Great is Thy faithfulness… Great is Thy Faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see…all I have needed Thy hand has provided!!! Great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto…// Come Holy Spirit we need. Come Sweet Spirit we plead… Come in your Strength and Your Power… Come, in Your own special way…..

Our Father, we come to Hallow Your Name once again for the Great and Mighty things You have done… You are doing… and You will yet do … glory be to Your O Lord!… Alleluia to the King of kings… the Lord of lords…the I Am that I Am… blessed be Thy Name forever and ever Amen!!!

He is alive forever! He is alive… Jesus is alive forever! He is alive Amen!!! …. Sweet Jesus… Sweet Jesus how Wonderful You are… You are brighter than the morning star…. You are fairer…. More fairer… than the lily that grows by way…. You are Precious… More precious than gold….

Accept our worship Father… do that which only You can do in our life this week and let Your Name alone be glorify again and again in Jesus Name….

Beloveth… Praise the Lord… our month of Divine Encounter… yes it is running so fast… by the grace of God we are must have and encounter that will impact in our generation years after we are gone in Jesus Name… yes the Spirit through the ministration of this month will rescue many from hell… deliver the oppressed, deliver destinies, enthrone many, open flood- gates of heaven, put His seal on many in Jesus Name…. who will do all that…. Jesus…. The Name above all names…. Praise the Living Jesus…. Alleluia.

This series would have come up last week Monday… Sunday before being the Pentecost Sunday… But you know what…. We have to take time to introduce the theme of the month to aid our understanding about what God is about to do in our lives and situations this month…

The Pentecost… what is the Pentecost…… Pentecost in Hebrew is called the Shavout…usually in the Bible days celebrate as a thanksgiving to God for the first-fruit of wave offering… later it was celebrated or associated with the remembrance of the law given to Moses by God at mount Sinai… in Lev. 23:15-16… It is called feast celebration … for seven weeks they will not do any servile work (vs.21) that is why it is called the feast of weeks…

Today by the grace of God we celebrate the Pentecost which is the 50th day after resurrection of Christ as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Apostle of our Lord Jesus… and Jesus told them, “do not leave Jerusalem until you are endue with power….” Beloveth… that power was bestowed on them when they came for celebrate of the Pentecost in Jerusalem and all the Jews that dwells in Jerusalem and others  came to the tent were they were and was perplexed.… hearing them speaking in their languages… It was a great impact in the lives of the disciples… The resultant effect of this Great outpouring on the disciples is that Peter who was once timid before a maid stood boldly before the rulers of the people, elders of Israel and spoke boldly about Christ whom they crucified … and there were harvest of soul first three thousand (3000) and another five thousand (5000) believers were added to the kingdom of God… (is someone catch the move of the Spirit)… (Acts 2:41, 47; 4 :4)

Peter became bold and taught the gospel of our Lord Jesus with boldness… Someone is having a fresh encounter that will enthrone you… make you bold…. Give you financial freedom to impact the kingdom… give you utterance that will liberate and deliver the oppressed… beloveth…. you are having an encounter that will move you forward… uplift you and establishing the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ…. Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia…..

You are an overcomer; Jesus overcame for you…. therefore you will overcome… all the temptations, hindrances, obstacles… that is coming your way and establishes the kingdom of God and make you an instrument of honour in Jesus Name…

Jesus overcame all His temptation; you will not be consumed in Jesus Name… with an encounter with the Holy Spirit you will overcome dearly beloved….

Come along with us for more:

For since He Himself was tested and has suffered, He is able to help those who are tested.—Hebrews 2:18

You will never face a temptation so strong that God has not made complete provision for you to overcome it. God, out of His love, has done everything necessary for you to be victorious whenever you face temptation. He has clearly revealed His will to you in Scripture so that you will not be confused about the right thing to do.

He has placed the Holy Spirit within you to guide you in your decisions and to convict you when you make harmful choices. With every temptation God also provides a way of escape so that you never have to yield to it (1 Cor. 10:13). Everything is in place for you to experience victory over every temptation.

God in His infinite love, however, has done even more to safeguard you from temptation. He has allowed Himself to suffer the full brunt of temptation. The very Son of God humbled Himself, taking on all the limitations of frail human flesh, and was tempted in every way that we are.

Jesus knew what it was like to grow tired, to be hungry, to experience the same limitations we have; yet He was without sin. It is to this One that we turn when we are facing temptation. Ours is not an unsympathetic God who is unconcerned with our struggle to live righteously, but we follow a God who knows how difficult it is to resist sin and withstand temptation.

We can approach Christ with confidence, knowing that He understands our plight. He knows how to aid us when we are tempted.

You are overcoming all your temptations in Jesus Name… with the help of the Holy Spirit…. You are an overcomer in Jesus Name… you will fall by the way side… You will faultier… you will fail in Jesus Name…. God endowing you with power from on high… and you will overcome all that have hitherto hindered you to live gloriously, righteously, and powerfully in Jesus Name….

Beloveth… receive the Holy Spirit in your heart today and see you operating in a highly pedestrian in Jesus Name… God is putting His seal upon your life… He is covenanting with you today… you will live for Him and Him alone…. If you have not given your life to Jesus please click here to do so… if you have start rejoicing because you are entering a new season of dominion… yes a new dimension of power is coming upon you… receive it now in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… spend some time with the Holy Spirit if you have receive His outpouring before now but if not start praying… ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you pray… you will receive new tongue don’t be perplexed… keep speaking it and don’t forget you will graduate from this level to another level with the help of the Holy Spirit if you keep faith with Him … Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

God added to the church on the day of the Pentecost for us today aside the celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples like wise we are going to ask God to add to His church through us… we will not be fruitless but fruitful in Jesus Name….

This week is going to be hot and sizzling… so keep date with us as you see a new order taking place in your spiritual life…a dimension of power of the God is coming upon you… dearly beloved…is gonna wonderful and I see a new you emerge in Jesus name.

On this note we declare this week open and blessed… By the Grace of God, we are coming back with many testimonies at the end in Jesus Name…. (Please beloveth, read last Friday ministration by the leading of the Holy Spirit some new teaching was added to it…. Praise the Lord…).

Further Reading: 1Tim.4:16, Gal 1:4, Acts 1:8; 2.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Next articleThe Fruit of the Spirit
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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