the title of Paraclesis. If the one be the Comforter, the other is the Comfort.

Now, with such rich provision for his need, why should the Christian be sad and desponding? The Holy Spirit has graciously engaged to be thy Comforter: dost thou imagine, O thou weak and trembling believer, that He will be negligent of His sacred trust? Canst thou suppose that He has undertaken what He cannot or will not perform? If it be His especial work to strengthen thee, and to comfort thee, dost thou suppose He has forgotten His business, or that He will fail in the loving office which He sustains towards thee?

Nay, think not so hardly of the tender and blessed Spirit whose name is “the Comforter.” He delights to give the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Trust thou in Him, and He will surely comfort thee till the house of mourning is closed for ever, and the marriage feast has begun.

Are you here with me, are  you truly comforted (scour) by the comforter (Holy spirit) with the promised comfort (Jesus Christ). Remember the effectually fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. So don’t be discourage, Jesus is working out His promises and your desires you entrusted in His Hand so you must patient to possess it. (I wish I can share a testimony of that a sister shared with me yesterday how she got disappointed by landlord where she supposed to pay for a flat, on the same day they collected money from someone else. She went home crying and was later taken to another house that was better than the flat but at that moment she did not understand what the Lord was doing until one day the Holy Spirit stirred her to pick up the paper where she wrote down everything she desired in her new house.

Beloved, do you know that everything she wrote down from the color of the paint to the floor and a massive room was what was in the second flat package, so God let her got disappointed so that she will enter into her desired place because His Name is at stake having prayed in Jesus Name, maybe that is what God is doing with you so hold on and keep believing Him while you are diligent in what you are presenting doing.

The Lord will perfect all that concerneth you, prayerfully enter into it and be fruitful according to the Lord’s command. Praise the Lord!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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