Let the Living water flow over my soul… Let the Holy Spirit come and take control… of every situation that troubles my mind…all cares and burden unto Thee I come…// Who has the final say… Jehovah has the final say…x2 … Jehovah turns my life around… He turns my life around… He makes a way where there seems no way… Jehovah has the final say…

Yes Father You have the final say… in my life , family and career and ministry.. What shall render unto Thee… for Your Goodness and Kindness towards me and all that are mine…. Glory, honour, adoration belongs to You Lord… Praise the Name of Jesus

Thank You Father for the grace of another week in Presence… O Lord… Thank You for not letting us down rather You are ensuring that Your uphold Your promises to us…alleluia to the King of kings… the Lord of lords… Great is Thy Faithfulness O Lord… for Your mercy enduerth forever… O Lord Your Word is settle…is settle in heaven…

O Lord… You are Awesome Wonder… Praise the Name of Jesus…

Beloveth…shout alleluia!!! This is the last week in July… Praise the Living Jesus… Faithful is our God… Yes… Faithful is our God… Yes faithful is our God… The Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Rohi, Jehovah Jireh You are Yahweh Jeshua… Jehovah Shalom….My Peace

Beloveth what an amazing experiences as we journey to this part of the month… is been amazing and not once has God failed me and am sure that also your testimonies

Our Father promised us perfection… all round perfection in Christ Jesus… Alleluia!!! and truly He has been doing that all through the way… alleluia!!!

Today, we will considering an important topic “ Taking care of God’s temple… our body… recently a lot has been going on globally against the intent of God from the foundation of the world… some people are deviating from the original intent of God in making man or woman… their heart has been corrupted and twisted… Praise the Lord… and some of us are wondering where is going on … Some are calling themselves mixed-gender they are both female and male… Some who are male now says they feel like being a woman… same with some female saying they are now male….

Interestingly some global leaders are in support of these movement and some of us are still wondering what is going on…

However… we will not deviate from the truth… The Truth… that God man us in His image…in the image of God He created them both male and female… and they two became one… male and female and not male and male or female and female like we have now….or we are seeing in our time… Gen.1:26-27

Beloveth… taking care of your body also includes not violating the law of nature…. Even tattoo is an abomination before God… no child of God… Jehovah.. the Maker of heaven and earth is expected to put tattoo on their bodies whether temporarily or permanent…Lev.19:28… Praise the Name of the Lord….

They have itching ears and could no longer endure sound teaching… O what a world… have you ever imagine how we got here…

You don’t need to go too far… some of our pulpit has been taken over by satan ambassadors… so they preach fallacy instead God sound doctrine as laid down by Jesus and handed over to His disciples in the Living Bible…

The messages coming from some altar are not but demonic… but for the true child of God … The Lord is putting an edge over you… The lots of the ungodly must not rest on the lots of the righteous… Amen!!! Praise the Living Jesus…

We love You and your mercies never end … we will sing the Goodness of God… O! Lord you have been faithful… O Lord You have so so Good… I will sing of the Goodness of God…

Beloveth… be ready always to defend what God put in you… don’t allow any man, idea, or theory to confuse you… you are a child of God… beautifully and wonderfully made…either as a male or female from your mother’s womb… Jer.1:5… stop the evil feelings… is not from God… they are all from the pit of hell… except you are not building for life after here… Life eternal with Jesus… as He promise us…. That is the race I am running… I guess that is your case too…. Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!

Having lay this foundation… we can go further to look another angle of taking care of our own body… as projected by the author… with the events happening at their own time… alleluia….

Come along with us for more:

Taking Care Of God’s Temple, Your Body

In the mid-19th Century the American evangelist, D. L. Moody paid a visit to the renowned English preacher, C. H. Spurgeon. Moody bordered on the obese and Spurgeon enjoyed his pipe. During their visit, Moody gently chided Spurgeon for smoking a pipe. In response, Spurgeon leaned forward, and with a wry smile poked his pipe into Moody’s belly.

Does the Bible address the issue of physical fitness? 1 Timothy 4:8 makes this point:

Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things.” Literally: Physical training has value for a few days, with little application outside its own discipline, while training in godliness has extensive application.

It is interesting to observe that the preponderance of Scriptures dealing with health draw a strong correlation between inner peace and soundness of body. For example:

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” (Proverbs 3:7, 8)

It is difficult however, to imagine Jesus being out of shape physically. Certainly Luke 2:52 gives us a clue as to the balance in His life in the mental, physical, spiritual and social realms:

And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.

As Christ’s Ambassadors, does it not stand to reason that we should take care of His temple in such a way that we are attractive to the people we are attempting to win? Certainly a reasonable, disciplined approach to physical fitness is an appropriate step in that direction.

(2 Corinthians 5:20; 1 Corinthians 3:17; 6:19)

On a personal note: In 1969 I returned from Asia physically shot at age 33. To regain my health I slowly and determinedly involved myself in a swimming program, and have over these years continued to sustain a fairly demanding regimen. I have observed that in my life there seems to be a direct correlation between physical fitness and maintaining a sharp spiritual edge. At age 62, the dividends I’ve reaped from staying physically fit are much more than I could ever have imagined.

QUESTION: What are you doing to maintain your “temple” in a manner that is honoring to God?

Beloveth… if you are here now… congratulations… for the battle is won… no more laziness… no more over indulging ourselves in things that are not profiting to the our bodies… spirit and soul… Praise the Name of the Lord…

As God has promised us perfection… beloveth we must also work in line with the direction of the Holy Spirit so that we will all testify at the end in Jesus Name…

Always remember that you are “A” work in progress… Yes! You must therefore cooperate with the Holy Spirit and it shall be well with you Amen!!!

On this note… beloveth….we declared this week opened and blessed… and at the end we will return with plenty testimonies in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!

Further Reading- 2Tim.2:1, Heb.12:12, Ps.43:3, 1Cor.2:13-16, 1Cor.3:18-19, Joel.2:23, Ps.31:3.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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