Lord You are so good… Lord You are Wonderful… My God You are Excellent… Excellent is Your Name… Excellent is Your Pwer… Lord You are Wonderful … my God You are Powerful…// I will exalt You Lord.. for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus…x2
How Excellent are You Lord… for Your mercies enduerth forever… O Lord show us mercy… Is only You Father… Is only You O Lord that can do what no man can do… arise O Lord show us mercy as we come to the Mercy Seat … through prayer… Look down with pity upon us and let Your hand of mercy touch us from the crown of our head to the sole of our feet… let Your mercy flow… down like the oil on the Aaron beads down to his feet… we call You O Lord that showeth mercy… let Your mercy speak Now in Jesus Name…
Beloveth, good morning… how are doing today… we are at altar of mercy this morning and mercy will speak forth for us… and establish us Amen!!!… Yes what are those things You are trusting and believing God for… beloveth… bring it along and plead for mercy before The Mercy Seat of our God and see God doing it to the glory of His Name Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes… have you fallen from the state of grace like David… The Lord is cleansing you now… no longer will you live in guilt for the Lord has wash you and cleanse you …Amen … Beloveth, are weighed down with loads of guilt of sin… The Mercy of God is reaching out to you now… The Lord is reversing every negativity that is plaguing your life right now in Jesus Name…
Arise into newness… arise to new glory… arise to new faith… arise to a new season of greatness and purpose in Jesus Name… Yes the Lord is visiting that ugly situation(s) and He is turning it around now in Jesus Name… Alleluia… Ehhhh… Alleluia Ehh ehh… I will shout alleluia…alleluia alleluia ehhehehhehe… I will shout alleluia, alleluia… alleluia alleluia ehehehehe…
Come and see the Lord is Good… Come and see the Lord is Good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is Good…
Beloveth… we plead for mercy that enduerth forever to locate that one who is trusting God for miracles… babies, breakthroughs, lifting, establishment, Jobs, life-mate…. Let God of mercy arise and settle this case right now… in Jesus Name…
For the Lord is able to abundantly whatsoever we are believing Him for Amen!!! in Jesus Name…
Come along with us see God’s mercy at work… Amen!!!
Steadfastness, Willingness, And Brokenness
After King David’s tragic liaison with Bathsheba, he cries to God for a spirit characterized by:
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a STEADFAST SPIRIT within me.”
Paul exhibited a STEADFAST SPIRIT as he set his face toward Rome and certain death:
“I only know that in every city the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God‘s grace.” (Acts 20:23, 24)
By way of contrast, Peter reveals his spongy character at Jesus’ arrest as a young woman links him with Jesus. In response, Peter blathers back to her, “Woman, I don‘t know Him.“
“Restore to me the joy of your salvation… grant me a WILLING SPIRIT, to sustain me.“
Remember the father who approached Jesus to heal his son who was afflicted with an evil spirit? In his struggle to believe he exclaims,
“I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24)
Now that is the kind of WILLING SPIRIT — imperfect as it is — that Jesus can work with!
“The sacrifices of God are a BROKEN SPIRIT; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” (Psalm 51:17)
A BROKEN SPIRIT is evidenced when:
- Our ungodly self is slain.
- Our impenetrable hardness is softened, and when
- Our haughty pride is brought low.
In our quest to walk with God, let us join with David in seeking a spirit characterized by STEADFASTNESS, WILLINGNESS, and BROKENNESS.
Yes…as we awaits God’s promise in our lives in this season of new beginning … be broken in your spirit child of God, let us purge ourselves of every guilty… unfaithfulness, sins, that Spirit of God will locate us when God is passing our way… Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
O Lord of infinite mercy… look upon us now and gracious upon us… let the peace locate anyone crying to you now and restore unto him/her whatsoever he/she is trusting you at this moment in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Receive mercy in Jesus Name…. Glory be to God alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth… let us pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Further Reading: Ps.119:63, Rev.15:3, 1Pet.1:16, Heb.8:10, 1Pet.1:3-4, Rom.5:5, Jonah.2:9,Mic.7:7, Eph.2:5, 1Cor.6:17…
Remain blessed in the Lord.