You are the Lord that is Your Name… You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody… Almighty God that is Your Name….// Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before Thee…2x
Our Father we bow down before Thee, we glorify Your Holy Name… we adore Thee we give You Praise… Glory Alleluia!! Wonderful is Your Name… Glorious is Your Name…. Excellent is Your Name… Almighty God … The One Who is and will yet come… we worship and adore Your Holy Name… Thank You… Ancient of Days… be Thou exalted O! Lord… forever and ever in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
O! See what the Lord has done… O see what the Lord has done…what I waited for… has come to pass.. See what the Lord has done… what I waited for has come to pass Ohhh… See what the Lord has done…
Thank You Father for taking me through and making me stronger than when I first began… in Jesus Name… Amen!!! and I believe someone is saying this same prayer with me… you are better than when you first began your Christian journey… when you consider where you are now from where you started…you just have to say Thank You Lord… Alleluia!!!
Beloveth… good morning… how is it with you… we are glad to announce to you that “In God there is victory… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia somebody!!!
Yes… the end of the first half of the year is ending and you have questions yet to be answered… You have problems yet to get solution… You have tons of disappointments and you are asking “Where is the God of Jeshua” beloveth… The God of Jeshua is still alive… He is our Ever-Present Help in hour of need… Praise the Name of the Lord!!!
Beloveth… we serve a God that cannot fail… The God Who is Faithful… even when all around you is failing; God will stand through with you… even if you are not seeing Him… He is seeing you and makes you to be at peace in the face of storm… O God is Good… He is Jeshua… He fights all our battles… and He wins all our war… Praise His Name forever…
Beloveth… our topic today is just a quick one a follow up to the last PCL we held on Friday … we are called to have a meaningful impact in others Yes! that is what our God… wants from us…
Interesting we have factors that can affects our walk with God… like we will later read as it happened to the son of God… who made up of his mind to go on mission for God… before he could step his feet into mission field.. He got rich… then what?
Join us to discover more…
Surviving Prosperity
When I met Jerry he was making preparation to become a missionary pilot. But a sad thing happened to him on the way to the mission field: He got rich.
And turned cool spiritually… married a non-Christian… disavowed the faith… and died a premature death.
Why is it so few believers endure the deadening effects of prosperity upon their soul? My guess is that for every ten who survive adversity you will find one who survives prosperity!
Is it any wonder Jesus made the poignant observation that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God“? (Matthew 19:24)
Let me suggest three reasons why prosperity and spirituality rarely go hand-in-hand:
(1) Because wealth often robs us of our sense of dependency upon God:
“When… your silver and gold increase and all you have is multiplied, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God… You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.‘” (Deuteronomy 8:13, 14, 17)
(2) Because wealth often cools our spiritual fervor by giving us a false sense of well-being:
Of the wealthy Laodicean believers, Jesus observed, “You are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!… You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.‘ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” (Revelation 3:15, 17)
(3) Because wealth usually gives us the option of easy living which is antithetical to Christ’s call to discipleship:
We can effortlessly identify with the musings of the wealthy farmer, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry.” (Luke 12:19)
QUESTION: How are you surviving your prosperity? Is your heart as warmed today toward God as it was in the days when you had little of this world’s material goods and trusted God for your simplest needs?
If you cannot answer that question with an honest “yes,” then there is a pretty good chance that your soul has been seduced by prosperity.
Beloveth, how is it with you… in the place of prosperity… If God blesses you, will you leave Your calling… your ministry.. will you abandon your place of duty and run after riches that has no place in heaven…
Will you avoid the fellowship of the brethren… associations of the believers? Beloveth God is interested in your soul… He does not want your soul to perish… for what shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose your soul?…
Beloveth… our soul is important to God and we must make sure that we don’t offer it to satan but we must stand tall in God’s presence… Praise the Name of the Lord…
On this note beloveth we declare this week and by the grace of God at the end… we will have every cause to worship the Name of the Lord Who faileth not… alleluia!!!
Beloveth… fix your gaze on Christ Who is the Author and Finisher of our faith alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Rev.3:21, Prov.4:23, Ps 8:9, 2Cor.6:18, Jas.2:22, Heb.5:7-8, Ps.119:105.
Remain blessed in the Lord.