Good morning Jesus, good morning Lord, I know You come from heavenly above, the Holy Spirit is on the throne, good morning Jesus good morning Lord. Let the living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my cares and burn unto thee I come. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Calling Him Father, Father, Father, Father, calling Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit.
Our heavenly Father we thank You, we bless Your Name we exalt you forever and ever, O! Lord. Who is like unto thee, matchless Jesus, there is none like You. Thank You for the gift of a new day, a new month, glorious God we bless You forever. Come and have your way in our life, help us to live a life pleasing unto Thee, full of Your will, save us from the works of darkness and destroy every stronghold operating in our life in Jesus Name. Redeem us from every evil work of darkness that Your Name will be Praise forever.
Beloved, how are doing? Hope you enjoyed your weekend? Thank God for His guidance all through the month. He is a wonderful and a miracle working God. Great is His Name forever. We are also rounding off this month and you guess is sure as mine. The ministration has been very impart full and I know that you are blessed and you will not want enjoy the benefits alone or you will endeavour to bring others to it as we were encouraged to do in our last PCL.
Today we will looking at one of the tools satan uses to operate. Strongholds are dangerous weapons the enemy against the children and they are of different types. However what we will be looking at now is the stronghold of sin. The children of Israelites disobeyed God and that opened door to satan to operate in their lives. Leading them to idol worshipping which ignited the wrath of God in their life.
God in many places in the bible warmed us against sins of diverse nature and we must obey Him if we must stay away from the strongholds of satan. Beloved, the glory of God will be bestowed base on holiness and integrity. Are you pursuing holiness and integrity as a way of life? The Holy Spirit of God will help us to live a Holy life pleasing to God.
We have few days to go, endeavour to partake of this month promise and have your life show forth God’s glory, alleluia somebody!
Let read more:
Therefore I also said, “I will not drive them out before you; but they shall be thorns in your side, and their gods shall be a snare to you.” Judges 2:3
God gave the Israelites specific instructions: Drive the Canaanites out of every corner of the land, and obliterate any vestige of their abominable idol worship. This assignment was challenging! Their enemies had formidable chariots. The Canaanites had seemingly impregnable fortresses that were dangerous and difficult to overcome. The Israelites failed to drive all the Canaanites from the land. Much about the Canaanite lifestyle and religion appealed to the Israelites’ sinful nature. Rather than destroying them and their idolatry, Israel compromised. The Canaanites would prove to be a troublesome distraction to the Israelites. Their idol worship would present a constant temptation.
When you became a Christian, God declared war on sin’s strongholds in your life. Sinful behaviors and attitudes were firmly entrenched in your character, but God commanded you to tear them down. The Holy Spirit pointed out areas of your life that were resistant to God’s will. Were you tempted to merely establish a truce rather than obliterating every sin?
Is anger one of sin’s strongholds? If so, it will rise up against you in moments of weakness. Is there a stronghold of lust in your life? If so, you will succumb to it when caught off guard. In careless moments, these strongholds will still tempt you to continue your past sinful behaviors.
Do not underestimate the destructive power of sin. If there are strongholds in your life that you have never defeated, the Holy Spirit is still prepared to bring you complete victory.
Beloved, victorious living is something we must all aspire to live through the help of the Holy Spirit, living above sin and its stronghold is a such victory, we must manifest God’s glory by put away lying, let’s read more:
Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. Ephesians 4:25
Because you are a Christian, your life ought to be permeated with truth. When you were born again, God put the Spirit of truth in you (John 16:13). The Spirit’s role is to guide you into all truth. The Spirit wants to fill your mind with whatever is true (Phil. 4:8). If you allow the Spirit to fill you with God’s truth, you will be truthful in your actions and in your relationships. According to Jesus, this means that your yes will always mean yes, and your no will always mean no (Matt. 5:33–37).
The world considers truth optional. Deception permeates every corner of society because the prince of this world is the author and father of lies (John 8:44). From his first contact with people, Satan has been lying to them and persuading them to live in falsehood rather than in truth.
The world will tempt you to compromise the truth. You may be fooled into thinking that you can accomplish greater good by withholding the truth. That is a demonic deception. You cannot use deception to build the kingdom of God! God refuses to use sinful means to accomplish His holy purposes.
You may be tempted to live a lie by projecting a false image of yourself. Jesus condemned this as hypocrisy (Luke 12:56). When you sin, you will be tempted to conceal the truth; yet only as you confess the truth will you be forgiven and set free (James 5:16). What you say reflects what is in your heart (Matt. 12:34). If your heart is filled with deception, your mouth will speak falsehood. Ask God to permeate you with His truth so that you find falsehood, in any form, abhorrent.
Beloved, we must not play around with sin else we will be bound by satan with stronghold. Let us live and obey God’s instructions as that is the only way to live a victorious live above satan and its agents.
On this note we declare this week open as we go forth in the Lord battles to conquer. Let us pray that this month will end with joy and the new month will open us up to more blessings in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.