Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. Jesus gave me victory, He gave me peace of mind, there is nothing He cannot do, come see the Lord is good.// Let the living Praise the Lord, let the living Praise the Lord. Let the living Praise the Lord, let the living Praise the Lord.

Heavenly Father, we bless and honour faithfulness in the lives of your children. Thank You for Your love and patients towards us your children, faithful are You Lord. You are greatly to be Praise. Thank You for the gift of a new day, a new week, glory be to Your Name on high. Blessed be Your Holy Name on high.

Beloved, how was your weekend? Hope well? Glory to be God on high. Our Father is Eternal and His plans for us is eternal too. Glory be to Him alone. The power of God is unlimited therefore will handle anything irrespective of how and what you may be thinking.

At this first day of the week I have with good news for you. The Lord I should tell someone who is worried, anxiety, weariness, trouble heart, that help is near. All those cares will vanish as the morning comes. Though weep may tarry in the night, your morning comes with sing and rejoicing. Praise the Lord!

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of heart the Spirit is broken (Prov 15:13). Therefore, raise up and sing to the Lord a new song and as you do the sword of victory will move on your behalf and you will break into dancing and rejoicing. I don’t who the Lord is talking to but hear me, you will sing and rejoice. The days of mourning is over; your morning is here this is the Word of God to you this day.

We have a blessed topic before us today, when the Lord will visit his people with peace they will be comforted. Yes! The tender comfort of the Lord is visiting someone today if you are the one shout a believing alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

The word “comfort” is a word even that gives relief to the hearer. It lifts up the countenance of one who is despondent and brighter the way. The eyes is sparked with light and the head is cleared from the cloudy mind and there is a smile that the mouth witness at such a moment like that make life seem a little pleasant.

Have you experienced what am sharing with you before? How loving are your earthly parents? I had a caring Father and a loving and dutiful mother. I know what parental love is, so it helps me to understand the love of God, I don’t know whether you have experience such in the past and can testify to what am saying?

The comfort that comes from our parents cannot be equal with the comfort of God. Sometime in a distress condition, our sympathizing friends may use the word they think is comforting to us but rather it is hurting and it offering no comfort to our soul. But when God steps in, a Word from Him settles our heart and give us the needed comfort we deserves that will relieve us of the pains of the moment.

Beloveth do you want to experience God’s tender comfort that will settle your pain, assaults and embarrassments forever? Then that is exactly what the Spirit of God is here to do for you this first day of the week and thereby put your feet in auto move and your heart to comprehend those things above an ordinary mind can perceive. Praise the Lord.

The comfort from God shield our heart from torments that comes from fear and anxiety. Do you know that fear not only weaken an individual it also cripples you from being active in your chosen career or profession. When Jesus was in the boat with the disciples and on their way to the other side, the encountered a storm that make them perplexed. They were sorely afraid that they asked Jesus, didn’t thou care that we perish?

They forgot that they were talking to the One Who made the sea and gave its boundaries. Only with  four Word,  the sea remain calm till the crossover.

Beloveth, what is that storm that you are passing at the moment that is terrifying? Jesus is here to calm it for you to cross over. The name of the such condition is not so important but hear me, “the power from on high (God) will rest upon it and that will end it forever in your life in Jesus Name.”

So come along with me as we discover more below:


“As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you.” Isa. 66:13


A mother’s comfort! Ah, this is tenderness itself. How she enters into her child’s grief! How she presses him to her bosom, and tries to take all his sorrow into her own heart! He can tell her all, and she will sympathize as nobody else can. Of all comforters the child loves best his mother, and even full-grown men have found it so.

Does Jehovah condescend to act the mother’s part? This is goodness indeed. We readily perceive how He is a father; but will He be as a mother also? Does not this invite us to holy familiarity, to unreserved confidence, to sacred rest?

When God Himself becomes “the Comforter” no anguish can long abide. Let us tell out our trouble, even though sobs and sighs should become our readiest utterance. He will not despise us for our tears; our mother did not. He will consider our weakness as she did, and He will put away our faults, only in a surer, safer way than our mother could do. We will not try to bear our grief alone: that would be unkind to one so gentle and so kind.

Let us begin the day with our loving God, and wherefore should we not finish it in the same company, since mothers weary not of their children?

When you secure the comfort from God, fear and anxiety will be far from you.

Fear And Anxiety


FEAR and ANXIETY are tormenting and crippling emotions that can plague the soul to its core. In Isaiah 41:10-16, God assures us of hope:

If you feel ALONE or ABANDONED – God promises you His presence:

Do not fear, for I am with you” (vs. 10)

Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.” (vs. 10)

If you feel WEAK or HELPLESS – God promises you His strength:

I will strengthen you.” (vs. 10)

I will uphold you.” (vs. 13)

I will help you.” (vs. 10, 13, 14)

If you feel VULNERABLE – God promises you His protection:

Behold, all those who are angered at you will be shamed and dishonored; those who contend with you will be as nothing, and will perish. You will seek those who quarrel with you, but will not find them, those who war with you will be as nothing and non-existent. (vs. 11, 12)

If you feel ILL-EQUIPPED – God promises to make you into His powerful instrument:

Behold, I have made you a new sharp threshing sledge with double edges: You will thresh the mountains, and pulverize them, and will make the hills like chaff. You will winnow them, and the wind will carry them away, and the storm will scatter them… ” (vs. 15, 16a)

Receive His promises today so that instead of being hobbled by fear and anxiety, you will:

Rejoice in the Lord and (vs. 16)

Glory in the Holy One” (vs. 16)

The danger in seeking relief from FEAR and ANXIETY however, is our tendency to seek the peace itself, rather than the Lord Jesus, the source of peace:

He Himself is our peace” (Ephesians 2:14a)

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to youlet not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” (John 14:27)

Seek Him. Wait upon Him. Cast your burdens upon Him — and inexplicably, your fear and anxiety will dissipate. You will then find yourself alone with the Savior, the “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

From today anything that constitute fear and anxiety ends in your life in Jesus Name. The Lord will bring it to pass and will make you be on top in Jesus Name. Every pessimistic Spirit is ending today in someone’s life in Jesus Name.

Be bold for the Lord for that is the Spirit we receive to call him “Abba Father.” (Rom 8:15). Bring every fearful thoughts under subjection of the Holy Spirit (2Cor 10:5-6; 7-8).

Arise and receive the comfort from above. Step on everything that constitute fear and anxiety in your life, plead the blood of Jesus over your life and you are good to go,

On this note we declare this week open, return at the end with many testimonies in Jesus Name.

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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