You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… We give glory and honour… You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify… // Heavenly race…I no go tire… Heavenly race… I no go tire… Heavenly race … I no go tire by the grace of God… I will never be tired….

Our Father we bow before Thee… we worship Thee… we give You praises… honour to Your Holy Name… O Lord… we glorify Thee… we lift Your Name higher… we give You Praise… be Thou glorify O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name…

I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Father… I will exalt You Jesus… For Thou has lifted me… above my enemies.. Your banner over me is love… I will lift your Name higher……

O Lord I will lift Your Name higher… blessed be Thou Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eternal Rock of ages… hallow be Thou Name… let Thou kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth… Praise the Name of Jesus… alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Glorious God… Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before the Throne … O! Glorious! X2

Beloveth we serving a Living God somebody sing na You oooh.. I serve a Living God Somebody sing na You dey reign… oooh na You dey reign… na You dey reign… Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Our Lord is good; all the time… He is good… Praise the Living Jesus… alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!

Wow! Success has many friends… but failure is an orphan… hummmmh… Nobody wants failure as family… friend… associate… Praise the Name of the Lord… Praise the Lord!

Beloveth… pride like we discussed yesterday… goes with success… nobody take pride in failure…however we must watch how handle success else it will breed pride…

Come along with us to see what success can led to if not handle with caution….

“Success” Is A Seductive Mistress

“Success” does indeed have its rewards. Therefore the temptation to parade the accouterments of achievement in front of others in order to garner their admiration is almost irresistible! After all,

If youve got it, FLAUNT IT!” (But subtly, of course.)

Let’s just admit that it’s hard to be humble when you’re soooo good!

God is not against success. But He is against pride. And the pride that often accompanies our success can indeed be seductive.

Take for example the experiences of:


But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God… ” (2 Chronicles 26:16)


After Rehoboams position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the Lord.” (2 Chronicles 12:1)


Jeshurun grew fatfilled with foodheavy and sleek. He abandoned the God who made him and rejected the Rock his Savior.” (Deuteronomy. 32:15)

Because “SUCCESS” IS A SEDUCTIVE MISTRESS we would be wise to heed sage old King Solomon — who himself was seduced by his success — when he prayed:

Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, Who is the Lord? Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.” (Proverbs 30:8, 9)

QUESTION: How well are you handling your “success” in the eyes of the Lord Jesus?

  • Is He pleased as He observes you, His humble, self-sacrificing, and gracious servant? Or:
  • Is He grieved by a pride-ridden life that is locked on to spiritual cruise-control?

Beloveth… pride is dangerous… success can breed pride if care is not taken… the might had fallen, we must not fall into the same trap… seek God in everything and make Him the head … God over everything… Call on the Holy Spirit to help you…

Further Reading- Jas.1:21, Prov.15:29, Jas.4:6, Phil.3:8, 1Pet.2:6, 2Kin.17:39, 2Thess.3:3, Ps.119:105.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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