Holy, Most Holy, is the Lord (3x). Let everything that has breathe praise the Lord and let the living rejoice, let everything has breathe praise the Lord!
Father, we thank You, we bless your Name, we glorify You, we give You praise, we adore You, we honour You, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever in Jesus Name.
Thank You for the beginning of another week. We are grateful and we come to You with a heart full of gratitude. Thank You Father, for only the living can praise the Lord, and thank God I am a living being. Praise God.
Beloved, are you praising God with me? Are you worshiping the King of glory with me? Do not let situation weigh you down rather take up praise to level down every thought that is making itself mightier than God, praise God!
Begin to take captive everything surrounding you that wants you to bow down in fear and belittle your God. A song writer in his song sang “I believe in a lie…, I belittle my God” (Don Moen).
Yes sometime in our life we are confronted with the reality of our situations and this believing God and trusting Him looks more like a mirage than reality. I want you to know that God does not operate in the reality of your situations neither He does not operate in the facts of you situations rather God operates in His potency.
He is God and He remaineth God, nothing whatsoever can change it, not even your doubt. Why am saying this, this not faith clinic day. Yes, I know but there need to pass this across today as we step into the second week of month so that we get ourselves align with what and where the Spirit of God is leading us. Watch out as we will continue with this on Thursday.
Beloved, today we have a duty to perform. A call to take responsibility of our actions and inactions. No more making defenses for our failures. Yes! No more excuses. Is someone agreeing with me? If we don’t take responsibility, we will continue to go in a circle other than moving forward.
As the year is taking off we need to remind ourselves of this important decision so that at the end of the year, we all will be true manifestation of what God have promised us in the beginning.
Great danger is the act of ‘irresponsibility’ and God does not want irresponsibility children as His children. Come with me as we consider the message below, their excuses were not tenable before God, so learn from it before it will be late for you:
Taking Responsibility
Then the man replied, “The woman You gave to be with me—she gave me [some fruit] from the tree, and I ate.”—Genesis 3:12
Adam and Eve did everything they could to avoid taking responsibility for their sin. Adam blamed his wife: “She gave me of the tree.” He even pointed an accusing finger at God, saying it was “the woman, whom You gave me.” Eve blamed the serpent saying: “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” God ignored their excuses and announced the judgment they would face as consequences for their disobedience.
One of the dirges of mankind is that we refuse to take responsibility for our actions. We want to blame others for our problems: Our parents did not raise us well; our friends let us down; our pastor was not a good enough preacher; our children are rebellious; our employer is not sensitive enough; our spouse is not understanding; there is not enough time in the day . . . the excuses are plentiful! Yet forgiveness and restoration cannot happen until we accept full responsibility for our actions.
An obvious indication that we have not genuinely repented is that we make excuses for our sinful behavior. Nowhere in Scripture does God excuse one person’s sin because of someone else’s actions. If we make a habit of blaming others for our failures, we will not reach a point of honest repentance. God will hold us accountable for our own actions, not others (2 Cor. 5:10). Strive always to acknowledge and take responsibility for your own sins. It will free you to receive God’s forgiveness and to press on to spiritual maturity.
As we stepping into that reality, it is good for us to know that we need purity of heart and life to access all the promises of God to us. We take responsibility to live worthy before God. We must purify our heart as we encounter God and we take responsibility to live as a child of God by surrendering our lives to God and as we do that all the debris in our lives will be purge by God and our parched land shall be become a pool (Isa 35:7). Come along dear, let’s discover more:
Purity of Heart and Life
“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” Matt. 5:8
Purity, even purity of heart, is the main thing to be aimed at. We need to be made clean within through the Spirit and the Word, and then we shall be clean without by consecration and obedience. There is a close connection between the affections and the understanding: if we love evil, we cannot understand that which is good. If the heart is foul, the eye will be dim. How can those men see a holy God who love unholy things?
What a privilege it is to see God here! A glimpse of Him is Heaven below! In Christ Jesus the pure in heart behold the Father. We see Him, His truth, His love, His purpose, His sovereignty, His covenant character, yea, we see Himself in Christ. But this is Only apprehended as sin is kept out of the heart. Only those who aim at godliness can cry, “Mine eyes are ever towards the Lord.”
The desire of Moses, “I beseech thee, show me thy glory,” can only be fulfilled in us as we purify ourselves from all iniquity. We shall “see him as he is”; and “every one that hath this hope in him purifieth himself.” The enjoyment of present fellowship and the hope of the beatific vision are urgent motives for purity of heart and life. Lord, make us pure in heart, that we may see Thee!
Is someone making that confession right now? If you want to see the promise of the year fulfilled in your life beloved, you must have a pure heart; you must live a pure life.
As we walk through this week, may God make this virtue a reality in our lives in Jesus Name! keep a date with us and you will bless
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu