Glorious God… Beautiful King…Excellent God we bow before the Throne…we bow before the Throne we worship at Your feet… we bow before the Throne You are my Excellent God…// Who is like unto Thee O Lord… Who is like unto Thee… O Lord.. among the gods… Who is like Thee.. You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia…
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Name, we worship and adore Thou Holy Name.. O Lord who is like unto Thee our Father… there is none like Thee… Excellent is Your Name…Rise O! Lord let thou enemies be scattered… Thank You for another opportunity in Your Presence glory and honour belongs to You O Lord in Jesus Name…
Eternal Rock of Age… The God that answereth by fire…The Mighty Man in battle… Alleluia…Alleluia… Come down and bless us today as we pray… As we lift our voice in worship… let Your Glory fill this place… Let Your power manifest in our midst… and lift every burden off our shoulder… every evil load drop off our shoulders by fire in Jesus Name…
Beloveth…Excellent is our God… Wonderful is His Name… How Great is our God… If you excited as I am thing morning shout alleluia!!!!!!
Beloveth… what do you understand by Spiritual Smugness and Dry Rot? Beloveth… The psalmist said that He was glad when they say let us go to the house of God… same him said I will rather be a door keeper in God house … that is fellowship… little wonder He became a man after God’s heart… and in the course of his fellowship with God His Father.. he wrote so many psalms in worship of Him… Abraham has a wonderful relationship with God… which is very contagious… He raised so many altar for God in worship in return of His numerous blessings upon in His life…. Jacob also enjoined a vibrant with God and as result many altars we raised for God’s worship…
Beloveth can same be said of you… is your prayer altar on fire or is covered with ashes… The purposes God created man was for fellowship… but man left the essence of his existence and fellow vanity…
Beloveth… may it not said of you that you faint in the place of prayer… may it not said that you are weak, beloveth… rather let your worship time be a time of encounter… like Jacob and Abraham testified in Jesus Name….
Root out every spiritual smugness and dry rot in Jesus Name… come along with us for more:
Spiritual Smugness And Dry Rot
A smug faith dulls the spirit and closes the door to intimacy with God.
The twin sins of pride and lust severely hobble the best among us.
Listen to Blaise Pascal:
“You wanted to make yourself your own center and do without [God’s] help. You withdrew from [His] rule, setting yourself up as [His] equal in your desire to find happiness in yourself. And [so He] abandoned you to yourself…
“Your chief maladies are the pride that withdraws you from God, and the lust that binds you to the earth… We are in fact so vile that, left to ourselves… are incapable of knowing [or] reaching Him.“
I am reminded of the self-satisfied religious professional who stood in the temple and rehearsed to God his spiritual attainments — and went away empty. By contrast, the tax collector, cowed by his wretchedness, beat his breast and muttered “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” And God heard his prayer. (Luke 18:9-14)
Pride — Assuming the mental posture that “I‘ve got it figured out. I can pull this off on my own.“
Lust — Failing to reign in our wandering eyes, unchecked imagination, and self-indulgence.
So… let me ask you:
Are you smugly satisfied with your spiritual attainments? With your spiritual life?
Or are you profoundly aware of and grieved over your need for more of God?
“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise… Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Psalm 51:17; Matthew 5:3, 4)
If you are spiritually satisfied, it is my guess that you probably have too high a view of yourself and too low a view of God. Isaiah addresses our spiritual dry rot in stating,
“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” (Isaiah 30:15b)
QUESTION: Into which camp do you fall: Spiritual dry rot? Or profound awareness of an inner need?
Beloveth let us pray that God will let down fire as of the day of Pentecost… Yes! Let our spiritual life ignite fire… that will break every chain… slavery and demonic bondages, pride and lust in Jesus Name…
We are set free in the place of prayer… Father help us to pray… Rom.8:26Father make our life a place of Praise and not pain in Jesus Name… destroy every form of laziness in our personal life in Jesus Name…
Let us pray… we receive answers in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Further Reading- Ps.49:9, 1Jn.2:28, Matt.4:10, Ps.119:173, Ps.85:6, Isa.40:11, Phil.2:13, 1Cor.8:1, Rev.3:19
Remain blessed in the Lord.