I will lift up my voice, I will joyfully sing not for what You have done but for Who You are, You are the song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to Praise You Lord! He reigns! Jesus reigns, yes He reigns forever more!!!// Glory, glory alleluia! Glory, glory Praise the Lord! Glory, glory alleluia! Glory, glory Praise the Lord. Glory, glory Lord we give glory (we give you glory) We give glory Lord alleluia! Glory, glory Lord You are a mighty God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name! Faithful are You Lord! You are worthy to be Praise. Thank You Father for Your goodness and mercy that enduerth forever more.

Song- You are Lord from beginning to the end there is place for argument, You are God all by yourself… You are God! You are God from beginning to the end, there is no place for argument You are God all by Yourself…..

Yes Lord! You are God all by yourself, thank You for answers to prayers, Thank You for the Great and mighty things You have done, You are doing and you will continue to do in our lives and situation in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, good morning, how are doing today? Hope you are rejoicing in the Lord your Saviour? Praise Jesus! our God is good all the time!

Song- Lord you are good and your mercy is forever alleluia! Lord, You are good and your mercy is for ever alleluia!!!!!!

Beloveth, is another faith clinic Praise the Lord somebody! In His mercy the Lord will teach us from the throne. He will open our eyes of understanding to see Him and learn of Him more in Jesus Name!!!

Faithful is our God! It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassion faileth not. Thank God for upholding us in the midst of our trials and giving us victory wrought by His Hand. Praise the Living Jesus! alleluia!

Our journey of faith is a journey that we must guided with jealousness why did I say that? Sincerely beloved it is only God that keep us in our of our trials and help us to scale through the hurdles that are sets before us.

Like the man that cried out to Jesus as we read in Mk 9:24, cried to Jesus to help his unbelief in same vain we all most cry out to Jesus anytime we are great difficulty, trials, persecutions. Remember Jesus told him “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”

Beloveth, may you never fail in the face of your trials. May the Spirit of God be Present to defend you in the hour of your trials. May He guide you and lead you through the right paths of righteous in the face of dangers in Jesus Name.

Why do we need the help of the Holy Spirit in moments of our trials? Because we are the light of the world, we are Christ Ambassadors. We are light bearers to the fall world. We are the salt of the earth. We are the Redeemed of the Lord. We to show case Christ to the fallen world and as such we cannot afford to lose focus or forget who are in the face of trials.

Satan permute us subtly in areas where you are not strong or weak to resist him, except the Lord is with you and to defend you, beloveth this son of a bitch will have you as a mix meat- God forbid.

If we who are suppose to represent Christ as we should what more can we say to the unbelievers about our God. Iniquities abound even in the church of God, ungodly men are permuting into the house of God and we are standing looking and oftentimes jeer them on, may God have mercy upon his church in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth we must as God for his mercy to keep us strong and faithful up till the end in Jesus Name. Amen! we need to prove all things and hold fast that which is good in Jesus Name (1 Thess 5:21)

Come on for more below:

“Strangers are come into the sanctuaries of the Lord’s house.” Jeremiah 51:51

In this account the faces of the Lord’s people were covered with shame, for it was a terrible thing that men should intrude into the Holy Place reserved for the priests alone. Everywhere about us we see like cause for sorrow.

How many ungodly men are now educating with the view of entering into the ministry! What a crying sin is that solemn lie by which our whole population is nominally comprehended in a National Church! How fearful it is that ordinances should be pressed upon the unconverted, and that among the more enlightened churches of our land there should be such laxity of discipline.

If the thousands who will read this portion shall all take this matter before the Lord Jesus this day, He will interfere and avert the evil which else will come upon His Church. To adulterate the Church is to pollute a well, to pour water upon fire, to sow a fertile field with stones. May we all have grace to maintain in our own proper way the purity of the Church, as being an assembly of believers, and not a nation, an unsaved community of unconverted men.

Our zeal must, however, begin at home. Let us examine ourselves as to our right to eat at the Lord’s table. Let us see to it that we have on our wedding garment, lest we ourselves be intruders in the Lord’s sanctuaries. Many are called, but few are chosen; the way is narrow, and the gate is strait.

O for grace to come to Jesus aright, with the faith of God’s elect. He who smote Uzzah for touching the ark is very jealous of His two ordinances; as a true believer I may approach them freely, as an alien I must not touch them lest I die.

Heartsearching is the duty of all who are baptized or come to the Lord’s table. “Search me, O God, and know my way, try me and know my heart.”

Beloveth, heartsearching is the duty of all who are baptized or who are to come to the Lord’s table, may we not be found unworthy before our Maker, may our wedding garment be clean at all times. May we never soil our hands with unbelief in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, we are worship the Lord our God and only him shall we worship. We are to stand firm in Lord knowing that in all our afflictions he was also afflicted. (Matt 4:10, Isa 63:9).

Beloveth we have the need of patience, that, after we have done the Will of God, we might receive the promise… the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall not have no pleasure in him (May the Spirit of the Lord help us in Jesus Name) (Heb 10:36,38)

Beloveth be strong in the grace that is in Christ… that all the things that thou heard and learn of me thy shall also be faithful to teach others…. that we may not entangle ourselves with the affairs of this life, and displeases Him who chose us to be His soldier, may God help to represent Him faithfully in Jesus Name (2 Tim 2:1-4).

Beloveth, the Christ in us is the hope of glory. He will abundantly bless our provision: and satisfy the poor with bread (Col 1:27, Ps 132:15).

As we obey and serve the Lord; He will defend us with His wings in Jesus Name.

Father we have no power of our own! Help us and delivery us from all trials and evil in Jesus Name!!! may we keep representing well before the fall world in Jesus name. May the defend Your church and keep satan and his cohorts off from it in Jesus Name!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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